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Fourth Major Earthquake Strikes Italy: Biggest In 35 Years

Fourth Major Earthquake Strikes Italy: Biggest In 35 Years

Following last week's double 5.5 earthquakes and a 6.1 that shook Rome, including the Parthenon and Colosseum, a very powerful 6.6 magni...
The Exhaustive Nature of Outrage

The Exhaustive Nature of Outrage

I have lived in a state of constant moral outrage since June 2015; the Supreme Court ruling that Jerusalem was not in Israel and the redefi...
OCTOBER SURPRISE: FBI Reopens Clinton Private Server Investigation

OCTOBER SURPRISE: FBI Reopens Clinton Private Server Investigation

From Fox News : The FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while secretary of state after disc...
Not Over-Exaggeration: Hosea 4:1-3 Being Fulfilled Before Our Very Eyes

Not Over-Exaggeration: Hosea 4:1-3 Being Fulfilled Before Our Very Eyes

Consider the words of Hosea 4:1-3, God's judgment on the land that is tainted by widespread, unrestrained sin: Hear the word of the ...
ISIS Burns Christians Alive, Kneads Christian Children To Death In Dough Machine

ISIS Burns Christians Alive, Kneads Christian Children To Death In Dough Machine

If you need anymore reason why voting for Hillary Clinton is spitting in God's face, consider this horrifying story of what ISIS (whi...
Two Major Aftershocks Hit Central Italy

Two Major Aftershocks Hit Central Italy

Following the 5.5 magnitude quake that just shook Rome , even more powerful aftershocks followed: a 5.5 and 6.1, causing damage and toppling...
In Dramatic Vote, World Heritage Committee Votes To Sever Jewish Ties To Temple Mount

In Dramatic Vote, World Heritage Committee Votes To Sever Jewish Ties To Temple Mount

We mentioned yesterday that another vote regarding Jewish ties to Jerusalem would be held today.  The motion in the UNESCO World Heritage C...
Big Earthquake Shakes Parthenon & Colosseum

Big Earthquake Shakes Parthenon & Colosseum

A 5.5 or 5.6 magnitude earthquake has hammered central Italy, shaking the capital city of Rome .  Damage was reported in the capital city.  ...
The Return Of Paganism

The Return Of Paganism

Full-scale replicas of the Winged Bull of Nimrod and the ceiling in the Temple of Ba'al have been unveiled at the Colosseum in Rome .  T...
The Alien Deception: Scientists To Reveal 'Signals' From Extraterrestrials

The Alien Deception: Scientists To Reveal 'Signals' From Extraterrestrials

We mentioned last week a WikiLeaks revelation that John Podesta and others were aware of what they coined "Extraterrestrial Intelligen...
Another Anti-Israel, Anti-Jerusalem Vote Set For Tomorrow

Another Anti-Israel, Anti-Jerusalem Vote Set For Tomorrow

...And the Jordanians and Palestinians are threatening the countries that will be voting if they fail to vote in favor tomorrow .
Weekly Prophecy Updates

Weekly Prophecy Updates

Just a reminder to our readers that you can watch the latest weekly updates from Jason A., J.D. Farag, John Haller, The Superior Word, Jack ...
A Prayer Of Desperation

A Prayer Of Desperation

Dear readers, please pray with us - now more than ever : God in Heaven, Creator of All things. The earth is Yours, You own the cattle on ...
Earthquake Strikes Japan, Topples Buildings, Injures 7

Earthquake Strikes Japan, Topples Buildings, Injures 7

A 6.6 magnitude earthquake has struck Japan , toppling buildings, and injuring at least seven people.
World System Crumbling: South Africa And Burundi Withdrawing From The ICC

World System Crumbling: South Africa And Burundi Withdrawing From The ICC

It seems the world is coming apart at the seams and perhaps the globalists pushed too hard, too fast.  Burundi is withdrawing from the Inter...


News is pouring in that a major cyber attack has been launched against the United States (perhaps by the U.S. government itself or perhaps b...
High Priest Gem Stones Possibly Found

High Priest Gem Stones Possibly Found

The temple instruments have been remade The priests have been gathered and prepared The temple is ready for construction The Sanhedrin ...
6.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hammers Indonesia

6.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hammers Indonesia

A powerful, 6.6 magnitude earthquake has struck Indonesia near Indramayu.
Foreign Central Banks Dump Over One-Third Of A Trillion In U.S. Treasuries

Foreign Central Banks Dump Over One-Third Of A Trillion In U.S. Treasuries

Potentially catastrophic news for the U.S. economy: foreign central banks of liquidated over one-third of a trillion dollars in U.S. treasur...
Obama Administration Says Afghanistan Is 'Tipping In The Taliban's Favor'

Obama Administration Says Afghanistan Is 'Tipping In The Taliban's Favor'

After 15 years of war, the U.S. government now admits that the current stalemate is eroding and "tipping in the Taliban's favor&quo...
Stellar Eclipse

Stellar Eclipse

In just a short time the moon is going to eclipse the 14th brightest star in the sky, Aldebaran.  This star is 44 times the size of our sun...
U.N. Ratifies Jerusalem Resolution

U.N. Ratifies Jerusalem Resolution

The draft resolution that refers to the Temple Mount and Western Wall exclusively by their Islamic names, thus denying their true Judeo-Chr...
World's Last Chance

World's Last Chance

The following is just my own surmising in regards to the importance of the United States election on November 8th and what might happen depe...
Three Consecutive Supermoons Began On Sunday

Three Consecutive Supermoons Began On Sunday

UPDATE: It is being reported that next month's supermoon on November 14th will be closer to the earth than the moon has been since 1948...
WikiLeaks Bombshell: Aliens Or Demons?

