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Psalm 83: The Six-Day War

In recent years some famous Bible scholars have popularized the belief that the Psalm 83 War is yet to occur and will shortly precede the War of Gog and Magog (Ezek. 38).  While this theory explains some of the pieces of the puzzle, such as why the nations listed in Psalm 83 are not mentioned in Ezekiel 38, it has at least one glaring problem: the geopolitical scene is not, at least right now, aligned in such a way for the Psalm 83 War to occur.  Egypt and Jordan are both at peace with Israel and are in fact militarily and politically at enmity with Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah, among other nations and groups in the Middle East.

The aim of this article is not to disparage the future Psalm 83 War theory—it is still a viable possibility.  The aim of this article is to present an alternative possibility: what if the Psalm 83 War occurred in 1967?  And if it did, how much closer must we be to other key prophetic events like the rapture and second coming?

First, I want to address an argument that is often leveled against Bill Salus’ Psalm 83 theory.  Some people have argued that Psalm 83 is not a prophecy, but was merely a prayer, and therefore there need be no actual prophetic fulfillment.

I have to agree with Salus on this issue.  The Psalms are prophetic in nature according to Jesus (Lk. 24:44) and the details of Psalm 83 are very specific.  Suggesting this Psalm is merely a prayer detached from reality is to make the text devoid of any meaning or legitimacy.

Second, I want to point out that Israel has been invaded by Canaanites, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Muslims, Crusaders, and the British, but never the specific confederation of nations found in Psalm 83—that is until 1967.

The Reason For War

O God, do not remain silent;
   do not turn a deaf ear,
   do not stand aloof, O God.
See how your enemies growl,
   how your foes rear their heads.
With cunning they conspire against your people;
   they plot against those you cherish.
“Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation,
   so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”

With one mind they plot together;
   they form an alliance against you— (Ps. 83:1–5)

In Psalm 83 the enemies of God plot to destroy Israel and the reason given is “so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”  They conspire, plot, and form an alliance in secret with this goal in mind.

This is exactly what happened in 1967.  In the years and months leading up to the Six-Day War, the Egyptians and Palestinians in particular had been provoking Israel with blockades and terrorist attacks.  This culminated with a defense alliance between Egypt and Jordan in May 1967.  Iraq and other Arab nations were soon involved and amassing forces for a grand invasion of Israel.

The following quotes from key Arab leaders in the run up to the war are demonstrable evidence that their hearts and minds were in accord with Psalm 83:4:

March 8th 1965

We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand, we shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood.
—President of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser

Feb 22nd 1967

It is the duty of all of us now to move from defensive positions to offensive positions and enter the battle to liberate the usurped land…Everyone must face the test and enter the battle to the end. 
—President Attassi of Syria

April 8th 1967

[This battle will be] followed by more severe battles until Palestine is liberated and the Zionist presence ended.
—Syria’s information minister Mahmoud Zubi

May 16th 1967

The existence of Israel has continued too long. We welcome the Israeli aggression. We welcome the battle we have long awaited. The peak hour has come. The battle has come in which we shall destroy Israel.
—Cairo Radio

May 17th 1967

All Egypt is now prepared to plunge into total war which will put an end to Israel.
—Cairo Radio

May 18th 1967

The Zionist barrack in Palestine is about to collapse and be destroyed. Every one of the hundred million Arabs has been living for the past nineteen years on one hope – to live to see the day Israel is liquidated…There is no life, no peace nor hope for the gangs of Zionism to remain in the occupied land.

