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3rd Trumpet Blown (25 years ago)

3rd Trumpet Blown (25 years ago)

<a href="http://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/19939.html>Chernobyl 25th anniversary</a><br /><br />Revelation 8:...
And now for the farm report

And now for the farm report

3 Million Columbians impacted by floods The worst natural disaster in Columbian history Heavy rains and death in Rio Death and 1 million wit...
Tornado stats - National Weather Service

Tornado stats - National Weather Service

National Weather Service - Tornado Stats January through April 2011 (1036) 2010 (203) 2009 (383) 2008 (549) May is the worst month. April a...
Be very careful America.

Be very careful America.

It is obvious enough that most Americans have placed themselves in opposition to the Lord of Hosts. The majority are ok with murder (aborti...


Here are some links that I follow. Fulfilled Prophecy Joel Rosenberg Irwin Baxter Aloha Bible Prophecy Steve Hadley Steve's annual pro...
World safety

World safety

Which countries of the world would you travel to? Which ones strike you as unsafe? How many cities in the U.S. would you feel free to expl...
The Worst Natural Disaster we can remember

The Worst Natural Disaster we can remember

The Worst Natural Disaster we can remember Storms Tornadoes and Flooding Largest wildfires in Texas history Midwest Flooding 12,000 people s...
400 years of loudness

400 years of loudness

I continue to be amazed by the beauty, color and symmetry or our God. Or course I don't begin to get this picture and will be completely...
California sea lions and dolphin deaths

California sea lions and dolphin deaths

Ocean's at a tipping point Personally I believe the ship has left the dock and we can't stop the machine of this world. Hope for thi...
Middle East unraveling

Middle East unraveling

Crazy how we are friends with rebels, many hate us.
You MIGHT be a globalist if...

You MIGHT be a globalist if...

U.S. Dollar Collapse

U.S. Dollar Collapse

Fictional look at what could happen. Personally I think this is imminent. See also Standard and Poor's negative outlook. S&P has be...
Freak storms, drought, and food prices, OH MY!

Freak storms, drought, and food prices, OH MY!

Parts of West Texas are now in a drought on par with the Dust Bowl: http://www.currentargus.com/ci_17860271 And a freak string of tornadoes ...
Spiritual battle at Sakurajima and something in the sky in Brazil...

Spiritual battle at Sakurajima and something in the sky in Brazil...

Phenomenal webcam raw footage at the Sakurajima volcano in Japan: I don't know how to describe the above footage other than to say it lo...
Boots on the ground seems more and more likely...

Boots on the ground seems more and more likely...

President Obama has joined David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy in calling for the violent ouster of Qaddafi. Whereas military intervention in...
Biggest sandstorm EVER strikes Iran!

Biggest sandstorm EVER strikes Iran!

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.81e3f073a7ff60182e936e010de882cd.151&show_article=1 Have you noticed how many times in the p...
Demonic activity on the rise... who ya' gonna' call?

Demonic activity on the rise... who ya' gonna' call?

Priests report a "dramatic" increase in demonic possessions. Could we be approaching Revelation 12? http://www.theaustralian.com....
Signs in the heavens, "aliens" (i.e. demons), and mass sightings...

Signs in the heavens, "aliens" (i.e. demons), and mass sightings...

Check out this video: A couple of thoughts: Notice that the media is covering this stuff all the time now. There are hundreds of filmed sig...


http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/07/uk-bacteria-superbugs-india-idUSLNE73600F20110407 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-137429...
We're close.

We're close.

Donald Trump offers best birther-defense I've ever heard

Donald Trump offers best birther-defense I've ever heard

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy
Attempts to resume animal sacrifices receives Rabbinical backing!

Attempts to resume animal sacrifices receives Rabbinical backing!

The return of Solana?

The return of Solana?

http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/580901-saving-private-ashton "Hence the urgent need to organise a rescue mission to salvage...


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