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Syrian Ceasefire Broken 15 Times

Syrian Ceasefire Broken 15 Times

With the Syrian ceasefire only days old, there have already been at least 15 violations .  At this rate the agreement may rapidly disintegra...
Resolve To Deal With Your Baggage

Resolve To Deal With Your Baggage

TX68: Impact On September 28th, 2017?

TX68: Impact On September 28th, 2017?

While NASA estimates there is no chance of an impact from asteroid TX68 this March, they are now saying there is a chance of impact on Septe...
EU's Tower Of Babel May Fall

EU's Tower Of Babel May Fall

Interesting story with prophetic implications from Reuters: "EU's Tower of Babel may fall while leaders distracted"
Weekly Prophecy Updates: February 29th, 2016

Weekly Prophecy Updates: February 29th, 2016

J.D. Farag: John Haller: Jason A.:
Ebola, Zika: BBC Says More Global Diseases On The Way

Ebola, Zika: BBC Says More Global Diseases On The Way

Ebola and Zika have been known about for decades, but their ability to spread was significantly hampered... until now.   Globalization is ac...
TRIPLE The Spoils

TRIPLE The Spoils

A new report from the Israeli Energy Ministry reveals that Israel's oil and gas fields may contain three-times as much oil and natural ...
U.S. test firing a second ICBM

U.S. test firing a second ICBM

Can anyone else enter the military bravado in 2016? Syria, China/Taiwan, Korea, Russia, Iran.... Link - Reuters Everyone thinks they&...
Top Australian Government Official: Climate Change A Ruse To Establish New World Order

Top Australian Government Official: Climate Change A Ruse To Establish New World Order

As reported by The Telegraph : a top adviser to former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is now claiming that "climate change"...
Meteor Explodes Over The Atlantic Ocean - More Powerful Than A-Bomb

Meteor Explodes Over The Atlantic Ocean - More Powerful Than A-Bomb

A meteor exploded over the Atlantic Ocean on February 6th , less than three short weeks ago.  The explosion reportedly had more force than t...
Dozens Of Russian Generals Killed

Dozens Of Russian Generals Killed

BREAKING NEWS: Dozens of senior Russian generals have reportedly been killed in a car bomb attack in northern Syria .  The situation may esc...
What If Christians Elect The Antichrist?

What If Christians Elect The Antichrist?

Donald Trump secured his third victory in a row last night, taking over 45% of the vote in Nevada.  News organizations are now reporting tha...
13 Bald Eagles Dead

13 Bald Eagles Dead

USA Today - link 13 bald eagles were found dead in Maryland. Is this a sign?  Has God passed judgement after the South Carolina primary, ...
Another strange noise

Another strange noise

Link - Oregon
Massive Explosions In Southern Damascus

Massive Explosions In Southern Damascus

Isaiah 17:1 inches ever closer to its final fulfillment as a string of explosions have tore across southern Damascus .  At least 83 killed a...
Two Weeks From TX68

Two Weeks From TX68

The 100-foot asteroid will come within about 1/10th of the distance to the moon and current projections indicate it will likely miss the ear...
The Zika Pestilence Just Got A Whole Lot Worse

The Zika Pestilence Just Got A Whole Lot Worse

See Luke 21:11. The unprecedented, worldwide outbreak of the Zika virus has led to a focus on the initial flu-like sickness in those infec...
Weekly Prophecy Updates: February 22nd, 2016

Weekly Prophecy Updates: February 22nd, 2016

J.D. Farag: John Haller: Jason A.: InformedChristians.com:
Recession Will Engulf 'The Entire World' including U.S.

Recession Will Engulf 'The Entire World' including U.S.