As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel….The sole method we shall apply against Israel is a total war which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence.
—Cairo Radio’s Voice of the Arabs broadcast

May 20th 1967

Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse any aggression, but to initiate the act ourselves, and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland of Palestine. The Syrian army, with its finger on the trigger, is united. I believe that the time has come to begin a battle of annihilation.
—Syria’s Defense Minister Hafez Assad (later to be Syria’s President)

May 22nd 1967

We want a full scale, popular war of liberation… to destroy the Zionist enemy.
—Syrian president Dr. Nureddin al-Attasi, speech to troops

May 26th 1967

Taking over Sharm el Sheikh meant confrontation with Israel (and) also meant that we were ready to enter a general war with Israel. The battle will be a general one and our basic objective will be to destroy Israel.
—Gamal Abdel Nasser, speech to the General Council of the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions 

May 30th 1967

The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel … to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not of more declarations.
—Gamal Abdel Nasser

May 31st 1967

The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear – to wipe Israel off the map.
—President Aref of Iraq

The collective Arab reasoning for the war was clear.  It wasn’t for land, spoils, or power.  It wasn’t for defense.  It was for the express purpose of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.

The Psalm 83 Nations

The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites,
   of Moab and the Hagrites,
Byblos, Ammon and Amalek,
   Philistia, with the people of Tyre.
Even Assyria has joined them
   to reinforce Lot’s descendants. (Ps. 83:6–8)

According to Bill Salus, the people groups mentioned in Psalm 83 represent the modern nations of Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Saudia Arabia in addition to the Palestinians.  Joel Richardson maintains the same list, but excludes Egypt.  Most studies and commentaries I’ve found stick to these two lists, though Richardson’s list is perhaps a bit too restrictive when it comes to the ancient territories of Amalek, Edom, and the Ishmaelites.

In any case, there is general consensus and it just so happens that the nations that came against Israel in the Six-Day War are exactly the same nations listed in Psalm 83:6–8.

The primary belligerents were Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon.  These nations would account for Edom, Moab, Byblos, Ammon, Amalek, Tyre, Assyria, and the Hagrites.

These five modern nations were supported by the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Saudi Arabia’s air force, which would account for Philistia and the Ishmaelites (see here and here).

Battle Lines

Do to them as you did to Midian,
   as you did to Sisera and Jabin at the river Kishon,
who perished at Endor
   and became like dung on the ground.
Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb,
   all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna,
who said, “Let us take possession
   of the pasturelands of God.”

Make them like tumbleweed, my God,
   like chaff before the wind.
As fire consumes the forest
   or a flame sets the mountains ablaze,
so pursue them with your tempest
   and terrify them with your storm.
Cover their faces with shame, Lord,
   so that they will seek your name. (Ps. 83:9–16)

Israel had 100,000 deployed troops, 300 aircraft, and 800 tanks.

The Arab confederation had 240,000 deployed troops, over 950 aircraft, and over 2,500 tanks.

In other words, the Arabs had nearly two and a half times as many troops, and over three times as many aircraft and tanks.  The face off was truly a David and Goliath story—the Arabs controlling an area of land the size of the European Union and the Israelis controlling a small sliver of territory the size of New Jersey.

The Israelis were outmanned, outgunned, and surrounded in every conceivable way, but their forces were more prepared, better trained, and defended by One very powerful Deity.

The Outcome

May they ever be ashamed and dismayed;
   may they perish in disgrace.
Let them know that you, whose name is the Lord—
   that you alone are the Most High over all the earth. (Ps. 83:17–18)

Through miracle after miracle, Israel won a decisive victory.  Though nearly 1,000 Israeli troops were killed, some 10,000 Arab soldiers perished and Israel took possession of the Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Sinai Peninsula.  Most importantly, the Jews took back their ancient capital of Jerusalem, including the sacred Temple Mount (although on June 17, 1967 the Israeli government voluntarily gave the Temple Mount back to the Jordanian Waqf).

Arab forces withdrew in disgrace just as Psalm 83 prophesied and to this day Arabs call the war an-Naksah, “The Setback.”

If indeed the Six-Day War was the prophetic fulfillment of Psalm 83 it is amazing that Psalm 83 coincided with Israel recapturing Jerusalem.  That in and of itself shines a whole new light on the miracle of June 7th, 1967 and should wake us up to the fact that 2017 is indeed the Jubilee of Jerusalem.

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  1. Excellent article Gary! After reading this I don't see how anyone could contend that this prophecy was not The 6-Day War.

