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MARKETS SHAKEN: Largest Single-Day Crash In U.S. History

We’ve just witnessed the largest single-day point crash in U.S. history with the DJIA down nearly 1,200 points (over 4.5% of total market value).  U.S. markets are reeling and world markets have panicked, too, with the Nikkei previously down nearly 600 points (almost 3%).

The crash comes just three days after the previous close when the Down fell 666 points.

Today’s crash supplants the previous all-time record loss of 777 points on September 29, 2008, which just happened to be Elul 29 and the Eve of the Feast of Trumpets.

This crash happened the day after the Philadelphia Eagles won their very first Super Bowl and their first national championship since 1960—58 years ago.

Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.
- Proverbs 23:5

Philadelphia finally wins:

To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: ...Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you [rapture] from the hour of trial [Tribulation / Day of the LORD] that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
- Revelation 3:7, 10

Speaking of eagles, they feature prominently in the next part of the Revelation 12 story:

The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach.
- Revelation 12:14

Consider Isaiah 40:31:

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

And Exodus 19:4, as well:

You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.

Luke 17:37 also mentions eagles and may be a cryptic rapture passage.

God controls the details and they all point to Him.  All of creation, in unison, is telling His story—the story of redemption.

For some more incredible numbers and patterns that demonstrate God’s sovereignty, check out the latest article from the Daily Crow.

An important take away: Israel came back into existence in 194870 years later, a generation (Psalm 90:10), is 20181948 years before 2018, Jerusalem and its Temple were destroyed and the Jews dispersed.  In other words:

70 AD (Destruction/dispersion)... 1948 years later... 2018 AD

1948 AD (Israel reborn)... 70 years later... 2018 AD

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  1. Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

    1. Perfect Scripture! Thanks for sharing, I've added it in (:

    2. God bless you brother! See you soon! I was watching a Pastor Lawson video that he did before the Super Bowl and it was the first verse he quoted. Here it is if anyone would like to listen....he is so anointed and has been a blessing to me! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gypOJ9TjR6A

  2. Anyone know if the closing Dow number today (1175), has a significant gematric value like Friday's close of 666?

    1. I tried looking it up in both Greek and Hebrew Strong's and couldn't find anything that immediately jumped out at me. In Greek, the word refers to man-made, superstitious religion, so perhaps it is a message that God is soon going to put an end to man's superstition and vain/fake religion.

  3. Exodus19:4
    4 ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.

    1. Nice catch, and another great rapture allegory.

  4. A reference to the riches of the stock market and the Dow's decline.
    Proverbs 23:5:
    Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.

    1. Had to add that one in, too—perfect for the context!

    2. Hi Gary, I noticed that the word for eagle can also be translated "raptor" which is the larger category for these large prey birds eagle vulture etc. Just made me think raptor - rapture.

    3. Yes, amazing!

      Eagles/vultures: raptors
      Original word for rapture in Latin: rapturo

  5. Funny how we're looking for sports fit into this. The Astro's won the series after the Revelation sign, Eagle's win the Superbowl. After 9/11 it was the Yankees and the Patriots. Just saying.

    1. The Diamondbacks beat the Yankees for the 2001 World Series. It was only weeks after 9/11 and a lot of the country was rooting in solidarity with New York, but it wasn't to be. In a decisive game 7, the D-Backs came from behind in the bottom of the 9th and won their first ever World Series.

    2. Bernie, thanks for correcting me. I'm not much of a baseball fan. I should of double checked, it's been a few years.

  6. They don't always get it right, but check out what www.elliottwave.com and www.woodsonwave.com have to say about the turning point in the markets we are experiencing now. The crash we are now possibly starting could well be bigger than 1929. I've waited for this to happen for 20 years, what is happening could be truly extraordinary. I've always thought this forecast crash would happen about the time of the rapture.

    1. agree unknown...I have thought the crash would have come 5 or 6 years ago to be honest. But ol Obama let the 'good times roll' with fed printing while knowing the consequences would be pretty devastating. With bitcoins ongoing turmoil, and Italy offloading its debt at a phenomenal rate, we are possibly in for a doozie of a Q1.


    2. Friends, all such disruptions tend to nudge us to be thinking of the BIG one. I would be right there with ya's but for the admonition that all will be buying and selling, just another day in the market, as in the days ...

      So, while the ever-hidden realities are going to peek through, and precursor events to signal and prep what is coming will happen, but, the BIG correction? mmm, not so much me thinks. Not yet. Maranatha!

