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Help Needed That Could Make An Eternal Difference

Help Needed That Could Make An Eternal Difference

Unsealed needs your help .  I believe we need to take the Lord's near return exceedingly seriously and that means doing our due diligenc...
Debt Ceiling - imminent collision

Debt Ceiling - imminent collision

On March 15th the temporary reprieve of U.S. debt ceiling extensions will expire and the new administration will be faced with a choice, all...
The Seven Angels of Revelation 15

The Seven Angels of Revelation 15

Greetings all, Natalie had mentioned an alignment in May 2024 that may be related to the Sign of Revelation 15, and I want to credit her...
Our Adversary Tips His Hand, Mocks The Revelation 12 Sign

Our Adversary Tips His Hand, Mocks The Revelation 12 Sign

I can't believe I missed this, but with everything that's going on it has become impossible to keep track of it all.  Credit goes to...
Melania Trump attacked for reciting the Lord's prayer

Melania Trump attacked for reciting the Lord's prayer

Another indication of the lateness of the hour. Link (The frequency and severity is definitely increasing.  The hour is very late. ...
The U.S. in the crosshairs

The U.S. in the crosshairs

Republishing this post - Though we must continue to be watchful this year because of all that is happening, another interesting observat...
Large Nuclear Radiation Spike Detected In Many European Countries

Large Nuclear Radiation Spike Detected In Many European Countries

This is bad. More support for the unsustainability of life on this planet in the short run. Link - Sun
Putting The Pieces Together

Putting The Pieces Together

As we get nearer and nearer to the day of our redemption it seems that the big picture is coming into focus (Rm. 13:11; 1 Cor. 13:12; Dan. 1...
2017, 2024, And The 3 1/2 Year Ministry Of Christ

2017, 2024, And The 3 1/2 Year Ministry Of Christ

As I was researching material for my recent articles The Gospel In The Stars and Signs In The Heavens: Second Advent , I discovered somethi...
Roe v. Wade - Judgment

Roe v. Wade - Judgment

Norma McCorvey, the famed Jane Roe in the landmark January 22nd, 1973 Supreme Court abortion decision - Roe v. Wade, passed in a Houston su...
Signs In The Heavens: Second Advent

Signs In The Heavens: Second Advent

My recent post, The Gospel In The Stars , pinpoints what I believe are the most likely dates for Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, and a...
The Gospel In The Stars

The Gospel In The Stars

While researching the astronomical alignment next September that may be the sign John saw in Revelation 12, it occurred to me to revisit th...


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