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Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate - Hope is lost

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate - Hope is lost

The famous quote from Dante's inferno - the title over the gates of Hell - Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. The point of Uns...
Biblical archaeology

Biblical archaeology

Way cool! Check these out Not sure about all of this, especially the Ron Wyatt - Ark of the Covenant findings, but some of this is defi...
I saw Satan fall like lightening

I saw Satan fall like lightening

http://www.jesusonmymind.com/weather Interesting
Massive Plague of Locusts in Madagascar

Massive Plague of Locusts in Madagascar

MASSIVE - 8th plague
Plagues of Egypt now happening WORLDWIDE

Plagues of Egypt now happening WORLDWIDE

...Well, at least the first 8.  Next up... the Plague of Darkness. http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/march2013/reneem314-1.htm
Massive shrimp deaths

Massive shrimp deaths

Whoever heard of such a thing? Shrimp deaths in Chile Hosea 4:1-3 (NASB) Listen to the word of the Lord, O sons of Israel, For the...
Assad dead?

Assad dead?

Strongest news source yet There are now images floating around of his deceased body. If so, how close is the destruction of Damascus...
European Bank Run has Begun

European Bank Run has Begun

God takes care of His children ,but this is the start of something massive.
Louisiana Toxic Sink hole

Louisiana Toxic Sink hole

Closer closer closer
East Coast Tsunami coming soon perhaps

East Coast Tsunami coming soon perhaps

Canary Island Eruption
Steve Hadley's annual prophecy update

Steve Hadley's annual prophecy update

Excellent as always! 3-24-2013 MUST WATCH FROM 35 minutes forward!!!!!!
Animal death recap

Animal death recap

Animal death recap
Obama's trip interrupted

Obama's trip interrupted

Marine One Grounded The Beast won't start Indonesia Europe Best check your agenda with the one who knows the end from the begi...


Another sinkhole

Another sinkhole

The earth is beginning to open up and swallow Numbers 16:31-35 (NASB) As he finished speaking all these words, the ground that was und...
Syrian conflict broadens

Syrian conflict broadens

Lebanon threatened
Drought in rainy England

Drought in rainy England

Drought in rainy England
33rd Israeli government

33rd Israeli government

Click the link
Cyprus banks shut until Thursday

Cyprus banks shut until Thursday

Run on the banks
Disaster shelters

Disaster shelters

Click to Video link Doesn't the fact that a company could survive and prosper creating these bunkers, indicate that people are scared...
Cyprus economic collapse

Cyprus economic collapse

Click to link
The Bible - Satan parallel

The Bible - Satan parallel

I certainly don't believe President Obama is Satan, but if he's not careful he could become the Anti-Christ. Click to link
Toll rising - 13,000 pigs +

Toll rising - 13,000 pigs +

Officials say water quality is normal Gotta love those Chinese officials! Nothing to see here.  Move along...
Must watch video - Timeline

Must watch video - Timeline

Recommend this This makes a lot of sense, but some doesn't seem to line up. I particularly liked how he broke down Matthew 24. A...
Only God Himself can save the EU

Only God Himself can save the EU

Duetsche Bank head - quote
2013 - Wild Fire #1 - Here we go

2013 - Wild Fire #1 - Here we go

Death of the Manatee's

Death of the Manatee's

Death of the Manatees
Lucifer in Florida?

Lucifer in Florida?

Interesting Who knew He was in sunny Florida?  Maybe he's been in retirement there :)  Not funny - I know. He's not omnipotent,...
Petraeus Romanos

Petraeus Romanos

YouTube Video I knew Scotty would show up with something in a few days.  I sent a link on something similar earlier in the week, but this...
New Israeli Government Coalition Deal Reached In Time: Obama's Passover Trip to Israel a Go!

New Israeli Government Coalition Deal Reached In Time: Obama's Passover Trip to Israel a Go!

Woe, Woe, Woe

Woe, Woe, Woe

Revelation 8:6-13 (NIV) The Trumpets Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them. The first angel sound...


Rampant pestillence A 1/3rd of those left behind will die. Zephaniah 1 Day of Judgment on Judah The word of the Lord which came to ...
Rio 65 tons of dead fish

Rio 65 tons of dead fish

Dead fish Revelation 8:9 and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed.


Continuing to get closer... Euphrates - Begley YouTube video Revelation 16:12 (NASB) The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great...
North Korea

North Korea

North Korea - defenses Guess they're not 1 year to 18 months away...


Australian Drought worst in 30 years You would think that will of the droughts across the world, Fish, Sea Mammals washing up and Birds f...
Angel cloud in Florida - Wierd

Angel cloud in Florida - Wierd

Link - Angel in the air
Pigs, Pigs and more Pigs

Pigs, Pigs and more Pigs

NBC News - Video - 6,000 pigs near Shanghai These pigs have all drowned in the river.  Chinese authorities declare that water quality is ...
Rapture after two days

Rapture after two days

Rapture in the air now
Sinkhole on the Fairway

Sinkhole on the Fairway

Illinois - Swallowed up on #14 Aren't we seeing more of this in the news lately? Pennsylvania Florida New Jersey Louisiana ...
California earthquake 4.7

California earthquake 4.7

Near Palm Desert You can feel these


Front page of NBC News this morning a recap of the "vision" of St. Malachy. NBC In my mind the interesting part is not so much ...
J D Farag

J D Farag

Signs in the Heavens

Signs in the Heavens

Signs and Seasons


Interesting the news about the plague of locusts, extra large mosquitos, new deadly strains of H1N1 and massive mutant Iranian rats. The t...
Closer, Closer, Closer

Closer, Closer, Closer

The pope's tailor has been asked to make hats (mitres) for 3 europeans.  Wondering if one is Peter the Roman. Miters
Birth Pangs - 2 fingers dialated

Birth Pangs - 2 fingers dialated

Labor pangs
Rats out of control in Tehran

Rats out of control in Tehran

Chavez jokes about his pal's nuclear capability and DIES

Chavez jokes about his pal's nuclear capability and DIES

March is getting crazy.  The Venezuelan dictator has now died.  Interestingly, this coming on the heels of his comments yesterday, which imp...
North Korea to Cancel 60-year Cease Fire on March 11th

North Korea to Cancel 60-year Cease Fire on March 11th

One more thing to add to all the amazing things happening this month.  North Korea is threatening to cancel the 60-year old cease fire on Ma...
DOW at new all time high and soaring

DOW at new all time high and soaring

When they say peace and security...sudden destruction Read the signs. If you're ready smile. If you're not ready...get ready...
Gigantic Jet Lightning

Gigantic Jet Lightning

China - lightning
More disaster and trauma

More disaster and trauma

Egyptian swarm - Video Methane - stinky ocean - wonder if the earthquakes and methane releases are what is killing the birds and the fi...
Plague of locusts in Egypt

Plague of locusts in Egypt

7 Year Time Line from EndTime.com

7 Year Time Line from EndTime.com

Link to www.EndTime.com Interesting to think that there is about to be a war in heaven. There was one.  There is another around the co...
Greg's crazy numbers

Greg's crazy numbers

Just some random thoughts: Mount Sinai - Ten Commandments - Old Testament Covenant - Pentecost - I will be your God...            Golden...
Next week's weather forecast

Next week's weather forecast

http://m.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/midatlantic-snowstorm-potentia/7088979 Interesting ... That's all
Signs and Wonders

Signs and Wonders

Sinkholes - is this normal?

Sinkholes - is this normal?



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