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Symbols Of American Power Literally Turning BLACK In Washington, D.C.

In what in times past were symbols of America's commitment to freedom, human life, and Judeo-Christian/Western values, the majestic and once glowing white marble monuments and structures in Washington, D.C. are now covered in what is described as an ever-expanding black slime that preservers cannot figure out how to remove.  No joke.  After a systematic series of events where the country and its leaders progressively eliminated God and His values from the government, is it any surprise?

The dome of the Jefferson Memorial:

The monument from the side:

A distant view of the whole monument:

And according to CBS News and other sources it has also been spreading on the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and even in the Arlington and Congressional cemeteries.

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1 comment:

  1. Darkness of unrepentant sin is soiling this nation.



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