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The 7th Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign: War in Lebanon Has Begun

It was seven years ago today that this prophecy recorded by the apostle John, when taken literally and at face value, was fulfilled:

A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth . . . She gave birth to a son, a male child, who ‘will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.’ (Rev. 12:1–2, 5a, NIV)

And today, on the seventh anniversary of the Great Sign, according to a top Israeli defense official, a “Third Lebanon War” has begun (source). Over 800 airstrikes have already been carried out in a period of several hours; cross-border raids have been launched; mechanized forces are congregating at the border in preparation for invasion; and Hezbollah has dramatically expanded its range of rocket and missile attacks to include central Israel. Will the Houthis and Iranian forces sit back while Hezbollah suffers the same fate as Hamas? A whole slew of prophecies quickly come to mind: the cedars of Lebanon will burn (Zech. 11); the bow of Elam will be broken (Jer. 49); Damascus will be utterly destroyed (Isa. 17); and a future confederation with substantial overlap to modern-day Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, and Sudan will be decimated by the God of Israel (Ezek. 38–39).

We ought not miss the forest for the trees either. It was only seven weeks ago that Russia proper was invaded for the first time since World War II, as thousands of Ukrainian troops invaded the Kursk Oblast, just several hundred miles from Moscow. NATO has increasingly authorized strikes directly inside Russia and the prospect of a multi-front, worldwide conflict increases by the day.

Meanwhile, astronomers around the world are anticipating the imminent appearance of a super-bright star, this month or next, in the constellation Corona Borealis; this is a rare and periodic event that last occurred in 1946, the year of Donald Trump’s birth and two years prior to the rebirth of Israel.

And something else quite significant happened just yesterday: the United Nations signed its monumental globalist power grab, the Pact for the Future, after nine months of negotiations. You can read the full document here. It notably includes an entire section on “Peace and Security” and a process to begin reforming the Security Council—the real organ of power in the United Nations. Prophecy watchers have long expected that a removal of the veto power, and an expansion of permanent seats to ten, could be a potential fulfillment of the ten horns that give their power to the beast (see Action 39 D, E, and G in the Pact).

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    The Star of Jacob 💫🇮🇱 will appear on the 28th of September!

    “In the middle of the world, when that star will shine in the middle of the Firmament, then Mashiach will be revealed to the entire world”

    The world will wake up to the world-changing war described in Psalm 83 anyday now! A war with Hezbollah would broaden the fighting in a way that will make the current war in Gaza look like a minor dust-up!

    We are days if not hours away from full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah along with the rest of the Iran's proxies!

    🇮🇱🇮🇷🇸🇾 US officials fear an imminent war is just mere days or even hours away between Israel and Hezbollah!

    🇮🇱 IDF Chief of Staff Halevi "We are fighting on multiple fronts in Gaza, the north, Yemen, Iraq and Iran"

    🇮🇱🇮🇷 Hezbollah launches Fajr 5 missiles in major retaliation against Israel, strikes deepest since 2006!



  2. Now 1,100 strikes since just this morning when the war began. Almost hard to imagine.


  3. The heavenly happenings as the 7th Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign is commemorated and the Hebrew Year 5784 comes to an end are piling up marking this time in history as unparalleled, rare, unprecedented, and once-in-a-generation, perhaps even once-in-a-millennium:

    • September 17-18, 2024, Rare Harvest Blood Supermoon
    • Two moons will be visible from end of September through November 2024
    • Blaze Star to go nova in September 2024—The Sign of the Crown
    • Pink Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) signals a “Birthing”
    • October 2, 2024, Annular Solar Eclipse on Rosh Hashanah

    And let's not forget all the 2 Moons Rapture Dreams given to fellow believers!


  4. The removal of the veto power of the Security Council will also result in the General Assembly giving the so-called Palestinians their Two State Solution--the key to the door of the Rapture!

    This was signaled by the September 17-18, 2024, Rare Harvest Blood Supermoon which appeared on the Anniversary of the “Framework for Peace in the Middle East”, later referred to as the “Camp David Accords” (see LOOK UP! 2 MOONS RAPTURE SIGN SOON!)

    1. Yes and regarding the 2 states, the Saudis will not join the Abraham Accords without there being a Palestine State. The Saudis hold the worthless heavily indebted petro dollar hostage especially considering the overtures given to them by BRICS. Time for buying & selling in Babylon Sodom USA is running out. Only a matter of time before USA sells out Israel seeking to save their coveted "economy stupid."

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. In response to Sutton's comment, and from a worldly stance, I totally agree with this. And the only hope is to be caught "looking up."

      It's sad just how few actually care though. And that includes most Christians. But I am grateful to have watched all of this alongside the Unsealed membership. God bless you all!



    • The 4 red heifers🐂 without blemish will turn 3 years old by September 2024!

