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Morsi Protests

Morsi Protests

Morsi protests Isaiah 19 (NASB) The oracle concerning Egypt. Behold, the Lord is riding on a swift cloud and is about to come to Egypt...
Floods Fire and Devastation

Floods Fire and Devastation



Romans 1:18-32 (NASB) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the t...
Disaster and no one knows why

Disaster and no one knows why

The latest series of more powerful ash-producing blasts from the crater of the 8,261-foot volcano started late on Monday and continued over...
Christ's return

Christ's return

Acts 1:9-12 (NASB) And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their...
Isaiah 53

Isaiah 53

Isaiah 53 (NASB) Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? For He grew up before Him like a tend...
8.0 Earthquake

8.0 Earthquake

Huge Quake


Golan Heights ready to explode. Ground zero for Psalms 83, Isaiah 17... Stock Market ready to dive Three Colorado Wild Fires Converge ...
Massive protests in Brazil

Massive protests in Brazil

Link 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NASB) But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers ...
More about the whale and the sign of Jonah

More about the whale and the sign of Jonah

Google search During the second week of May 2010 a California Pacific Grey Whale was spotted off the coast of Israel. We reported on t...
Jesus Was Beaten Almost Beyond Human Recognition

Jesus Was Beaten Almost Beyond Human Recognition

Growing up, I was used to seeing polite images of Christ on the Cross.  A few trickles of blood and a conveniently placed loin cloth. The ...


May 2013 pt2 extreme weather

May 2013 pt2 extreme weather

These asteroids are getting closer

These asteroids are getting closer



Wabash River Ohio river Mississippi river Austria, Germany, Czech Republic
Economic Collapse

Economic Collapse

Encouragement Children's Orphanage

Encouragement Children's Orphanage

Facebook If you can help out this precious little orphanage what a blessing it would be. Donation Simple needs I am always taken b...
How Great is Our God - Paul Washer

How Great is Our God - Paul Washer

You Tube - He Died
Indescribable - Louie Giglio

Indescribable - Louie Giglio

You Tube Laminin
Indescribable - Chris Tomlin

Indescribable - Chris Tomlin

You Tube
How Great is Our God - Louie Giglio

How Great is Our God - Louie Giglio

You Tube You Tube - more
How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin

How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin

You Tube
How Great is Our God - The Earth is Yours

How Great is Our God - The Earth is Yours

You Tube
How Great is Our God - Missler - the last 12 verses of Mark

How Great is Our God - Missler - the last 12 verses of Mark

YouTube KHouse text Humans - 40 week gestation x 7 days a week = 280 days.  Evenly divisible by 7.
How great is our God - Nature divisible by 7

How great is our God - Nature divisible by 7

Subject:         How Great is our God - fascinating and wonderful          For example: -the eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7         ...


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