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Left Behind? A Key to Understanding Bible Prophecy

The Tribulation Saints

As the hour grows late, my heart has been troubled with thoughts of  the Tribulation Saints.  These people are alive right now;  they are your friends, your neighbors, and your co-workers, maybe it's even you.

Time is Running Out
What is a Tribulation Saint?

  • A person who comes to Faith in Christ as the Messiah after the Rapture
  • Who stays faithful through the Tribulation (Matthew 24:13)
  • Who stays alive until the Second Coming 

Who are the Tribulation Saints?

  • People who have heard the gospel and rejected it
  • Those who never in their heart considered Christ
  • Those who have been deceived by a false religion. 
  • Some professed Christians who do not have a real relationship with the Redeemer. (Matthew 7:21-23)

Many unsaved people say they will wait, there is no hurry, they will come to Christ after the Rapture.  They are fools to count upon that chance, for the Word says those that have rejected the gospel will receive a powerful delusion. (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11)  This delusion is manifesting itself in a way that is baffling to those who see the truth.  Right is wrong and good is bad - it's a madness that has gripped the world and it will only get worse.

The Bowl Judgments
Staying Alive: 

The staying alive part is no easy task - the Scriptures lay out that most of the world's population will be killed during the Tribulation.  Volcanoes, earthquakes, war, pestilence, starvation, plagues, heat, drought, demonic creatures, world government hunting and beheading all who won't take the mark of the beast or worship his image.  The inability to buy food, clothing, or supplies - to be prey, hunted and starved.  Who would chose such an existence?

Four Horseman of the Tribulation
Isaiah 24 describes the earth after the Tribulation, it is destroyed.  Psalm 27 is a Scripture for those future Tribulation Saints.  It speaks of hiding from enemies, being separated even from mother and father, and depending on the Lord for protection.  Only the Supernatural protection of God will leave anyone alive by the end.

Hold Tight:

Tribulation Saints will not have the assurance of eternal salvation (See here) - that in and of itself is horrifying.  To be responsible for remaining faithful in your own flesh in the face of the tribulation... well, I am just glad I don't have to accomplish that task.  These Tribulation believers are the 10 Virgins, who are given a bit of oil when they are saved but who are responsible for staying faithful.  (See: It's Not About the Church)

Once the church is Raptured, the age of Grace will end - no other group will ever have the "blessed assurance" that the church enjoys.

What Awaits the Tribulation Saint?

Many are killed for their faith.  The Tribulation Martyrs will serve in the new Temple (Rev. 7:14-15) and rule with the Lord on the Earth during the Millennial reign (Rev. 20:4-6).  Most will just die in the Judgments, they are the Wedding Guests in Matthew 22:8-9.  Those who remain alive at the Second Coming will live on earth during the Millennium.  Their bodies will be restored and made healthy as man will once again attain pre-flood lifespans.  Isaiah 65:20

Time is Running Out!

Don't wait, the Lord calls to you, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.…"

Don't be a Tribulation Saint.
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1 comment:


    Read the LIVING WORD of GOD
    Jesus said OCCUPY until I come (keep going, don't quit now)
    PRAY you are counted worthy to ESCAPE
    LOOK UP your redemption draws near
    ENCOURAGE each other
    COMFORT each other
    PURIFY yourselves (examine your life for hidden sins)
    BE FILLED ( with the OIL of the Holy Spirit) BY READING THE WORD
    WATCH (see the signs of the times all around us)
    WAIT (just sit tight and be patient, He IS coming soon)
    BLESSED HOPE is Jesus coming in the clouds for His bride
    You must be BORN AGAIN to enter the Kingdom of Heaven
    WISE VIRGIN vs. foolish virgins (those that go vs. those left on earth)
    WISE SERVANT vs. evil servants
    FORGIVE others so that your Father in Heaven will forgive you
    FELLOWSHIP with other believers
    Be SOBER



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