    • The United Nations🇪🇺 'Summit of the Future' will be held on 22-23 September 2024!

    • The 7 year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign💫 is on the 23rd of September 2024!

    • The Star of Jacob⭐️🇮🇱 is to appear on September 28, 2024!

    • The biggest global Stock Market crashes in history have occured in October!📉 A global Economic armageddon is on the cusp, as America🇺🇸🔥which is the leading economy of the world is on the verge of a complete collapse!

    • The Feast of Trumpets is on October 2-3, 2024!🎺

    • The next Plannedemic is already underway! The Covid Plannedemic had started in October 2020!💉☠

    • The world is right at a point of...
    1 Thessalonians 5:3
    For when they shall say, Peace and Safety (ceasefire discussion); then Sudden Destruction (The Rapture, Isaiah 17 and the Psalm 83 War)!

    My Telegram channel:

    My Website : https://www.rapturecountdown.com/

  6. Have been thinking a lot about 7 years fat, 7 years lean as of late. :)


    Prayers for Israel and her people.

    Keep the word, and don't deny His name. Endure patiently.

    🚫 🍇

    🦊 Jack Foxman on the Wall

  7. Forget WrestleMania. It's Rapturemania 24. The World Heavyweight Championship title is on the line!

    Main Event: World Heavyweight Champion Paul "the pre-tribber" Pulansky vs. Challenger Pete "the post-tribber" Polumbo.

    Tag Team Champions The Rowdy Rapturites vs. The Amillennial Antagonists

    Women's World Heavyweight Champion: Pixie "the Rapture Doubter" Pouter" vs. Tootsie "The Taken" Temptress

    Which one will prevail? Which one will leave the ring disgusted and titleless? Tune in to find out!

    Pay Per View: $77.77
    Tickets: $177.77


  8. We've yet to see the third of the stars flung to earth by the dragon's tail. It should be as obvious as the first great sign 7 years ago and it should happen within the next 10 days or so. I'm guessing the sun will release a plasma filament directly towards us or something like that but when it comes, it's time!

    1. We watched for that here at UNSEALED.ORG seven years ago during a meteor shower and it was a very heavy one too. A potential candidate for that Scriptural event. The details evade me at the moment but we were watching that closely around here. A potential box checked.

    2. I still think those stars may be fallen angels, ejected from their positions of power in the heavens. We may not be able to see them, but we have seen a huge surge of UFOs, wars, mental illness, and depravity.

    3. These things are Biblically documented as being seen with heavenly eyes. Eyes opened. I have difficulty believing that ET comes all this way across time and space and the space between spaces to crash in a farmer's field on Earth. The War in Heaven is a VERY real thing and spilling over into our temporal space.

      When they (fallen) come down; we go UP!!!

    4. Now, what we saw over Jerusalem today could be interpreted as a third of the stars flung to the earth by the dragon's tail!


    We just saw the feast of new oil followed by ten (10) days run-up to the Fall Feast of Remembrance/Feast of Trumpets on the Essene calendar. A time marked with a widely visible penumbral lunar eclipse (dipped in blood) on the day when the gates of Heaven are said to be opened. The Feast of Trumpets is followed by ten more days, of awe, with those ten days very emblematic of the ten virgins, waiting for the Groom; the five foolish virgins reminiscent of the five foolish churches discussed in (Revelation 2-3).

    Essene Yom Kippur is almost here and we have,

    1. A second moon entering Earth orbit on Yom Kippur
    2. A promising naked eye observable comet approaching Perihelion on Yom Kippur
    3. Potential stellar nova in Corona Australis
    4. The eighth named hurricane impacting the Gulf of Mexico/US on Erev Yom Kippur
    5. Heightened war against Hezbollah by Israel on Yom Teruah
    6. Heightened war in Russia by Ukraine on Yom Teruah

    *IF* what Pastor Phillip Barnett has shared about nuclear war happening on 11/11 of a future year -- and *IF* that were to happen in 2024, then we're in the window of time that he indicated that the harpazo would happen.

    Remember, Yom Teruah is seen as the opening of the gates of Heaven while Yom Kippur is the closing of those gates with the ten days of awe between them. Yom Kippur is not only a day of atonement (covering); but a day of judgment. Judgment Day. The day when the gates of Heaven are closed for another year at the twinkling of an eye. At sunset. The evening when the last trumpet is blown and the picture of when the wise virgins entering the wedding feast comes complete.

    What of the foolish virgins? They are shut-out and left behind for it is the inhabitants of the Earth that will face the testing and trials of the time to come.

    *IF* you knew that this weekend was it and that we were all going Home...how would that inform the way you live life today? How would it inform your tomorrow? Important questions to consider if to be a wise steward of the talent (good news) given you by God.

    Grace and peace to you.





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