World Prepares For War
Venezuela is on the verge of civil war.
U.N. imposes crushing sanctions on North Korea (cutting one-third of their exports) and tensions are now higher than at any point since the Korean War. North Korea is threatening "thousands-fold" revenge on the U.S. as observers estimate their ICBM range now encompasses Chicago and possibly New York.
Doklam standoff between China and India is escalating with Chinese state-run media hinting that they might be on the verge of a limited military operation against Indian troops in the region.
Keep in mind that these soon-to-be-wars will simply add fuel to an already burning fire. There are ongoing civil wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, and a number of other countries. As a matter of fact, there are currently 58 ongoing armed conflicts around the world.
distress amongst the nations,. for sure, never before
ReplyDeleteIt's reaching a boiling point!
DeleteMarianne, again read this:
DeleteYour source didn't back his sources with evidence. You shouldn't back this either.
Regarding '58 ongoing armed conflicts around the world', I searched 'what does 58 mean Biblically' and got this: ---- 1 Cor 15:58: So my dear brothers and sisters, stand strong. Do not let anything move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your work in the Lord is never wasted. --- The article you posted was on Aug 7 = 15 and the 58 conflicts --- thought that was interesting, too.
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ReplyDeleteIt feels like the world is about ready to pop. There is no turning back, no settling things between nations. Never do I remember so many nations going after one another at the same time. Even while learning of wars in school and after 911, never such turmoil and unrest. While I watch this all in slight horror, I am also comforted know with a feeling (almost a sensation!) that Jesus is coming. You guys feel it? He is right there, waiting for the ok! He is there with his hand on the door knob ready to swing it open!!!
ReplyDeleteCOME UP HERE!
Jesus come quickly! Because Lord willing I will run to you ❤️
Yes! Feeling is so strong I can almost touch it!
DeleteYes a mixture of detached alarm and an unearthly peace at the same time
DeletePlease take this from a very sincere heart. I am a Christian and totally expect to be here for 2018. I more than likely will be tough times, maybe extremely tough times, but my faith in what scriptures I have discerned over will be further increased. I am feeling out here on a limb, but confidently and faithfully so. As I have said several times, I would love to suddenly be out of here with all of us....but my faith awaits to see if my constant prayers for discernment and enlightenment were truly answered. October is not far away!
ReplyDeleteThat makes one of us! I expect this to be our last year on earth. :)
DeleteThere are indications of a possible 2018 rapture; however, the 23 September sign is an event in of itself, the question is how everything else will play out. I suspect that many who have built ens times timelines over the last 40-50 year will need a lot of Whiteout for corrections.
DeleteBless you, brother. None of us is 100% certain of the timing. Major things this fall seem certain but we all continue to heed His words, "in youe patience possess ye your soul." A thought, dear brothers and sisters - if our Lord asks us to endure great suffering if He tarries further - if that will bring more glory to Him and if we are called upon to minister love to suffering people, and die for Him, then God please strengthen us as we know You will.
DeleteRitchi - PLEASE BE KIND. do not criticize another believer for his or her view on the timing. WALK IN LOVE AND KINDNESS, ALL. Do not grieve the heart of our Savior. Love one another.
DeleteEl or Al (EL AL is the Israeli airline) is Aleph, the Ox Head. Yahweh written as YHWH is El written as the Tetragamaton (Ineffable Name) of Saturn and Molech. The Six Pointed Star of Saturn is the Chaldean STUR=666.
ReplyDeleteGod's Name is Jesus not YHWH and Alpha not Aleph and does not use the Six Pointed Star of Saturn or the Cross of Tammuz as His symbol because Christians are not to represent anything that is in Heaven.
Rapture? The body resurrection occurs at the 7th Trumpet, the 3rd Woe! on the last day of the Age of Grace; the next day Jesus returns to destroy the 3rd Temple and everyone worshipping the false god Saturn and his image (Six Pointed Star), his number 666 and the Idol "Abomination of Desolation". Desolate means a world without God; the 2 Witnesses will be lying in the street of Jerusalem, the great city Jesus calls "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" Rev 11:8KJV.
Ashkenaz descends from Gomer; Ashkenazi "Jews" are not Semitic, Hebrew or Jewish yet comprise 80% of Israel. Sephardic "Jews" descend from Sepharvaim, Arabs descended from Joktan, Canaanites, Hamathites, Babylonians and Medeans (2 Ki 17:30) Semitic? Partially; Jewish? No. Mizrahi "Jews" descend from Ham and Mizraim.
This is like crazy Steven Anderson conspiracy stuff. The conspiracy about modern Jews not being real Jews has been disproven:
I mean really, read Ezekiel 36.