    1. Thank you. I agree a pretty solid case could be made that the Six-Day War was the fulfillment of Psalm 83.

    2. There are two glaring errors in this theory. People assume the the Hagrites are Egyptian because Abraham's mistress was Egyptian and was called Hagar. The Greeks called the Hagrites the Gerrheans and they lived in East Jordan/Saudi Arabia. Secondly, it says quite clearly in the Psalm that the confederated nations will perish in disgrace in the future war prophesied in Psalm 83. Well, has Egypt perished? It is now stronger than ever. Have any of the other nations persihed? No!! Therefore the Pslam 83 war is yet to come
      and will precede the Ezekiel 38 event. and I believe it will happen this year when Israel moves out into neighbouring territory to capture the land that houses 200 000 missiles. That is her only defence against them apart from Iron Dome and her laser defence network. And Israel always gains land in a Jubilee year which this is in 2017

    3. Toncor: I agree with you that Egypt will not participate in the war of Psalm 83. But it is not only Egypt - Iraq, Iran, and Syria also will not be there. Why? The answer is in Daniel 11:40-45, prophecies of which are grossly not understood or ignored. The King of the North, Assur-Germany with the ten EU nations will destroy the short living Islamic caliphate of the King of the South (Iran with its five allies), that is why these countries will be absent from the murderous coalition of Psalm 83. I hope this explanation is clear enough. Thanks.

  2. Very nice! That ramped up my 'how-close-are-we" meter.

    1. Yes, I think we are very close, which could mean the next events (rapture and/or Ezekiel 38) are right around the corner.

    2. There are two glaring errors in this theory. People assume the the Hagrites are Egyptian because Abraham's mistress was Egyptian and was called Hagar. The Greeks called the Hagrites the Gerrheans and they lived in East Jordan/Saudi Arabia. Secondly, it says quite clearly in the Psalm that the confederated nations will perish in disgrace in the future war prophesied in Psalm 83. Well, has Egypt perished? It is now stronger than ever. Have any of the other nations persihed? No!! Therefore the Pslam 83 war is yet to come
      and will precede the Ezekiel 38 event. and I believe it will happen this year when Israel moves out into neighbouring territory to capture the land that houses 200 000 missiles. That is her only defence against them apart from Iron Dome and her laser defence network. And Israel always gains land in a Jubilee year which this is in 2017

    3. That is not her only defense, she also has the United States of America. We will not let Israel fall....

    4. America namely Trump will betray Israel..hear the word of The Lord Wendi Lee10 December Bible Study

      Papa Received 10 December..

      Sweet Child of Mine, write Papa's Prophetic Words as you My Child I have anointed to be My Mouthpiece saith the End All and Be All of All Life, saith the Great I AM that appeared to Moses in the burning bush, saith the Father of All Things for My Glory. Write My Child. Are you being diligent in My Holy Son Yeshua? Do you yearn for His Presence to be upon you through My Ruach HaKodesh? Are you able to do anything in your own strength? Do you die to your flesh and allow My Spirit to strengthen your inner man? My Son is Your Truth My Child. The world wants you to indulge in its fornications against Me and some who say that I have sent them, I have sent them not. Do not listen to man. How much has Father and My Son Yeshua been warning about My Judgment coming? How much has Me and My Son written through Our Chosen Mouthpieces about judgment coming to Babylon America? Father and My Son Yeshua have been pleading with Our Children to be prepared, to get ready. We have made it abundantly clear that We do what We do and when We will do for your good, that We Elohim God adore each one of you and to have eternal life you must turn to My Son Yeshua. Yes America has begun to admit My Jerusalem is My Capital of My Israel, however, My Children this is not all going to be for My Jerusalem and Israel. Did not your president America still admit he is for dividing My Land? While this is written, I know the betrayal that will come against My Israel. Father will rain His Mighty Fires upon the betrayer, that will be you O America Babylon. Do not get caught up in this My Children for I see and know all that no one else sees, not even the enemy. I AM The Creator of All, you cannot do anything that escapes My All Seeing Eye. I AM the redeemer of My Children and yes Father uses My People to say and to speak My Mysteries just as I used Paul and My Other Apostles. You try to convince My Son's Children that they are not good enough to stay saved by My Son's Innocent and Perfect Blood. Woe to you those who reap this other Gospel, this wormy fruit, this is Not what My Son crucified Himself for, for self righteous saints to condemn other saints when you yourself have not asked Me Your Father of Righteousness? How is it that you may gain back your salvation when I AM the All Knowing God Jehovah Elohim and have chosen you for you have not chosen Me? Read My Word for My Son said "It is Finished"! Papa God Yaheveh has spoken

