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The Iran Deal Is No More

BREAKING NEWS FROM WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump has just announced that the United States will withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal and that sanctions will resume against Iran for its violation(s) of the 2015 agreement.  This comes after a series of “extraordinary Western military movements in the Middle East” in the last 48 hours and a crushing victory for the Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah in Lebanese elections on Sunday.  Hezbollah’s political alliance looks poised to capture an absolute majority of seats in the Lebanese Parliament.

For all intents and purposes Israel is now surrounded by enemies along the full extent of its northern borders and is in a substantially more dire situation than in 2006.  Simultaneously, Iran is threatening military retaliation for Israel’s repeated airstrikes against its forces in Syria over the past several weeks.

Trump’s earlier-than-expected announcement prompted Prime Minister Netanyahu to rush back to Israel from Cyprus this morning in preparation for any escalation with Iran.  He had been in Cyprus to sign a natural gas pipeline agreement.

- - -

A Timeline of Important May 2018 Events:

May 1st - Israel declares northern commercial no-fly zone for the entire month

May 3rd - Eruption begins in Kilauea Volcano’s East rift zone

May 4th - A 6.9 magnitude earthquake, the most powerful since 1975, strikes Hawaii as the eruption continues

May 5th - Highest daily number of 2.0+ earthquakes worldwide in at least four years

May 6th - Hezbollah’s political coalition wins an absolute majority in Lebanese elections

May 7th - An original 70-year old copy of the Israeli Declaration of Independence was discovered beneath a tree, just east of the Sea of Galilee; winds had knocked the tree down, exposing the well-preserved document—surely God signifying that a 70 year generation is on the verge of completion

May 8th - President Trump announces U.S. withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal and reimposition of economic sanctions

May 14th - 70th anniversary of the reconstitution of the nation of Israel; U.S. embassy opens in Jerusalem

May 16th - Guatemalan embassy opens in Jerusalem

May 17th - Alternative 70th anniversary date according to Torah Calendar

May 20th/21st - Pentecost; Paraguayan embassy opens in Jerusalem; 70th anniversary of Israel if the country was reborn on Pentecost

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  1. One more piece of Obama garbage legislation has been taken out.

    1. Would be nice if the U.S. could recoup some of that $150b in appeasement cash, too.

    2. No joke....that money will continue to be used against us & our allies. Unbelievable.

  2. Has ANYONE, outside your circle of fellow Watchers, even commented upon these events to you in passing? I am doubting it. The silence in the room, and the catatonic look which comes over non-Watcher faces when these things are even mentioned, seem to, oddly, further confirm this 'moment', no? Maranatha!

    1. This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: "'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.'

      - Matthew 13:13-15

    2. Thanks for writing this Gary and keeping us up-to-date. Always appreciated... As for your comment Jimboni my brother... There is a fog, a web of distraction, a tempting array of all sorts of things that have exponentially taken away the attention of the world (and a sad majority of believers) at this time in history. To me this is part of the convergence... All this technology and entertain and screen time, etc is the perfect catatonic trap that has been laid by the enemy to keep people from looking up and waking up.

    3. I was checking some German pastors websites in my country they save their sermons and teachings online for the scattered church; I know from them they're saved and they had some perfect insight into the migrant crisis 2 years ago too, I learned a lot from them but as I tried to wake them up about Rev12-sign it was already impossible to get them interested. I checked their latest sermons again, just everything as normal, New Year, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, church year cycle just "same procedure as every year, James" going through the gospels again, some side show exegesis from the letters but prophecy nowhere... Next planning of youth prayer circle, summer bible camp, Israel vacation (!! Yes true!). It's not so much Laodicea in my country but the dead one of Sardis. Just dead. Those within whom Jesus knows will be indeed very surprised when being snatched away in the deep coma they're currently sleeping. Revelation 3:4

    4. Thanks brother Brad! Enjoy tag-teaming the end times, come-to-Jesus message with you!

  3. I know of family members and people who have been in fear over these events. They are not Watchers and have a hard time watching the news. Some in the church are talking about it. Others not. Some of my brothers are shocked we didn't fly last September and are following closely.

    It's a mixed bag.

  4. I can't even number the people who tell me, "Oh, I never watch the news. It's too depressing." But mention pop culture and they are up to date on everything. They willingly and gladly stick their heads in the sand when it comes to things that will ultimately catch them unaware.

    1. Yes, I agree. It's quite shocking that people cannot see what's going on around them.

      I can't help but wonder what the next move will be. Iran attacking Israel, Israel destroying Damascus...?

