Featured Articles

Man Murders Good Samaritans

Man Murders Good Samaritans

Stranded motorist shoots a family who stopped to help him because daughter laughed at him.  ( read more ) Genesis 6:5  The LORD saw how gr...
Looks like Psalms 83 is coming

Looks like Psalms 83 is coming

Israel has attacked Syria and Lebanon.  Considering attacking Isis in sinai. Link
Tu B'Av News

Tu B'Av News

Today is the 15th day of the month of Av .  A watch day in and of itself.  My money is on big things in September/October, but we are calle...
Church of His Presence: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Church of His Presence: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

This is the most pressing message on Bible prophecy I have ever heard: http://churchofhispresence.org/media/player/series/jonathan-cahn/vi...
Plague in Russia

Plague in Russia

Millions of locusts ABC News
153 Fish

153 Fish

Link - April 20th 2014 (Easter) to September 15th 2015 (2nd day of Rosh) (513 days) 513 days = 360 + 153 360 is one Jewish holy year. ...
Mark Biltz on types, shadows and dates

Mark Biltz on types, shadows and dates

News: 7/29/15

News: 7/29/15

L.A. Marzulli is definitely on to something: see here  and also here CNN reports "Extreme Fear" now exists in market Stocks S...
Recap from the past few weeks

Recap from the past few weeks

The End of Christianity in the Middle-East

The End of Christianity in the Middle-East

Joel Rosenberg New York Times
Dragon cloud in Houston

Dragon cloud in Houston

ABC 13 Houston
Paul Begley prophecy conference

Paul Begley prophecy conference

Texas, Michigan and Pennsylvania (if we're still here). Link  (it's free)
Israeli tensions

Israeli tensions

The world more loudly than ever calls good evil and evil good Isaiah 5:20 (NASB) Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who ...
IDF calls up 1000's of reservists

IDF calls up 1000's of reservists

Jerusalem post - link
Video Roundup: 7/27/15

Video Roundup: 7/27/15

The Temple Institute Announces Completed Plans For Third Temple

The Temple Institute Announces Completed Plans For Third Temple

They are still working on plans for the courts, but the Bible indicates these will not be built.
Prophecy Conference Live Now

Prophecy Conference Live Now

Starts at 6 PM CST. Here is the link: http://tv.churchofhispresence.org/
The Gospel Part 3: Are You Ready To Be A Super Hero?

The Gospel Part 3: Are You Ready To Be A Super Hero?

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done , but because of his mer...
4 horsemen and the 5th seal

4 horsemen and the 5th seal

Interesting take - link
When it Snows in Hawaii... in JULY

When it Snows in Hawaii... in JULY

Yes, that's right folks... it has snowed in Hawaii on Sunday 7/19/15.  ( Read More ) Job 38:22–23: "Have you entered the storehouse...
The World is on Fire

The World is on Fire

The World is on fire:  We see it literally, as fires are raging out of control across the planet.  We see it figuratively in Christian slau...
Swarm of grasshoppers and beetles

Swarm of grasshoppers and beetles

Texas and Oklahoma Link
Commodity prices crashing

Commodity prices crashing

Looks a lot like 2008 around here. One of a host of articles pointing to a major global financial retraction Bloomberg
The Gospel Part 2: You Better Get It Right

The Gospel Part 2: You Better Get It Right

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heav...
All Markets are down

All Markets are down

Every last world market is down. Much concern.  1 spark - pop.
Greg Laurie and Don Stewart

Greg Laurie and Don Stewart

Essentials: basic prophecy overview - link Love these two men.  Students of the great Chuck Smith.
Sanhedrin Calls Obama To Trial On Mt. Zion

Sanhedrin Calls Obama To Trial On Mt. Zion

Not that Obama will acquiesce, but interesting headline and timing (September 9th) nonetheless. See here:  http://www.breakingisraelnews.c...
4.0 quake in San Fran - big one any day