  3. I got chills reading this. Praise God for his deep love for Israel. Reminds us of the need to 'pray for the peace of Jerusalem'


  4. I don't think so.

    It could seem as if this great war of Psalm 83 already occurred if not for one glaring aspect that is missing: Israel must be living in a time when their guard is down, when they are at relative peace and not anymore worried about these wasps coming border areas, and when their territory is greater than it is now. Surely a war like Psalm 83 will precede this. But we don’t see any of this. We still see even Damascus intact in 2017. I would ask that isn’t this Psalm 83 war what will cause the even more colossal war of Ezekiel?

    "Egypt and Jordan are both at peace with Israel and are in fact militarily and politically at enmity with Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah, among other nations and groups in the Middle East."

    I would say that this is a superficial peace. On paper they may be allies, but they (the two Arab nations) are just biding time. They have a history of this kind of thing. None of those nations really are at true peace with the Jews.

    While we are all excited to see things moving with Israel in this year of 2017, let's continue to be cautious in our speculations. For me, 1967 could not have been this war. It was a foreshadowing of it.

    1. A land of villages un-walled...

    2. "It could seem as if this great war of Psalm 83 already occurred if not for one glaring aspect that is missing: Israel must be living in a time when their guard is down"

      But that isn't in Psalm 83. You might be getting that confused with Ezekiel 38/39 ("land of unwalled villages"). Psalm 83 makes no mention of Israel's state at the time of the war. I posted all of Psalm 83 in my article above, so you can see the entirety of the Psalm and my explanation in each section of how Psalm 83 fits.

    3. The Yom Kippur war was when their guard was down.

  5. Gary Sir,

    I know that is not in Psalm 83. I did not write that it was. For Ezekiel, in Ch. 38 he introduces the reader to the kind of environment in Israel that exists at the onset of Gog and Magog’s attack.

    I said nothing about the Psalm making mention of Israel's condition during the war of Psalm 83. If the '67 war was the fulfillment of that prophecy, then we would have seen soon afterwards, and would see perhaps today those conditions listed in the original post.

    "Surely a war like Psalm 83 will precede this" --

    Yes, that means a war must happen FIRST to create those peaceful conditions afterward that are described by Ezekiel Ch. 38. This is agreed upon by others. The conditions do not exist yet, so the war of ’67 cannot be Psalm 83.

    1. I hear you, but I don't follow your train of thought. Psalm 83 doesn't begin or end with any conditions for Israel. The only result given in the text is that Israel's enemies leave in disgrace following the war.

      Regarding the conditions leading to Ezekiel 38, we do not know if Psalm 83 is what leads to those conditions or if something else does. Personally I think a comprehensive Middle East peace agreement (possibly the Dan. 9:27 covenant) is the likeliest candidate for disarming Israel and causing a setup of unwalled villages.

      Time will tell.

    2. The Six-Day War fulfills Psalm 83 to a very precise degree. It's hard to imagine us getting a better match. There are many other scenarios that could happen. For example, Isaiah 17 hasn't happened yet, and that could easily be about the Middle-East being destroyed in nuclear fire, after which the rebuilt Israel would be in a profoundly different situation geopolitically.

      It is very important to be aware of the past when talking about this kind of thing. Maybe Isaiah 17 could even be brought about by Israel's leaders being on the wrong page about prophecy. Prophecy is dangerous like that.