    3. I almost feel like when the Abomination Event occurs it is going to coincide with disasters on many many levels. Economic, geographic military, social, government etc I think all of the disasters are going to crescendo together. Have heard that there are 13,000 sealed indictments that will be served in connection with the FISA memo. We are going to see some major economic crashes once that all happens and so many corrupt government officials and financial players are indicted.

    4. I think you may be right Jimbo. I think the rapture of the church causes several things to happen...mass chaos...rioting in the streets...war...martial law and the BIG financial collapse.

    5. Jimboni - the drop was only the 25th worst percentage loss in history, so while significant possibly as a sign of what is to come, I agree that the daily loss in itself is relatively 'blah'. I was pondering today the 'buying and selling' aspect of the end-times. The thing we have to look for is the 'completion of the ark and animals numbering 2 by 2 (with some exceptions)'. This is what made that 'preacher of righteousness' stand out so much. It was the fact that the signs (of the completion of the ark) became more and more obvious with each passing day...and they allllll kept on buying and selling, giving in marriage etc. What interests me is that it would have been the sudden movement (God bringing them together) of animals going into the ark that would have indicated a sudden switch in Gods timing. Noah and co couldn't have done it on their own, so it must have been supernatural to some extent...yet they kept on buying and selling etc. So we are looking for the switch from the completion of the ark, to that '2 by 2' sign which to the righteous should indicate that we are at the absolute edge of eternity, vs those that simply think that something extremely weird is happening with those quaint christians. Interesting times...


    6. Jimboni - I so appreciate your words regarding the market crash! It helps to bring calm in midst of panic. I know we are to trust the Lord but I can't help but question what else should we be doing? I am thinking of banks closing and so on. Convert to cash? Put in a safety deposit box, under a floor board ... Pay off loved ones bills and your own? Please is anyone thinking about these things. I am not referring to preppers who have freeze-dried foods. If a mortgage is paid in full for example you would still need monies to pay property taxes or the city could foreclose and take your house, right.

    7. CATHI, I think of all those things also. God did give us common sense. My husband and I have ALWAYS kept some cash readily available ( not all of our little bit money we have in Banks ) just in case the gov was to completely fall, so we would have money for the necessities.

    8. Thanks, Donna! I don't feel alone. I got out of debt in June 2016, so I am relieved about that. But, there are still bills, unexpected expenses. And, I am a renter not a homeowner, so I feel more vulnerable, I guess. Tho, many need to continue paying their mortgages, too. I think about leaving water in case of a problem, for ex. - but, I always end up drinking it! I am not making much progress here ... Now, I can't help but laugh here and really what does this say. I fail miserably.

    9. Cathi G
      I would in mvho, be buying gold and/or silver. The US dollar will be used for toilet paper. Read Pat Frank's book, Alas,Babalon. Fiction but some very good ideas. (One of my all-time favorites!)

  7. In between Friday and Monday was day 34 of 2018, with 100 days to go until day 134, May 14th 2018 (70th anniversary of Israel's rebirth).

    1. That is one very big date to watch! As well as 5/20 and 5/21 (Pentecost).

    2. Hey Gary,

      You know Ascension Day in the Catholic church (and some others) is May 10. That's a Thursday and Ascension Sunday is May 13.

      Lots of stuff going on around then. It's almost like a second Holy Week!


    3. Very interesting, Michael! Not only that, but if Jesus was killed in 33 AD, May 14th is the anniversary of the REAL ascension day: http://www.unsealed.org/2017/02/the-gospel-in-stars.html

    4. There are 1290 days from Pentecost 2018 to the middle of the week of Hanukkah 2021. Maybe also the middle of Daniel's 70th week as well, which would put their flight would be in winter, and around the time of gift giving. Purely speculative but Just sayin'.

  8. Interesting also that right after the victory of the Eagles, the city fell into chaos/lawlessness.

    1. You can't make this stuff up! That is a picture of exactly what is going to happen:

      The Philadelphian Church is taken up on eagles wings before the Trib and then lawlessness ensues and the man of lawlessness is revealed.

    2. I agree very strange indeed !

    3. And now a tricked-out chariot with impressive horsepower has been launched into the heavens.

    4. Unless you count the moon rover, this was the FIRST chariot in space... recalling to mind Elijah being taken to heaven in a chariot... Elijah the prophet returns before the Day of the LORD. So many parallels now...

    5. One more thing: The team and their most ardent supporters went to the game in the north. The ones getting drunk and causing destruction were the 'left behind.'

    6. That video of the car & driver made me instantly if the animated cult movie classic, "Heavy Metal"! I believe it is the opening of the movie.

    7. That video of the car & driver made me instantly if the animated cult movie classic, "Heavy Metal"! I believe it is the opening of the movie.

