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We believe that in these last days the Lord desires for His Church to be spiritually awake and watchful for His coming.  Signs are everywhere, and there is no longer any excuse not to speak out, wake up His people, and warn the world.  We believe that if you want to see prophecy fulfilled, just look at the daily headlines.  Once thought confusing and archaic, scriptures from Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Matthew, Revelation, and other books of the Bible have become a daily reality for millions of people.  The vivid prophetic descriptions contained in these ancient passages appear to have immense explanatory power for current events we now see unfolding everywhere.

Unsealed.org features world news, Christian news, and prophecy updates, all pointing to the imminent return of Jesus Christ and the end of the age.  Our name comes from Revelation 22:10, which says “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.”  We believe that mankind is now living in the final generation before Jesus returns and the signs are obvious.  The prophetic words contained in the Bible are being unsealed before our very eyes.

Unsealed.org is a free news service that provides biblical and prophecy-related content with the critical mission of alerting the Church to the nearness of end time events while simultaneously sharing the Gospel of grace with the lost.  Reaching upwards of 300,000 unique readers monthly with the Gospel and biblical truth, Unsealed is rapidly expanding its readership and is now ranked #1 on Google and Bing.  Our website is completely advertisement free and we are committed to staying that way.  None of our contributors profit financially from this ministry and our intention is to teach and share freely in accordance with Matthew 10:8, 2 Corinthians 2:17, and 1 Timothy 6:3-10, which is purely for the edification of the Body of Christ and to reach those who have not yet come to a saving knowledge of the truth.  If you believe in our vital mission please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry financially.

100% of your proceeds will go to marketing, outreach/evangelism, and website administration costs for Unsealed.org and our partner ministries God’s Song and CCC.

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