    3. There are two glaring errors in this theory. People assume the the Hagrites are Egyptian because Abraham's mistress was Egyptian and was called Hagar. The Greeks called the Hagrites the Gerrheans and they lived in East Jordan/Saudi Arabia. Secondly, it says quite clearly in the Psalm that the confederated nations will perish in disgrace in the future war prophesied in Psalm 83. Well, has Egypt perished? It is now stronger than ever. Have any of the other nations persihed? No!! Therefore the Pslam 83 war is yet to come
      and will precede the Ezekiel 38 event. and I believe it will happen this year when Israel moves out into neighbouring territory to capture the land that houses 200 000 missiles. That is her only defence against them apart from Iron Dome and her laser defence network. And Israel always gains land in a Jubilee year which this is in 2017

  6. Edom is listed as one of the foreigners inside the gates of Jerusalem (Obadiah 11) and all of them perish at the 2nd Coming (Obadiah 18). This obviously has not occurred yet.

    1. Edom was already inside the gates of Jerusalem with the return of the few Judahites and Benjaminites from Babylon after Cyrus' of the Medes and Persians decree for allowing them to return after the fall of Babylon.
      Edom helped the Babylonians loot Judah & Benjamin and took their land when Jerusalem fell, they even cut off the refugees trying to flee to Egypt when Babylon invaded. That 's why there is a curse on them until today.
      You might recall that Jerusalem and surrounding areas was originally the territory of Benjamin, with Judah to the south, and Edom further south.
      Many returning Judahites and Benjaminites then moved into the former territories of Naphtali, Zebulon and Issakar which was left desolate after the Assyrians removed the Northern kingdom (10 Tribes). This land became known as Galilee, where Jesus was born and carried out his ministry. Jesus in his time also commanded his disciples to spread the word only to the House of Israel, which was now dwelling in Galilee. Jesus only went to Judeah (which was now a mixture of Judahites and Edomites - the Jews - see Hasmonian dynasty when it was called Idumea before the Romans called it Judeah) to go Herod's temple on the feast days. Herod himself was an Edomite king having no scruples in killing all of Judeah's 2 year olds and under when he heard about the new King being born. He later even killed his own wife and sons to stay in power and to ensure his Edomite dominion.
      Also to note is that Edom is the continuation of the serpent seed, ie the seed of Cain, as Esau (Edom) married women descending from Cain's children. God said to Eve that there will forever be enmity between her seed and the serpent's seed. Cain and Abel (Seth), Jacob (Israel) and Esau (Edom). Herein lies the great deception the Bible is talking about, as the Edomites are claiming today to be Israel, which they are not. At best, Judah has been defiled by Idumea (Edom).
      Modern day Israel has again been usurped by Edom and Cain. Now the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees will rise again, just in time for the return of the King, but this time He is coming with Glory and Might and those who have crucified Him and cried that his blood be on them and their children's children will receive their due rewards, each man according to his works, good or evil.

    2. uhmm...correction, Jesus not born in Galilee but Bethlehem

    3. Cain's children? Cain's race died in the flood. Noah was from the line of Seth.

    4. Charissa, you are right. Edom married Canaanite women, which has nothing to do with Cain, whose race indeed was perished in the flood. Beside, seem to me, the 888 does not know who Edom today is.

  7. I don't think Israel's guard will ever be totally down until the time of anti-Christ. Nor would it need to be in order for the fulfillment of scripture. When you look at their generally Godless, unconcerned state as a whole, an invasion by Russia, Iran & co would be an enormous shock to their hedonistic, Christless society. It appears to me that all the conditions necessary for the Ezekiel 38 war are either in place, or quickly could be.


