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Election 2016 Update

For months it seemed that Clinton was on a straight march to the White House, but the last two weeks have seen a dramatic change with Clinton and Trump now in a statistical tie.  Trump is ahead in critical Florida, Ohio, and Iowa, but Clinton still has a very slight Electoral College advantage.  With the first debate less than a week away it will be interesting to see what happens.

While Trump is not in a technical lead, he seems to have gained some momentum.  Clinton has ran on average 5 points ahead of Trump nationally for the duration of the campaign and her lead has now shrunk to less than 1 point per RealClearPolitics.

Below is my current estimation of how the Electoral Votes would go if the election were held today, though I'm very unsure about New Hampshire and Colorado, so I have left them tossups:

If the election breaks down like this, Trump could win with either N.H. or Colorado.  Clinton would need both.

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