Why are people so angry over an NFL player that refused to stand for the National Anthem? Hundreds of thousands of words have been written on the subject and I won't rehash any of them, but I'd ask you to consider the reason people are outraged and why it matters.
Sports fan is a shortened form of the original term,
sports fanatic.
Fanatic is defined as a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal (great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective), especially for an extreme religious or political cause. A religion can be defined as a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
We all know these folks, the ones that come to work on Monday depressed because their team lost. Sports fans across the world spend their time, talent, and money supporting "their team". They raise their hands and sing praises and cheers in loud voices. There is nothing wrong with healthy spectator sports, time with friends, and having a good time at an event. In a balanced life and mind, the wholesome good time of competition and sport is a gift from God but there is another side.
Sports Devotion |
As society has moved away from the acknowledgement of the Most High, other things have moved into His place. Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is so will your heart be. How many follow every play, watch every interview, devote entire weekends to tailgate and game day, how many stand and cheer and pour their entire attention into a game? Have sports become too important in their lives? Do they neglect their family and other important activities during "the season"?
The Sports Fan Couch Potato |
Before my husband was saved, I called myself a "Football Widow". I had no idea how many games were played Saturday through Monday. If we were not watching a game, we were watching sports TV, and I would be alone every home game. He'd leave in the morning and return late in the evening chilled to the bone and reeking of stale beer. He was looking for something to fill the hole, looking for something to be devoted to, and in the end, sports were better than drugs, spending, or women.
Sports Worship |
Sports has become an idol, in the sense that fans are "devoted" and "zealous". We are warned against this in Scripture:
1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols.
1 Corinthians 10:14 ESV Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.
Judges 10:14 ESV Go and cry out to the gods whom you have chosen; let them save you in the time of your distress.
Extreme Weather Fans |
So if sports are a god, then people expect them to behave like a god. They should be honorable and fair and their players should be righteous and good. As such, when a god does not behave people react with extreme indignation.
FIFA Bribery Corruption |
The lesser gods of players are not forgiven for their sins, Kaepernick is just the latest. Micheal Vick, Tom Brady, Ray Lewis, Lance Armstrong, Joe Paterno, OJ Simpson all have exhibited personal behavior unbecoming to a god and the public has been brutal in its condemnation.
Disgraced Swimmer |
This is the real reason behind the Kaepernick uproar; not a spoiled, rich athlete who should know better, simply an object of worship who is not worthy of the devotion. In the end, only one is worthy, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.
Wow, really, really good. Sports devotion has been on my mind a lot lately, but didn't know how to address it.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to sports and/or religion, some people go overboard in an unhealthy way.