    1. Barry, the conditions necessary for the Ezekiel 38-39 war are not here - this war will start in the distant future. As Maimonides said, this war will happen at the beginning of the Messianic Age, when the Messiah son of David will be revealed. All the House of Jacob (the Twelve Tribes) has to be reunited and regathered to the Promised Land. People of Israel will be redeemed and lived in safety, prosperity, and security. The war of Gog and Magog will not start without these conditions. Period.
      To make it clear, the sequences of the prophesied future wars as follow: The wars of the kings of the north and south (Daniel 11:40-45) will commence first; then shortly after will begin the wars of Psalm 83; and then, in the End of Days, occur the Gog's war of Ezekiel 38-39.

  8. I've been thinking the same thing Gary, based on the info that the Saudis loaned men and equipment. I didn't know they gave air support. Why do so many 'prophecy experts' ignore this?

  9. Interesting article, Gary. Two things I never quite got about the Salus Scenario:

    1. His theory rests on the idea that the Psalm 83 (P83) and Ezekiel 38-39 (EZ38) battles comprise two mutually exclusive groups of nations. But Ezekiel 38:6 indicates that besides the outer-ring countries, the invasion will include many other peoples. Well, who might they be? God just listed all the outer-ring countries, so, who are we talking about? Ireland? Japan? Canada? It must be somebody, and the only logical possibility I see is that it includes some of those same inner-ring peoples mentioned in P83.

    2. His theory also rests on the idea that P83 and EZ38 are fought for two different stated purposes: P83 is so that the name of Israel be remembered no more--in other words, to wipe Israel off the map. EZ38 is fought to take a spoil. So please explain to me why these two goals must be mutually exclusive.

    Like, "Oh, we're not here to wipe you out, we just want to take a spoil. That 'wiping you out' thing comes later. Sorry for the confusion."

    It never made any sense to me.

    1. One thing about the possibility that the Six Day War fulfilled P83 that has the little hairs on the back of my neck standing at attention is this:

      Notice in P83 the specific mention of "the NAME OF ISRAEL" being "remembered no more." Many people don't realize that choosing the name "Israel" for the new Jewish nation in 1948 was actually a big deal, and "Israel" literally wasn't decided upon until the very last minute. In the Six Day War, the Jews had just 19 years earlier "remembered the name of Israel," and the Arabs were determined to see it forgotten again.

      (cue "Twilight Zone" theme...)

    2. Nice observation about the name of Israel! Wow, I didn't think about that, but you're right - they knew they wanted a Jewish state, but the name "Israel" was not pre-determined.

  10. tony/vt. All of this certainly makes you wonder. i just found this, www.thepropheticyears.com/enddepravity/apocalypse-road-has-gap-between-rapture-and-daniels-70th-week-html This too in connection w/ Bill Salus is interesting and it too, makes you wonder! i hope i typed the link correctly, it is over at Don Koenigs site

  11. Man!!! what a can of worms that opened up Gary. When I have been so humbled by Abba Father I just feel like dust, and I so look forward to this up coming sign to be what we all wish it to be, and I will get more clarification from YAH why He put these three Hebrew letters on the side of my face when His Holy Spirit came with the heat into my back to heal to crushed vertebra while in prayer for such a healing....that's all I want to know...why me...what else am I to do for our Father?...everybody chill out on trying to prove someone wrong on this or that.

  12. blessings James, keep us posted. praying....tony/vt.

  13. QUITE INTERESTING GREG L.!!! tony/vt.

  14. Anonymous wrote:

    “It appears to me that all the conditions necessary for the Ezekiel 38 war are either in place, or quickly could be.”

    Their guard will have been lowered enough to be taken by surprise by Gog and Magog. For me, a victorious war of the IDF will be enough. But which of those conditions that I made mention of in the post above are in place? There are none. You are correct about conditions that could arise quickly, but there would have to be a real kick-ass war to bring them in first and clear the area. Enter Psalm 83.

    "One thing about the possibility that the Six Day War fulfilled P83 that has the little hairs on the back of my neck standing at attention is this:

    Notice in P83 the specific mention of "the NAME OF ISRAEL" being "remembered no more." Many people don't realize that choosing the name "Israel" for the new Jewish nation in 1948 was actually a big deal, and "Israel" literally wasn't decided upon until the very last minute. In the Six Day War, the Jews had just 19 years earlier "remembered the name of Israel," and the Arabs were determined to see it forgotten again."