4.0 quake in San Fran - big one any day

Link Read it again!  Wow!  Praying.
World population counter

World population counter

Lots of people on planet earth. No one knows exactly how many. The margins are measured in millions. Of continued interest to me is G...
Bible Prophecy - Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Bible Prophecy - Where the Rubber Meets the Road

I had a conversation with a good friend yesterday who said that even he, who is a skeptic about Bible Prophecy sees that we are living in da...
The Seas Will Turn to Blood

The Seas Will Turn to Blood

Tuz Golu, is a large, saline lake that sits outside the town of Aksaray in central Turkey.  Four days ago, it turned blood red. And I will...
Big Objection #1 to the Rapture of the Church

Big Objection #1 to the Rapture of the Church

There are a myriad of objections that folks will bring up in refutation of the Rapture.  The first is usually, "Well Jesus never spoke ...
Stop helping - EU now turns to the "two state solution"

Stop helping - EU now turns to the "two state solution"

Now that marriage has been fixed and the Iranian nuclear aspirations put in check, by the wise ones of the world, the EU turns it's atte...
Pope Francis Invoking Gaia and Appointing Atheists

Pope Francis Invoking Gaia and Appointing Atheists

Pope Francis declares we can no longer  turn our backs on "Mother Earth".   (read more)   Lest you be confused, "Mother Ea...
satan's continued schemes

satan's continued schemes

From the creation to the present satan has thrown everything he can think of to attack God's plan. A very few examples: Genesis 3 &...
7/19 Prophecy Updates: JD Farag, John Haller & Jan Markell

7/19 Prophecy Updates: JD Farag, John Haller & Jan Markell

Jan Markell with Bill Koenig and Dr. Robert Jeffress
BREAKING: UN Security Council Unanimously Passes Iran Deal

BREAKING: UN Security Council Unanimously Passes Iran Deal

In a 15-0 vote , the U.N. Security Council passed the Iran deal, making the agreement international law. The second sentence of the entire...
Persecution perspectives

Persecution perspectives

The Stream
When they say "Peace and safety" - 1 Thessalonians 5:3

When they say "Peace and safety" - 1 Thessalonians 5:3

Borrowed from Tim at RITAN : Folks… our president will be at the UN on Monday, July 20 at 9 AM EST to present the Iran Nuke deal. The UN ...
21 Years

21 Years

In 1994, a Shemitah year, the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, a very large 3.1 mile-diameter rock slammed into Jupiter .  The main impact created a ...
Prominent Rabbi declares Messiah is returning in September

Prominent Rabbi declares Messiah is returning in September

Moshiach Negeed (Messiah the King / or Prince) link Daniel 9:25 "So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decre...
Big News

Big News

Israeli strike on Iran... now or never LHC discovers 'pentaquark' El Nino 2015 strongest in 50 years Jewish man helps rescue 2...
Worries misguided

Worries misguided

Certainly are lots of people running around telling us that fears and concerns are not true. Why is there so much anxiety?  Why is there ...


From one end of the galaxy to the other, the heaven's declare His glory, majesty, power, wisdom, beauty and love. Psa...
ISIL expanding - how long until Psalms 83?

ISIL expanding - how long until Psalms 83?

How long until ISIL takes over the rest of Syria, Lebanon and takes hold in Jordan? Once the confederation occurs and Israel is attached ...
Damascus in the news

Damascus in the news

Yahoo News - link The warnings continue, straight out of Isaiah 17.  Why should Damascus be on the front page?  It's a lifeless bomb...
Deal With Death

Deal With Death

Adding to Greg's post below, it strikes me that the two biggest "issues" to the world right now are  1. Greece default, and 2....
Iranian nuke deal

Iranian nuke deal

Right on time (9 weeks until the end of Rosh) the world powers (see also, tower of Babel - we can defy God and self govern) have signed a d...
JD Farag: July 12th, 2015

JD Farag: July 12th, 2015

Temple Institute Announcement: Herd of Red Heifers

Temple Institute Announcement: Herd of Red Heifers

On Sunday, the Temple Institute in Israel announced that they are partnering with an Israeli cattle ranch to raise a herd of red heifers .  ...
90 Earthquake swarm - southern california

90 Earthquake swarm - southern california

Link What's next?
Top ten this week

Top ten this week

Iran nuclear deal - fullfillment 9/13?