WikiLeaks Bombshell: Aliens Or Demons?

On October 9th, WikiLeaks released emails suggesting Hillary Clinton and John Podesta were aware of an "extraterrestrial intelligence.&...
6.4 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes China

6.4 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes China

6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Papua New Guinea

6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Papua New Guinea

United Nations Votes To Sever Israeli Ties To The Temple Mount

United Nations Votes To Sever Israeli Ties To The Temple Mount

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), a key U.N. agency, has voted 24-to-6 to sever all Jewish tie...
Economic Turmoil: China, Deutsche Bank

Economic Turmoil: China, Deutsche Bank

The world awoke Friday to some devastating economic news.  First, Chinese exports and imports have collapsed , suggesting that its economic ...
U.S. Enters Yemeni War

U.S. Enters Yemeni War

The United States has entered the Yemeni war on the side of Saudi Arabia, beginning with a barrage of Tomahawk cruise missiles obliterating ...
On The Brink Of World War: British Jets Given Green Light To Shoot Down Russian Aircraft

On The Brink Of World War: British Jets Given Green Light To Shoot Down Russian Aircraft

In the next major escalation in a situation that is spiraling out of control, British jets over Syria have been armed with air-to-air missil...
Hurricane Matthew Becomes Deadliest Atlantic Storm In 11 Years

Hurricane Matthew Becomes Deadliest Atlantic Storm In 11 Years

The death toll from Hurricane Matthew across the Caribbean and the United States has risen and now may exceed 1,045 .  This makes Matthew t...
Russia Signs Strategic Gas Deal With Turkey

Russia Signs Strategic Gas Deal With Turkey

Several weeks ago we reported that an economic and military alliance between Russia and Turkey was developing rapidly.  Part of the evidence...
Obama Pushed To 'Hit Israel Hard' Before Term Expires

Obama Pushed To 'Hit Israel Hard' Before Term Expires

With only a few month remaining in his second term, Obama's base, in particular The New York Times, is calling on the President to use h...
Sanhedrin Declares Jubilee, Confirms Return Of The Jews To The Holy Land

Sanhedrin Declares Jubilee, Confirms Return Of The Jews To The Holy Land

The Sanhedrin, which is the top religious council in Israel, reconstituted after a nearly 2,000-year hiatus, has declared the Year of Jubile...
U.S.-Russia Tensions 'More Dangerous' Than Cold War

U.S.-Russia Tensions 'More Dangerous' Than Cold War

German authorities are now saying that tensions between the United States and Russia are now "more dangerous" than during the Cold...
The Rich Young Ruler

The Rich Young Ruler

This is perhaps the best sermon I've ever heard on the subject of the rich young ruler described in Luke 18.   Check it out here .
MAJOR ESCALATION IN SYRIA: Russia Throws Down The Gauntlet

MAJOR ESCALATION IN SYRIA: Russia Throws Down The Gauntlet

After various media rumors swirled that the Obama Administration was considering retaliatory strikes against Syrian forces responsible fo...
Hurricane Matthew To Hammer Florida, Georgia, Carolinas

Hurricane Matthew To Hammer Florida, Georgia, Carolinas

After devastating Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic, Matthew is set to strike Florida, Georgia, and both Carolinas with tropi...
China Implements Most Restrictive Rules On Religion Yet

China Implements Most Restrictive Rules On Religion Yet

Following on the heels of Russia's Yarovaya Law , which demonstrated to the world that Putin is no fan of the Gospel nor of Christianity...
Prophecy Being Fulfilled: Hiding In The Caves Of The Earth

Prophecy Being Fulfilled: Hiding In The Caves Of The Earth

A strange phenomenon is occurring all over the world: an unprecedented bunker-building rush.  The timing is absolutely impeccable from a bib...
Leader Of Socialist International Selected As Next U.N. Secretary-General

Leader Of Socialist International Selected As Next U.N. Secretary-General

Antonio Guterres, the former socialist Prime Minister of Portugal and former president of Socialist International has been selected as the ...
Pence Defeats Kaine In VP Debate

Pence Defeats Kaine In VP Debate

After a loud and obnoxious Tim Kaine self-destructed on stage, the general consensus is that Mike Pence handily won the Vice Presidential de...
Ceasefire In Syria Is Over

Ceasefire In Syria Is Over

We speculated last Thursday that the ceasefire in Syria was on the verge of collapsing , but just hours ago that speculation became reality ...
It's Official: Erdogan Remains Dictator For At Least Three More Months

It's Official: Erdogan Remains Dictator For At Least Three More Months

From Fox News : ISTANBUL – Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus says a three-month-long state of emergency, declared after Turk...
Obama Mocks Those Who Think He Could Be The Antichrist

Obama Mocks Those Who Think He Could Be The Antichrist

From Fox News : Obama in the interview, which took place Aug. 25, repeatedly voiced frustration with what he described as a recalcitrant ...
No More Stalling: Britain To Trigger Brexit Before April 2017

No More Stalling: Britain To Trigger Brexit Before April 2017

All the Europhiles hoping that a moderate Theresa May would stall or even cancel Brexit were in for a rude awakening over the weekend as the...
San Andreas earthquake odds skyrocket

San Andreas earthquake odds skyrocket

Recent Salton Sea tremor swarm at the southern end of the San Andreas have caused the odds that the "big one " will strike to sky...


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