    I realise that the players in the ’67 war could match that of the prophecy. But what of the results of that war by the time Gog and Magog arrive, which is clearly sometime after the Psalm 83 war is over? We will recognize when the Psalm 83 war occurs not only by the antagonists but by the conditions that exist AFTER the war is over (by the time Gog and Magog are plotting). Do those conditions exist NOW in 2017? No!

    No matter how fashionable you want to be, the war of 1967 was not the prophesied Psalm 83 war. This is as dangerous as saying that Gog and Magog is the same as Armageddon (which I have seen in posts on this site).

  15. "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations with are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog..." Rev 20:7-8 Did we miss the 2nd Coming at Rev 19:7?

  16. https://www.lds.org/scriptures/gs/gog?lang=eng
    The Mormon Church also teaches "Gog will invade Israel at the time of the 2nd Coming" Don't fall for this Lie

  17. There are two glaring errors in this theory. People assume the the Hagrites are Egyptian because Abraham's mistress was Egyptian and was called Hagar. The Greeks called the Hagrites the Gerrheans and they lived in East Jordan/Saudi Arabia. Secondly, it says quite clearly in the Psalm that the confederated nations will perish in disgrace in the future war prophesied in Psalm 83. Well, has Egypt perished? It is now stronger than ever. Have any of the other nations persihed? No!! Therefore the Pslam 83 war is yet to come and will precede the Ezekiel 38 event. and I believe it will happen this year when Israel moves out into neighbouring territory to capture the land that houses 200 000 missiles. That is her only defence against them apart from Iron Dome and her laser defence network. And Israel always gains land in a Jubilee year which this is in 2017

  18. Psalm 83 does not say those nations perish. The psalmist is requesting that they do. Believing that Psalm 83 is fulfilled is a reasonable interpretation, just as believing it is not.

    And from one point of view, they did perish. Their armies were decimated and none of them is anywhere near Israel's equal militarily today.

    Many of you should ditch your arrogant, condescending, dogmatic attitudes and learn from Gary's humble, diplomatic approach to difficult topics.

    I believe Gary is right and Bill Salus is wrong, but I wouldn't disparage him over it. I also wouldn't plant a flag on the notion that Gary is 100% correct, but to dismiss his post because you think this or that point is flawed is just wrong. There are many dogmatic statements above that are opinion, not scripture.



    1. They certainly ARE Scriptures, sir. Have you read what was written and understood it, or have you not read it at all?

      Wishful thinking and hope is one thing, but facts and reasoning cannot be dismissed.

    2. Anonymous @ 9:51: Attitude check please. None of us have it figured out 100%, including yourself. Show good fruits in keeping with repentance (i.e. humility, kindness, love, etc).

  19. I'm going for a partial fulfillment in 67, and a more complete fulfillment to show up shortly. I agree that Egypt is glaringly absent from Ps. 83, and so is Syria. Why will those two not attack? Caught up in their own civil wars, no doubt, and/or, Syria will be too destroyed by then to offer much assistance. In fact, the destruction of Damascus is a likely trigger for the Ps. 83 war--and/or the peace treaty of the evil man. Egypt's civil war should begin shortly as Ethiopia begins to fill its new Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (See Isaiah 19 for that one).

    Just my opinions. Love your work, Gary.

    1. JIM Davis: You are right - Egypt and Syria (and Iraq!)will not take part in Psalm 83. Why? Because these countries together with the King of the South Iran will be soundly defeated by the King of the North Assur-Germany with the Ten nations of EU (Daniel 11:4045). This war(s)will happen prior the war(s) of Psalm 83 and also precede the war of Gog and Magog, which starts in the distant future. The majority of scholars have identified Edom and Assur wrongly.

  20. Great Job Gary. You made it obvious, and I think you're right. I really admire all the research that goes into these things. Wish I had time for that, but have to be content with being blessed by the time you guys all spend on this. Thank you.