  9. Nice write up. Anything needed saying has been said today. Rejoice prepare and take his hand. God bless you all. Have a good night and sleep easy.

  10. Reading the Daily Crow article you mentioned - unbelievable! God is truly in control of every detail - thankfully! A good thing to remember during these stressful times we are in. Thank you Lord!

    1. Matt at Daily Crow has some amazing insight. It would be well worth going through his past several articles, too—incredible stuff.

  11. What if the SpaceX Falcon Heavy explodes (etc) tomorrow and is the red dragon... lol

  12. Fyi, overall the market is only down 8% of what it was a month ago. While this is more than likely a sign of things to come (and I think it is), this 'crash' was only a self correcting plunge of the last few months of almost vertical increase... kind of like a volcano releasing its pressure... although we ain't seen nothin yet on that front! ;-)

    Anyone else notice the fact that news articles are all about the Patriots loss, and not about the Eagles win? Nothing but sex, race, gender, and Trump crisis in the news... of course that is because they DON'T want the world to know what is really going on in the Middle East.

    I also found it interesting that the Turkish president (an Islamic leader) was 'required' to visit the pope last week. Hmmm I wonder who is pulling the political strings... ya think something is up with that!? (that was rhetorical of course)

    1. Agreed on the "dip" Grown in Grace. Lived through too many of these to get overly worried about the market nowadays. After the 2008 crash, well, you know. With the DOW up over 25,000 and most of the gains made in the last year, I think a significant correction was expected.

  13. And for those folks who do not believe eclipses are a warning, a sign of things to come: Just 4 days after the blood moon of Jan 31, the stock market began crashing. Furthermore, you may remember that I pointed out somewhere in a comment, that the eclipse was especially visible to the west coast as far as the US goes, making them more a target for warning. "Coincidence" that the stock market crash is going to heavily affect the exact same location, since that is where the wealthiest state (California) is, more billionaires in California than other states?

    Interesting to me that even the time interval from lunar eclipse to judgement was the same as solar eclipse to Harvey's landfall. He gave us four days both times. Four days to turn to Him and repent.

    Don't take my comment as a boast or gloating over the judgement that is occurring. No, I am merely pointing to the fact that it is correct to see these events as signs from God.

    1. "And for those folks who do not believe eclipses are a warning, a sign of things to come: Just 4 days after the blood moon of Jan 31, the stock market began crashing."


    2. Gary gets a LIKE :) Maranatha!

    3. Rofl! Thanks Gary and thanks Jimboni!

  14. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1

    Further on we read what the lights in heaven are for: “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for (1) signs*, and (2) for seasons, and (3) for days, and (4) years.” Genesis 1:14

    *Translating the Hebrew word signs into English we get: a sign, a signal, and/or a marker.

    The Bible also tell us the heavens above are for declaring His glory and to communicate: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.”
    Psalm 19:1-2

    And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God….. And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood and fire; and vapor of smoke: the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: And it shall come to pass, that Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2: 19-21

    Also refer to Unsealed's article re: the Divine Eclipse. God is certainly placing these signals at perfected places in order to get our attention and to warn us about the very near future.

    1. I do like the scripture references you used Charlie in DC especially Acts 2:19-21. It gives pause to those in the camp that say (supposedly well versed knowledgeable bible people) the red blood moon and so forth are only for the immediate period near to the 2nd coming of Christ on earth.

    2. Yes, Charlie, your excellent point of view and use of Scripture is a blessing to me. I think you are right on, and I am learning much from you. - Your brother in Christ.

  15. Amen Miguel, oh if only even our own family members would open their eyes to the world tearing apart around us, but they just go on as if normal, not really realizing that even though it is falling apart - for the true believer in Jesus everything is just simply falling into place. I think most of us on these sites knew as you did that if the rapture didn't occur on one of these last few days that something would occur, how many signs is God going to give us - his mercy is inmeasureable . WAKE UP people - we are on the very edge of eternity - I do not believe we will ever see 2019 - just IMHO. will be praying for salvation for your wife. and from the comment above : Gary and Michael Pentecost or right before is really looking favorable for the rapture those dates are amazing.

  16. Don't forget that we are still awaiting the prophet Elijah before the day of the Lord. There is still more to come.

    Malachi 4:5 "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord."

    1. Tracy....Exactly...and the AC doing the A of D, then great tribulation...then the rapture as laid out in Rev 7..told in further detail in Rev 14 at the end. We have a LOT to experience before the rapture!

