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Absolutely Uncertain

Absolutely Uncertain

Luke 19:43 (NASB) For the days will come upon you when your enemies will throw up a barricade against you, and surround you and hem you ...
The Gathering Storm

The Gathering Storm

The Gathering Storm
Psalm 83

Psalm 83

Psalm 83 is often cited as a possible prophecy of a future war between Israel and her neighbors.  Various watchers place the timing of this ...
Check Out This Great Study of Rapture/Second Coming Possible Timings

Check Out This Great Study of Rapture/Second Coming Possible Timings

The study's author takes no horse in the race, and simply gives the statistics for different possibilities.  Seems to point to a very cl...
The Rebellion Continues... Now in Jordan

The Rebellion Continues... Now in Jordan

Over the past two years, Jordan has seemed to stay out of the "Arab Spring".  Not for long: http://www.albawaba.com/editorchoice...
Debt Crisis

Debt Crisis

Bill's Right Debt Clock
Prophecy revisited

Prophecy revisited

Isaiah 17(NASB) Prophecy about Damascus The oracle concerning Damascus. “Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city An...
10 Kingdoms

10 Kingdoms

27 down to 11 on the way 10 Eu 10 country federation with military Germany France Italy Netherlands Spain Portugal Poland Austr...


Syrian Defector Major General Adnan Sillu ...said Assad was prepared to use chemical and biological weapons on his own people... Sad.....
A Prayer to Avoid - by Richard Woike

A Prayer to Avoid - by Richard Woike

"O thou pleasant, comfortable, kindly, good-natured God: How glad I am that I can look forward, with a reasonable degree of certainty...


Well... no Rosh Hashanah rapture today, but hey, "no one knows the day or the hour". What we do know is that Our LORD is coming ...
Armada of 25 Nations Amassing at the Strait of Hormuz

Armada of 25 Nations Amassing at the Strait of Hormuz

What Happened?

What Happened?

For those who are left behind and wondering what just happened. Of course we don't know the day or the hour of Christ's return, t...
Sulphur and death

Sulphur and death

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1D5r_L0REQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player If the fish all die or are filled with cessium and the corn cr...
33,000 flee Guatemalan volcano

33,000 flee Guatemalan volcano

Super Typhoon Sanba

Super Typhoon Sanba

Just had a crazy idea: Rapture this Weekend

Just had a crazy idea: Rapture this Weekend

Believers should be absolutely opposed to date setting, even though we can clearly see the signs of the time. But for speculation purposes,...
Sulphur smell - precursor to big earthquake?

Sulphur smell - precursor to big earthquake?

Sulphur smell Areas in the new madrid fault had the same experience earlier this year. Israel ready to attack Iran. Iran has nukes an...
September 11th, 2012 - Multifaceted Attack on U.S. Embassies

September 11th, 2012 - Multifaceted Attack on U.S. Embassies

In commemoration of September 11 th , Islamic rioters have stormed American embassies in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Tunisia, killing several...
Mark 5 / Luke 8

Mark 5 / Luke 8

http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2012/09/13/cops-naked-bloody-man-gnawed-on-womans-head-during-wild-neighborhood-rampage/ http://articles....
European Stability Mechanism (ESM) - Back on Track Following German Court Decision

European Stability Mechanism (ESM) - Back on Track Following German Court Decision

The newest EU Treaty, ratified by many member states already, had a hang up in Germnay as it awaited the approval or rejection of Germany...
Iranian nuke confirmation

Iranian nuke confirmation

http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/iaea-says-new-intel-shows-iran-working-on-nuclear-warheads/ As Netanyahu recently said &q...


Somewhere over the rainbow I want to go home.  I am tired. Tired of hearing people tell me that the comet nirubu is going to wipe us al...
400  years and parallels

400 years and parallels

Intertestamental Period 400 ~ years between the close of the book of Malachi and the angel appearing to Zechariah and then to Mary. Hou...
The Feast of trumpets - the sound of the shofar

The Feast of trumpets - the sound of the shofar

He is telling us? Shouldn't we know the sound of the trumpet?


California China


It seems clear that Israel is about to attack Iran. It seems certain that Damascus is about to be destroyed in fulfillment of Isaiah 17 ...
We Need to Pray

We Need to Pray

We need to pray! A Israeli security council member, said "we need to pray". This happened after someone on the council leaked...
Israel attack of Iran - Rosh Hashanna

Israel attack of Iran - Rosh Hashanna

Feast of Trumpets!!
Beef it's what's for dinner

Beef it's what's for dinner

Revelation 1:7 (NASB) BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him , even those who pierced Him; and all the tribe...
Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends

Who to vote for: a muslim or a cultist? both deny the deity of Christ What do you say? No one comes to the Father except through the ...
What Is Heaven?  An In-Depth Biblical Study

What Is Heaven? An In-Depth Biblical Study

What does the Bible teach regarding Heaven, the New Jerusalem, the Tabernacle, and the Temples? In the Old and New Testaments, the etymolo...


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