  21. Finally!! I've been saying this for years. I agree totally. Great article! Love, love, love this site.

  22. An interesting view but I wondered if Bill Salus had ever addressed this. After a little searching it turns out he actually did. Here is a link from a 2009 blog. http://prophecydepot.blogspot.com/2009/03/psalm-83-has-it-found-final-fulfillment.html

    I'm going to side with Bill on this.

  23. Even though nations are no longer located within their ancient borders, it does not mean that they have disappeared from history. It seems that God has seen fit to hide this truth for the present. The Prophet Asaph listed the nations that were well known to the ancient world in his time—without tying people’s dwellings to certain geographical boundaries. His main goal was to rightly identify these people in the End Time, when the Psalm 83 prophecy kicks in, regardless of their ancient geographical locations. As a seer, he foresaw that the people whom he prophesied about would not remain for thousands of years in the places that they occupied at the time, and would move all over the Earth. The best illustrations of it are Assur and Edom, which you identified incorrectly. Such vision is a gift of prophecy. If one disregards this situation and tries to identify those nations by their previous geographical areas, it will misinterpret and twist the prophecy, and even nullify the essence of it. Yet that is what exactly many theologians have done with the Asaph prophecy.

  24. Woah, was thinking about this article from a while back and thought I would re read psalm 83. A word in 83:3 stumped me in the NKJV so I thought I would look at the Hebrew. The words being 'hidden ones'. The Hebrew literally means hidden or stored. Could this be a reference to the raptured church (come away for a while my people...)

    1. "The ruptured church" is the Grandmother fairy-tale story for the kids.

    2. It is reserved for those in the spirit of the Church of Philadelphia (REV 3:7.10)

      'Because you have kept my command to endure, I will also keep you safe from the time of trouble which is coming upon the world to test all the people on the Earth.'

  25. Couldn't it be that Ps 83 could be fulfilled in several installments? It is not described as a battle (with a definitive beginning) just like the conquering of Canaan which took multiple battles and years. If 1967 6 day war was fought by Egypt, Jordan and Syria doesn't that leave Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Palestinian who were NOT part of the 1967 war? Ps 83 17-18: May they ever be ashamed and dismayed; may they perish in disgrace. Let them know that you, whose name is the Lord—that you alone are the Most High over all the earth.
    I haven't seen evidence that Palestinians, Iraq etc. recognize Yahweh as Most High. Israel is not living in peace and safety in unwalled villages, as is required for Ezekiel 38 to take place.

    Ps. 83 and the defeat (not destruction) of Israel's bordering muslim nations would enable a covenant to be confirmed, if the covenant allows the Jews to rebuilt the 3rd Temple. Jews would be ecstatic with whoever brings this covenant to the signature table (antichrist) and would easily recognize him as their leader. This also would allow about 3 1/3 years of relative peace/security for Israel, increased wealth, and the rebuilding of their Temple all in time for the midpoint of Tribulation. I would appreciate any comments! Thank you .

  26. Psalm 83:9-18 has not yet happened...their destruction is still to be dealt with

  27. Great article, Gary. I like what the one brother said when discussing the Gog War that 38:6: ....and many peoples with you.” We really don’t know who comprises that group of peoples. It is possible it could include some of the inner ring nations as well. Anyhow, for now, I’m still looking for the Gog War, assuming I’m not raptured out first.

  28. Could the 6 day war be the fulfilment of Ezekiel 38? It was Clearly the Lords answer to the 'wicked plan'.

  29. Thank you for this profound revelation! We always knew that the Six Day War was highly significant. Yet, we did not make the connection to the Psalm 83' War. We thought that Psalm 83 may have been the 1948' Arab-Israeli War.
    The miraculous was certainly present during the Six Day War.
    The Gendrons'

  30. If the six day war was the Psalm 83 war....then how does one explain away the coming war of Ezekiel 38 war.....an this passage> Eze 38:11 "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,"



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