    2. Just remember, Stan Foster and others who kind of are pushing this view here that the majority of people do not believe in a mid- or a post-tribulation rapture. I do think it is inappropriate to end up trying to push toward this viewpoint on this site because it is pre-tribulation rapture in its beliefs.
      There are those who believe even so, that not believing in a pre-tribulation rapture are presenting another gospel! So, that is good for thought and in digging into the scriptures.

    3. I did mean 'food' for thought but 'good' works too. As to the day of the lord, this term has been debated to mean the complete time period of the 7-year tribulation to just the last half of it.
      Tracy, I see the 2 witnesses as coming in the beginning of the tribulation, before the AC reveals himself in the temple as God and demands worship. This will be the great tribulation, such as has never been seen before.

    4. Cathi...I know I am going against the grain here with my Prewrath belief. I have decided to stay mute ...unless asked. As the months roll on by, we will remain to experience what I mentioned. I have said my piece and will just respectfully comment in the future only if asked.

    5. Even though I think the order is rapture then tribulation period which includes the two witnesses and several other major details then return of Christ them millennial reign, I know that if I am wrong, nothing can separate me from the love of Christ. And in an event where I had to go through tribulation, I would do so knowing that He is able to deliver me. Ultimately I am going to see Jesus and live in His presence forever. That's what I really care about. Peace, brother StanFoster.

    6. Thank you, Stan Foster for your respectful reply. I am sure that God was fully pleased ... That we would walk in a manner fully pleasing to the Lord, bearing fruit in all good work, and increase in the knowledge of God - Colossians 1:10.

    7. I agree with you Miguel P. I used to worry about it really bad so long ago until I read Revelation 3:9-10. Because, this is in God's hands.
      At the same time, I believe that having the pre-tribulation rapture view is tied to having confidence in 'The Blessed Hope' and in basing this belief on accurate biblical interpretation. I do believe that proof texts used to support other views are taken out of context, misunderstanding what the bible means and so forth. There is a saying - when the common sense makes sense, don't look for another sense, because you end up with nonsense. I think it is crucial. I am not so great at explaining myself. No one wants to go under physical persecution. My faith is weak. I do know that He will give us grace as we need it ... Not one hour ahead of time. Anyhow, I have begun to read yet another article on why to believe in the pre-tribulation. Hopefully, I will have further insight. In the meantime, our Blessed Hope I believe is imminent. There is the argument of why should we be spared? But, it isn't only the Age of Grace, it is also the dispensation that we are in. I don't think the rapture is based on events that need to take place. I see that these events are what needs to happen for Jesus' 2nd coming to earth when his feet land on the Mount of Olives. His blessings. Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

    8. Cathy - I think it is also important to note that Gary has welcomed non-pretrib perspectives on this site (although the preterist perspective is open slather...:)). We are all ultimately looking to build up the body of Christ with our perspectives on the word of God relating to the end-times, which, as many have commented, is not a 'salvation issue'. I for one enjoy reading Stans perspective on these things, as I enjoy yours.

    9. Well, thank you Through and Through. Your point is taken. I didn't see things as such. And, for the reminder on our building up the body of Christ which I always need to keep at the forefront.

    10. I have always merely asked God that if for whatever reason I am to be here during the Tribulation, that He bless me by allowing me to fight until the end. Better to die on my feet than live on my knees. Soli Deo Gloria.

  17. This is really exciting. I knew this month would be full of more signs and wonders from God. And it is barely a week into the new month. FYI, at Rapture Ready, Daymond Duck has a very informative article entitled " Trump's Peace Proposal " . It seems that things are in overdrive now and I love it !

  18. Most everyone knows that the re-birth of Israel occurred in 1948 (May 14th); but the signifigance of this date/number goes beyond just one date or event. In this article I will show how this number/date is related to scripture, marks the start of the final countdown to the end of days and is much more fascinating and significant than just one event. Here are the facts --

    1) The 19th book and the 48th chapter in the Bible (Psalm 48) describes the re-birth of Israel and Jerusalem. It's also interesting that this chapter (48) has 14 verses and the fact that the rebirth of Israel took place on May 14th.

    2) Psalm is the 19th book of the Bible (counting from the beginning - Genesis). If you go to the end of the Bible (beginning with Revelation) and count backwards then Psalm is the 48th book -- again you have 1948.

    3) If you add 19 to 48 (19+48) you have 67. Is it a coincidence that the liberation of Jerusalem happened in 1967?

    4) If you add the individual digits of 1948 together (1+9+4+8) you have a total of 22. Would it be a coincidence then that Revelation has 22 chapters? Would it also be a coincidence that the last 3 feasts yet to be fulfilled (Trumpets, Atonement, & Tabernacles) cover a period of 22 days from Tishri 1 through Tishri 22 on the Jewish calendar? To me this is like a confirmation that the re-birth of Israel is tied directly to the last days and fulfillment of Revelation.