Iran nuclear deal - fullfillment 9/13?

The never ending delay, stall, compromise just got punted back another two weeks until July 13th. This week we heard that perhaps the dea...
Will the Temple be Rebuilt in Shiloh?

Will the Temple be Rebuilt in Shiloh?

As we've shared, the Temple Institute  has publicized a countdown to a major announcement on Sunday. Yesterday, they shared this picture...
More Persecution (persecutors may soon get their wish)

More Persecution (persecutors may soon get their wish)

Michael Lind writes in Politico :  Every year the Fourth of July is marked by ringing affirmations of American exceptionalism. We are a spec...
Prophecy Fulfilled: Violence Upon the Earth Increases

Prophecy Fulfilled: Violence Upon the Earth Increases

USA Today Reports   that Homicide rates are soaring in major cities across the US. This is in direct fulfillment of "the increase of ...
Iran given half a billion in gold

Iran given half a billion in gold

France not backing down

France not backing down

Apparently reports that France was reconsidering submitting a resolution to the UN Security Council to force a "two-state solution"...
Iran Nuke Deal maybe within hours

Iran Nuke Deal maybe within hours

The Temple Institute's Major Announcement - The Tribulation Temple?

The Temple Institute's Major Announcement - The Tribulation Temple?

As Greg posted a couple of days ago, the Temple Institute is planning a major announcement on July 12th.  God foretold of this when the pro...
John Haller - 7/5/15 The Convergence revisited

John Haller - 7/5/15 The Convergence revisited

Video link Noticed the speed of events lately?  Wow!
3rd Temple

3rd Temple

Wow - Begley
Chinese Stock Market in a Free Fall

Chinese Stock Market in a Free Fall

Today's Headlines and News Brought to you by SkyWatch TV.  Derrick Gilbert and the team at Sky Watch have upped the game in Christian Br...
Dow Closes Down 261... U.S. Market Loses a Further 1.5% in a Day

Dow Closes Down 261... U.S. Market Loses a Further 1.5% in a Day

All this after the NYSE was shutdown for 3.5 hours in the middle of the day .
NYSE Shut Down & All United Airlines Flights Temporarily Halted

NYSE Shut Down & All United Airlines Flights Temporarily Halted

Something big is going on .  The New York Stock Exchange was shutdown due to a supposed "technical glitch" for two hours.  This co...
Google Produces a Thinly Veiled Prophetic Film

Google Produces a Thinly Veiled Prophetic Film

Scripture tells us that God does not operate in secret (Isaiah 45:19), He clearly tells us what He is going to do, and what is coming as we ...
Locusts of Biblical proportions

Locusts of Biblical proportions

Southern Russia - link
Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

The Sanhedrin, a religious High Court, has publicly stated they will try Pope Francis unless he retracts recent statements regarding the Jew...
Temple institute major announcement

Temple institute major announcement

July 12th  - Facebook link
5 possible tropical typhoons back to back

5 possible tropical typhoons back to back

Link  - The Weather Channel
Chinese market 30% plunge

Chinese market 30% plunge

As It Was In The Days Of Lot

As It Was In The Days Of Lot

The mob scene described at a Vietnam Water Park after "free admission," shows what happens to a society where communism is allowe...
Looks like Hosea to me

Looks like Hosea to me

Link - 1000's of nesting birds abandon their nests (Fox News) Hosea 4 (NASB) Listen to the word of the Lord, O sons of Israel...


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