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America is a vile hell-hole!

America is a vile hell-hole!

Polls show that between 67% and 77% of Americans support allowing homosexuality in the military. 77% according to the most recent Washingto...
Two new discoveries prove that Darwinian Evolution should never be questioned by anyone!!!

Two new discoveries prove that Darwinian Evolution should never be questioned by anyone!!!

...Just kidding. In actuality, these two discoveries further prove macro-evolution to be the biggest fraud of modern times. Discove...
Weather Chaos all over the World

Weather Chaos all over the World

The headline from MSNBC.com. Lunar "blood moon" tonight on the Winter Solstice. Revelation 6:12-17 12 I watched as he opened the...


This year winter begins on December 21, which is this Tuesday. There also happens to be a full lunar eclipse on Tuesday. A full lunar eclip...
France positions itself in opposition to the Holy One of Israel

France positions itself in opposition to the Holy One of Israel

France is now arming the enemies of Israel with sophisticated, NATO-quality weapons. http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/report-fr...
Total full moon lunar eclipse on this year's Winter Solstice... is that rare, you ask?

Total full moon lunar eclipse on this year's Winter Solstice... is that rare, you ask?

...Yes. The last time this happened was 1638. http://www.space.com/spacewatch/winter-solstice-full-moon-eclipse-align-101217.html
Weather and Iran - today's news

Weather and Iran - today's news

Lot's of repeats in today's blog. These topics are simply moving up in the headlines. 1. Iran - covert war. Scientists dead. Stu...
Riots and debt

Riots and debt

Yesterday riots in London impacted Prince Charles. Today front page of MSNBC - headline - cut the deficit, but not my programs. A Google sea...
Worst flooding in 30 years plagues Australia

Worst flooding in 30 years plagues Australia

Just another ordinary news day.


The news has been relatively quiet lately. The purpose of this website has always been to highlight world events that we have become so dul...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXh7JR9oKVE This video, only three weeks old, is now the fastest growing YouTube video in history. I wonder ...
Ireland Austerity brings a lot of pain on top of pain

Ireland Austerity brings a lot of pain on top of pain

... will push through some four billion euros in spending cuts next year, with social welfare benefits, public pensions and capital projects...
Black Friday Anarchy

Black Friday Anarchy

Interesting read. The author recaps fights and animal like behavior over getting deals on Black Friday. What will happen when the real troub...
Front Page - MSNBC - State Debt Crisis Looms

Front Page - MSNBC - State Debt Crisis Looms

Interesting - what we were saying as prophetic nut jobs is now mainstream. Waiting for the pop and the shout
Worst Israeli-fire in modern history kills at least 42

Worst Israeli-fire in modern history kills at least 42

Today's northern Israel fire is Israel's worst fire since at least 1948 when the State of Israel was founded. http://www.israelnatio...
There's gold in them there hills!

There's gold in them there hills!

Near the valley of Megiddo the Givot Olam Oil Exploration LP has struck oil at wells 5, 6, and 7. There is now a 90% probability of produci...
Amazon drought

Amazon drought

Interesting that a once in a century drought has occured and this one just 5 years after the last one. The Amazon produces so much Oxygen......


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