First S-300 Missile System Arrives In Iran TODAY

First S-300 Missile System Arrives In Iran TODAY

Russian delivery of the first S-300 anti-missile/anti-aircraft battery was TODAY .  Previously Iranian possession of such a weapon was consi...
Bomb In Ankara As Erdogan Tries To Ram Through Dictatorial Powers

Bomb In Ankara As Erdogan Tries To Ram Through Dictatorial Powers

A huge bomb has gone off in Turkey's capital, Ankara .  At least 28 have reportedly been killed and over 60 wounded. This as Turkey...
Another Major Step Towards The Mark

Another Major Step Towards The Mark

Former Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Lawrence Summers, is calling for the elimination of the $100 bill , while the European Central Bank i...


There is major breaking news coming out of the Middle East .  The Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister has just declared that they are cut...
UN Releases Stamps Celebrating Homosexuality, Gay Parenting, and Transexualism

UN Releases Stamps Celebrating Homosexuality, Gay Parenting, and Transexualism

Sodom and Gomorrah, but on a worldwide scale . Hear the words of Jesus in Luke 17:28-35: "It was the same in the days of Lot.  ...
Cover For Invasion?

Cover For Invasion?

Saudi Arabia has just announced the largest military exercise in the entire history of the Middle East , dubbed "North Thunder". ...
Weekly Prophecy Updates: February 15th, 2016

Weekly Prophecy Updates: February 15th, 2016

J.D. Farag: John Haller: Jason A.:
Big Earthquakes: Cliffs Collapse In Christchurch

Big Earthquakes: Cliffs Collapse In Christchurch

A 5.8 magnitude earthquake has struck Christchurch , New Zealand.   The earthquake was of such intensity that cliffs collapsed : Separa...
Syrian War Goes Red Hot

Syrian War Goes Red Hot

Saudi Arabia sending troops and fighter aircraft to Turkey in preparation for intervention in northern Syria Turkey and Saudi Arabia threa...
Antonin Scalia Found Dead In Texas

Antonin Scalia Found Dead In Texas

Antonin Scaling has died.  A tragic day for America.  This may permanently shift the balance of power towards an anti-Christian majority.  P...
North Korea Can Now Hit Anywhere In The United States

North Korea Can Now Hit Anywhere In The United States

North Korea's test launch this past Sunday revealed that the country is now capable of launching a nuclear strike against any location i...
Major Prophetic Update

Major Prophetic Update

Saudi Arabia CONFIRMS will be sending troops to Syria in defiance of Russia and Iran Zika Virus now confirmed in 20 U.S. states - Luke ...
Market Massacre - Shemitah Judgment Beginning?

Market Massacre - Shemitah Judgment Beginning?

I'm of the persuasion that the Shemitah year actually began in Fall 2015, rather than ending then.  This means the culmination of the Sh...
A Significant Step Towards The Mark Of The Beast

A Significant Step Towards The Mark Of The Beast

The World Economic Forum, hosted at the Davos resort in Switzerland just a few short weeks ago, may have bore witness to some secretive deal...
The Signs Continue

The Signs Continue

All-time record of shark attacks on humans shattered in 2015 ... 98 attacks - Ezekiel 5:17, Leviticus 26:22 Volcanic eruptions go 'BAL...
Middle East perfect storm

Middle East perfect storm

Link Washington Post *This story is from last year.
Weekly Prophecy Updates: February 7th, 2016

Weekly Prophecy Updates: February 7th, 2016

J.D. Farag: John Haller: SeventhVial213:
Prayers for Jenny

Prayers for Jenny

Please pray for my friend Jenny.  41 with a family and a brain aneurysm that has already done much damage.
Big Earthquake Strikes Taiwan, Topples Buildings, 14 Dead

Big Earthquake Strikes Taiwan, Topples Buildings, 14 Dead

A large 6.4 magnitude earthquake has struck Taiwan, toppling buildings, including a 17-story tower in Tainan, a city of two million.  Curren...
Child Murder Now A "Right" For Women Everywhere

Child Murder Now A "Right" For Women Everywhere

United Nations Human Rights Committee rules that abortion (i.e. a nice way of referring to  homicide of unborn children ) is now a universa...
A Sign In The Heavens If There Ever Was One

A Sign In The Heavens If There Ever Was One

All five visible planets in the sky, in a row, all at once, and the moon will be passing over all of them :


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