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The Stage Is Now Set For The Mark Of The Beast

The technology necessary to implement the Mark of the Beast described in Revelation 13:16-17 has existed in different forms for quite awhile now in the form of RFID, NFC, and electronic tattoos, and post-Great Recession the economic 'necessity' has existed, too.  There is a great desire on the part of the world's leaders to impose global economic governance and supplant the dollar with a world currency composed of a basket of chief currencies.  The Euro has always been the primary test case for a larger global currency, in its own time replacing numerous national legal tenders.  Additional motivation for the Mark will be found in the elites' desire to ban cash in an effort to force negative interest rates on every consumer.  It is essentially the only way they can think of to keep the leaking ship afloat.

As you can see, the technology and the motivation currently exist, but what has been lacking is acceptance on the part of consumers.  For many years Christians were a vocal opposition and a reminder that these technologies could morph into the Mark.  While many Christians still understand this, their voice has been all but silenced on this topic and things appear to have rapidly changed in regards to social acceptance.  Not only are people accepting of this technology, but they are voluntarily implanting themselves in their hands and bodies and the number of people doing so is rapidly increasing - in Europe, the United States, and even Latin America.

As a reminder to everyone regarding the consequences, please read Revelation 14:9-11, Revelation 16:2, and Revelation 19:20.

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  1. https://youtu.be/4I5ophhC3GA thee is yee answers



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