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Iran Now Has Two Ways to Build a Bomb

Iran's first nuclear reactor is now online. With Russian assistance, the nuclear fuel rods were installed in the Bushehr power plant. Iran is now the first enemy of Israel in history to have an online nuclear reactor. The 12th Imam Cult can now build nuclear weapons by: 1.) enriching uranium through the centrifuge process, or 2.) develop plutonium through the reactor.

The Bushehr reactor, literally 850 feet from the Persian Gulf, is now effectively immune from an Israeli airstrike. Any IDF attack would likely cause a catastrophic ecological disaster spewing radiation into the air and water. The world would quickly turn against Israel. As much as I appreciate Netanyahu, you gotta' wonder what the heck was he thinking not to strike before the fuel rods were loaded? Sure the political fallout would not be pretty, but does he honestly think the situation is going to get better by ignoring the problem? Iran has just made its biggest breakthrough yet and the world could care less.

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