Ma'am, your claims here make no sense. You must show actual evidence, such as a DNA study consistent with your claims. What's worse is that the two verses you cite here don't actually back any claim you are making - these are the worst out-of-context proof-texts I have seen in a long time.
DeleteI think this person is actually Howard, our local troll. He is full of self-righteousness, Gnosticism, pride, and anger. I've yet to see him display fruits of the Spirit to anyone and he certainly doesn't show any respect, having been kindly asked to leave multiple times. Alas, you will know them by their fruits.
DeleteHis fruits are deceitful and debunked conspiracy theories, wonky theology, and social isolation.
i might add Gary , that he wont tell us about his blog either,...wonder why??? the name of your only begotten son, Jesus, I humbly come before your throne seeking mercy and grace. Lord, I ask that you bring Howard to repentance. Open his eyes to see, his ears to hear, and his heart to receive the truth of your Word. Surround him with the light of Jesus. May he no longer be successful in his attempts to provoke or bring division to the body of Christ.
DeleteIn Jesus Mighty name I pray...Amen!
Any chance you could leave my comments up long enough to help someone Gary? Rapture is not in Scripture; Israel is not Semitic or Jewish; the Six Pointed Star of El/Saturn is the Mark of the Beast "666", a Canaanite symbol most likely used on Cain to keep people in the pre-Flood world from murdering him.
ReplyDeleteYou're making false claims on a group of people based on conjecture and debunked conspiracies....
DeleteYou have to actually provide proof, not post verses that don't actually back your claims. The burden of proof is on you, and you haven't actually provided any.
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ReplyDeleteHello Mr. Clarke, I just wanted to thank you for all the wonderful videos you have done. I do not have a youtube account so I couldn't post it there. You are a blessing.
Titus 2:13
I'd really like to know how CNN and others are able to get such close up footage of North Korea, i.e on the ground up close footage. I thought they were the enemy. This footage consists of missile firings from the ground and up close to Kim himself. How is this possible?, there is more to the current situations in the world than meets the eye. We are being 'played', by the real elite in charge of the MSM and Governments of the world.
ReplyDeleteCould I please ask why my comment disappeared?. If I'm moderated for that, then what's the point in posting a simple question?.
ReplyDeleteThe only comments that are removed are Marianne's (a.k.a. Howard's). We have a commenting policy, which you can read about here:
DeleteWWIII was pre-planned in writing in 1871 on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15 by Confederate Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini, both Sovereign Luciferian Freemasons. "WWIII will pit forces of political Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion in order for the doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted by the world". Rapture? Better read the bible again.
ReplyDeleteMarianne, you need to provide some evidence instead of making outlandish claims.
ReplyDeleteYou really need to check your sources before you parrot them:
"Confusion has arisen as to the precise source of Carr's three world wars scenario. As is the case with many of his claims, Carr does not provide a source for that scenario, but mentions a letter written by Pike and addressed to Italian revolutionary leader Giuseppe Mazzini, which outlines a plan for unleashing "Nihilists and Atheists", after World War Three has ended. The confusion increased when Michael Haupt launched his website, which mistakenly assumed that Carr also attributed the World War Three scenario to the Pike letter. In fact, the authenticity of this letter is disputed.[20] Carr states that he learned about the letter from the anti-Mason, Cardinal José María Caro Rodríguez of Santiago, Chile, author of The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled (Hawthorne, California, Christian Book Club of America, 1971). However, Carr's later book, Satan, Prince of This World (written in 1959), includes the following footnote: "The Keeper of manuscripts recently informed the author that this letter is NOT cataloged in the British Museum Library. It seems strange that a man of Cardinal Rodriguez's knowledge should have said that it WAS in 1925."[21] More recently, the British Museum confirmed in writing to researcher Michael Haupt[22] that such a document has never been in their possession. Pierre-André Taguieff states that Carr gave an ultimate and synthetic account[clarification needed] of this "legend" that links together the Illuminati, Mazzini and Pike in a satanic plot for world domination.[23]"
Luke 21:25 ¶ And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
ReplyDeleteGary, I'm not hiding; my name is Howard Ratcliffe My website is My Email is I was baptized by the Holy Ghost Oct 15, 2004 and have dedicated my life since then to proving and defending the Word of God. If you are a Holy Ghost baptized follower of JESUS, you will have no trouble recognizing I am defending the Word as it's written not as it is interpreted.
ReplyDeleteI had to publish this one. Here we have an admission from a certain "Marianne" that she/he is indeed one Howard Ratcliffe. And apparently if I don't agree with Howard then I don't have the Holy Spirit. Woe to you, sir.