    5) The coming year of 2018 will be 1,948 years since the destruction of the second Temple in 70 A.D. To this one I must add the fact that this same year, 2018, will be exactly 70 years from the rebirth of Israel. We are told that the length of a generation is 70 years (80 if by strength/good health) in Psalm 90:10. Remember - we are told by the parable of the fig tree that the generation that sees the re-birth of Israel will not pas away until all things are fulfilled. See: Matthew 24:32-35, Mark 13:28-31, and Luke 21: 29-33.

    The importance of the information above is that we, as Christians, who are watching (as we are told to do in Matthew 24:42-44, Mark 13:32-37, & Luke 21 34-36) should see these things as signs (in my opinion) that the end is very close. By seeing these things we should also have the sense of urgency we need to prepare ourselves and be getting busy "being about our Father's business"!

    I would ask you to consider this -- What are the odds that the numbering of books in the Bible and the way that all these things add up and align with events could happen by chance; given the fact that these things were written thousands of years ago!!

    As always - keep looking up and may God bless!

    1. Amazing patterns there that I think are difficult to overlook. Thank you for sharing!

  19. Gods Warrior, thank you for so eloquently and directly highlighting the Splendor of Our Lord and His Handiwork. Maranatha!

  20. https://www.dailysabah.com/mideast/2018/02/07/israeli-minister-urges-govt-to-build-jewish-temple-at-al-aqsa
    Israeli minister urges gov to build 3rd temple !!!!!

    1. So close! When you have government officials calling for the change you know public sentiment is starting to change. Now if incontrovertible proof is soon discovered that the Temple was actually south of the Temple Mount, the Temple will go up very quickly.

    2. Amen your right brother and they have eveeything ready and can do it in a day !


    Sharing some news stories that may be of interest from the BBC,

    BODYHACKERS: Bold, Inspiring, Terrifying

    "The US military's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) has a solid track record of creating the next big thing.

    Self-driving cars began as a Darpa project, as did GPS and, most famously of all, the internet.

    Now it's looking at bodyhacking. Dr Justin Sanchez is the director of its Biological Technologies Office and he told the BBC: "If something is on the verge of being impossible, we will start exploring that area."

    We don't know the full extent of Darpa's bodyhacking programme.

    But publicly at least, Dr Sanchez is focusing on restorative techniques - helping improve memory and giving people suffering from paralysis the ability to control equipment with their brainwaves."


    Syria war: US bombs government forces after Deir al-Zour attack

    US Forces conduct airstrike(s) on Syrian Government Forces in response to attacks across the River Euphrates.

    "An estimated 100 pro-government fighters were killed in the overnight incident in Deir al-Zour province.

    They had allegedly tried to take ground east of the River Euphrates, captured from the Islamic State group by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)."

    "We suspect Syrian pro-regime forces were attempting to seize terrain SDF had liberated from [IS] in September 2017," one US official told Reuters news agency.

    The forces were "likely seeking to seize oilfields in Khusham that had been a major source of revenue for [IS] from 2014 to 2017, the official added.

    Before the war, the Omar oil field was producing 30,000 barrels of oil per day, while the Conoco gas field was producing 13m cubic metres of gas per day."


    Syria war: Israel 'strikes Damascus military complex'

    "A monitor said ammunition depots in Jamraya were hit. It is the location of a scientific facility where the West suspects chemical weapons are produced.

    Israel, which has acknowledged carrying out at least 100 clandestine strikes in Syria since 2011, declined to comment."

    1. The Syrian conflict seems to have really heated up in the past few days. And more strikes in Damascus on top of that. It will only take a small misstep for a much bigger conflagration.

  24. Last night in corpus christy texas a non denominal church meeting 4 members including the pastor was stabbed by one of the church members and are life threatening they said the member that stabbed them was mumbeling and they dont have any motive yet ! https://www.cbsnews.com/news/corpus-christi-pastor-3-others-stabbed-texas-home-church-service/

    1. Demonic possession. 100%.

    2. Thats sadly what it sounds like so im going to guess this guy was at the non denominal church service and wasnt yet saved and a demonic demon got inside him !

  25. Brothers and sisters I highly recommend watching this video , all the planets with the exception of earth all are on one side of the sun or solar system , Mars was on one side with earth and on the night of January 31st it moved across the imaginary line and left earth all alone ! https://youtu.be/BVTibC4g4Wk



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