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Canada Financial Run at Home Capital Group

Canada Financial Run at Home Capital Group

Home Capital Group a large Canadian financial institution is in big trouble.  Recently taking out a 22% interest loan to shore up liquidity ...
Unity, fear, works and gnosticism

Unity, fear, works and gnosticism

To drive the one mile from my home to the freeway you must pass five churches.  Within a five mile radius there are dozens. Such is the wa...
4th and Long - Goal to Go!

4th and Long - Goal to Go!

When I was a kid growing up in West Texas, we would frequently come to Big D (Dallas) to visit grandparents.  It was fun and filled with ant...
"Gog" And "Magog" To Lead Parade In London

"Gog" And "Magog" To Lead Parade In London

Could 2017 get any stranger?  This year's Lord Mayor parade in London will be led by two 14-foot tall wicker figures, one labeled "...
Hype Or Not?

Hype Or Not?

As I’ve studied Revelation 12 and whether or not the astronomical alignment on September 23rd, 2017 fulfills the heavenly sign that the ...
Massive Explosions At Damascus International Airport

Massive Explosions At Damascus International Airport

It's being reported that massive explosions were seen at Damascus' main airport.  Israeli airstrikes are suspected.
China Launches Second Aircraft Carrier

China Launches Second Aircraft Carrier

China just launched its second aircraft carrier .  This launch coming on the heels of the Liaoning in 2012.  Aircraft carriers are widely co...
17 AD: One Of The Worst Earthquakes In History

17 AD: One Of The Worst Earthquakes In History

One of our readers brought my attention to an earthquake that struck Asia Minor in 17 AD right in the middle of the area that would late...
Hard Hearts and the Broken Ones They Leave Behind - Suicide

Hard Hearts and the Broken Ones They Leave Behind - Suicide

My friend committed suicide on Friday.  I fear she died without Christ. The last time I saw her, she had left her husband, and broken up ...
The Day And Hour Revealed?

The Day And Hour Revealed?

I've mentioned before how astonished I am at what seems to be a convergence of opinion among students of Bible prophecy regarding the...
Harry Styles Debuts Song Called "Sign Of The Times"

Harry Styles Debuts Song Called "Sign Of The Times"

Harry Styles, from the hugely popular pop band One Direction , debuted his first solo on April 7th, less than two weeks ago.  The song qu...
Convergence and unity from the watchers

Convergence and unity from the watchers

For many years, many watchers have known the hour was late.  Dwight Pentecost, John Wolvoord and Hal Lindsey were some of the first to s...


With over 99 percent of ballots in, a nationwide referendum in Turkey granting President Recep Erdogan constitutional power to rule by decre...
He is Risen Indeed

He is Risen Indeed

It is finished. We are free. Death is defeated. Our adoption is final. We have a new name. We have 24x7 access to God Himself.  T...
The Darkness of Holy Saturday

The Darkness of Holy Saturday

The day the Christ was dead.  The day of the tomb.  The day of fear.  The day of betrayal.  The day of dissolution.  The first day of the e...
Most Powerful Conventional Bomb Ever Used In War Was Just Dropped On Afghanistan

Most Powerful Conventional Bomb Ever Used In War Was Just Dropped On Afghanistan

The United States Air Force has just dropped a MOAB ("Mother Of All Bombs") on an ISIS tunnel and cave network in Afghanistan .  ...
North Korea prepping for 6th nuclear test

North Korea prepping for 6th nuclear test

Praying this doesn't escalate, but the U.S. is prepared to shoot down any missiles that go up. Link North Korea seems to be ...
North Korean conflict

North Korean conflict

As the world inches closer to war, Trump has pushed China to step up sanctions against North Korea.  40% of North Korean exports are coal.  ...
All Eyes On Virgo And Leo

All Eyes On Virgo And Leo

Last night, on the first day of Passover, a full moon rose over Israel.  As the God-ordained marker of the Jewish festival, the moon caused ...
U.S. Says "Reign Of Assad Family Coming To An End", Russia Warns Of U.S. Strikes On Damascus

U.S. Says "Reign Of Assad Family Coming To An End", Russia Warns Of U.S. Strikes On Damascus

Rhetoric has heated up substantially since the chemical attack and subsequent U.S. airstrikes on a Syrian airfield.  U.S. Secretary of State...
The Strong Delusion

The Strong Delusion

Dear readers, the hour is exceedingly late.  We don't know the exact day or hour of our LORD's appearing, but what we do know is tha...


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