DeleteFrom your own Statement of Faith:
"There won’t be any homosexuals, pederasts, or effeminate in Heaven."
Yet you pose here as a woman.
"Born Again Christians cannot lie, cut corners or hide their beliefs"
Yet you lie and deceive and it is exposed for all to see.
Stop your condemning fascination with the darkness and turn to the light. Other Believers have things you need to hear.
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Deleteat what point, does the US say "hey, opening planning to bomb one of our territories is not just akin to war, it is war!".
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DeleteIt seems to me that if our Lord Jesus does NOT come to take us home very soon, life as we know it will be gone forever. I am constantly amazed at people who go on about how they WANT to go through the tribulation so that they can "suffer for Jesus".
ReplyDeletedo these people even read the book of Revelation? literally billions of people are going to die, and it appears that those are going to be the "lucky" ones. food and water are not going to just magically appear at the local Wal-Mart once all these things begin to happen. just how long do people think they are going to last when trucks are unable to make it to your local town because they are all hi-jacked en route.
and for those "preppers" out there......just how do you suppose you are going to protect your hoard of supplies? do you think that you are going to keep hundreds of demon possessed people out of your home or shelter?
i believe all these "rumors of war" are just another sign that our Messiah has given us so that we will be compelled to "look up because our redemption draws nigh". Paul was so specific in telling us that we are to comfort each other with the promise of Jesus' return. we are not appointed to wrath.
of course, the church has always experienced persecution. but one look at Daniel and Revelation indicates that this is not "mere persecution". this is a special time of all out judgment on the ungodly. this is a time when God says "enough" and calls down divine judgment after divine judgment.
i take these signs of war very seriously, because it tells me that our moment of departure could happen at any moment. once the nuclear option occurs, there are just too many people who have similar weapons who will finally feel that they too can participate. i believe Jesus is literally BEGGING His children to put away the childish things of the world, and GET READY!
i am dumbfounded as i talk to Christian after Christian who say that I am being overly dramatic when i say that we are in the last of the last days. they make a point of showing me their retirement accounts and how they have such high hopes for the future. I am just a doom and gloomer and i have "wasted" my life in my obsession with the return of Jesus.
i have made many mistakes in the past 38 years of serving Jesus. but i can say with all humility that i know i will NEVER regret longing and wishing for my Lord's return. when all is said and done, the ONLY THING that matters is what we do with Jesus.
when i get my glorified body and i am privileged to look into the eyes of my Messiah, i know that i will not regret all those tens of thousands of times i cried out "come, Lord Jesus". i know that Jesus will know that, despite all my flaws, He'll know that I LOVE HIM!
my wife and i hope and pray every night that indeed this will be the year that He returns. but whether it is this year or another year, one thing will NEVER change. i will continue to cry out "maranatha" morning, noon and night. i will dream about that day i see my Lord face to face.
my body is aging, finances come and go, but one thing remains the same: Jesus bled, died and rose again for a nobody like me. His love is fresh every morning. i am as giddy about Jesus as i was when i first heard about His love for me at the age of 15. friends come and go, money is here today and gone tomorrow, but my Lord Jesus LOVES me, forever and ever and ever! amen!
Excellent post there sir. How true, most that think they want to go into the trib. to suffer for Jesus or prove their faith and be "purified", haven't read revelation I think. Revelation is literal and will be horrific.
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DeleteI agree with Eccl and Stan. I see on the news the disgusting/demonic things that Islam is doing to our brothers and sisters in South Sudan, most of which is too terrible to note here. There is no way in heck I want to see my children and wife go through any of that...yet that is only a taste of what the Tribulation will bring.!!!
DeleteHowever, as a pre-wrather, I understand that if we are needing to go through the first half of the Tribulation, I want to be prepared to be able to support my Christian family as much as possible, but to be able to be in a place to support non-believers as a final witness for those needing to be saved prior to the rapture. Yes - it is highly likely that a significant drought/famine/break-down in society will lead to pillaging etc, however, knowing peril is going to come upon us, doesn't stop us from being prepared.
Christopher- I most definitely prefer to be raptured out of here, before great tribulation....but years and years of believing pretrib just had way too many scriptures that didn't add up. I am totally prewrath...but once again I will be delighted getting out of here. I do read Revelation, Daniel, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, Matther24, Mark 13. Luke 21 etc, etc..
ReplyDeleteAs a Christian, still alive, I will see the antichrist, then great tribulation...followed by the Lord coming in the clouds for us Christians....then God's wrath happens that will be the 7 trumpet/bowl judgments.
This tells the time we are in now.
ReplyDelete1 Timothy 6:10- For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Matthew 24:12- And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Romans 1: 28-31
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Titus 2:13