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Australian Drought worst in 30 years

You would think that will of the droughts across the world, Fish, Sea Mammals washing up and Birds falling out of the sky, Sinkholes, Economic collapse, Political Deadlock, more world dicators or governments devoid of real citizen input / oversite, rumors of war, nuclear threat, terrorism threat, eco system collapse, ice cap melt, pollution, disaster, close call meteors and red (demonic) angel shape(s) in the sky, someone would get the idea and repent.

If this is you, please do so - immediately - Jesus is the answer to the question.

The earth is going to open up and swallow people.
Locusts are stream out of the ground.
Meteors are going to crash.
All the grass will be burned up.
And that's not even getting the list started very well.

No surprise that we are seeing the birth pangs of these soon coming events.

If you follow this stuff from a Biblical view you see much more, Blood Moons, Blood Red Seas, One World Government, The Mark of the Beast, the disaster of a two state solution, Israel's desperation and God-lessness.
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