    2. Yes, it may happen exactly like that. I truly thank God that I can be a witness to these end time events. Very exciting.

    3. Many people cite the looming destruction of Damascus, but looking at the drone footage it looks like there is nothing left to destroy. Happy to hear Some thoughts on this!

    4. Damage_Assessment Southern Damascus:
      And a interactive map of the whole of Syria:

    5. @Banshee, good point! From what I've seen, basically eastern and southeastern Damascus is in complete ruins, but the downtown area (called the Old City) and western Damascus is still intact.

    6. Banshee & Gary - agreed. One thing that always sticks in my mind in that passage Isaiah 17:1 is the phrase "it is taken away from being a city". Right now it is a total mess, but it's still a city and people are still returning and living there. As horrible as it seems, it will get worse. Blessings - Sherry

  5. This would seem to back Iran into a corner, forcing their hand, right?

    John C

    1. You would certainly think after Israel bombing Iranian installations in Syria 3 times and then the U.S. withdrawing from the deal, and each time Iran threatening retaliation, they will have to carry through with some sort of strike in order to save face.

  6. It all takes my breath away. It seems a new development every hour or two daily. I almost can’t relate to others, and I almost feel as though I’m too glued to prophetic events. I can barely pull away, I need to ‘occupy’ and focus more on my day job...but I feel like I’m not doing my best. Help! Anyone else have this problem? And how do you cope?
    I did recently summarize all global events and send to a couple of relatives and a previous coworker. They all seem a bit more absorbed in the secular world. Hoping they see what we see.

    1. I totally understand. I tried to visit with family, co workers, and even a few pastors. People want to keep their distance from prophecy. I can't get enough information. But keep looking up. Love you all, next few weeks we will see what comes next

    2. Gail B, you are not alone! Just today at work, as I posted on Facebook about Trump's announcement, my wife texted me and said she is unfollowing me on Facebook! My own wife!—A woman saved by Jesus. I immediately began fervently praying for her. I know she doesn't want to hear about the end times. She refuses to read Revelation, or any prophecy. I have tried to explain to her there's nothing to fear—that the Rapture is a joyous event we can look forward to, but I can't convince her...So I watch prophecy alone.
      I believe in Pre-tribulation rapture, but Satan and his false doctrines constantly, though futile, try to shake my faith in ALL Christians being taken, (and not just those anxiously awaiting and watching for His arrival to gather us together in the clouds).

      In other words, I believe all who are saved are Raptured away (even the back-slidden, or those not watching and expecting him), but Satan is trying to convince me otherwise.

      God bless you!

    3. It is hard to concentrate on work with all that's happening. But I have a feeling we won't be here much longer and that keeps me going.

    4. Gail B, you're not alone. Me too. I find myself buried hip deep in Bibles writing when I have other work that piles up. I put everything on hold ahead of last September. So much so I had what I called the "9-24 Plan". Pentecost is of interest now but I am continuing to pray for next steps.

      I continue to pray and connect with everyone I can. I pray for the encouragement of the saints (you included) and the lost. I pray for the church and all leaders. I pray for those in authority both in the world and in the church - especially in the local communities.

      I also continue to work on plans for next steps in church planting and leadership. I promised the LORD to work until my final breath and that's what I'm setting out to do each day.

      No matter what, it is all in G-d's hands as well it should be!

      (Joshua 1:9 ESV)



    5. Richard, I ask this question out of genuine curiosity and not from a critical spirit. Why do people write 'G-d' but not 'Y-h'? Just wondering. Thanks!

    6. It is common in the Jewish tradition to write the name of the L-RD with a hyphen instead of spelling it out. It is done to show respect for The Name, (transliterated in English as "HaShem") as they would say in Hebrew, and not risk profaning it by it being printed and potentially discarded in an inappropriate manner.

      I am not that legalistic about it and I say that with all due respect to our Father's holy name and our Jewish brothers and sisters. I use it out of personal respect and reverence for The Name.

      You would not see Jews using the transliteration YHWH because they don't directly use His name that way. Torah will record His name (Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey the letters of His name transliterated into English) but say (spoken) Adonai. Besides, YHWH is an Western convention and (as far as I know) invention.

      I do not believe in or teach the use of YHWH. HaShem or Adonai are accepted Hebrew conventions and what I generally use. This is a personal thing for me in how I handle and use our Father's name and is part of our relationship.

      My favourite name is Abba. That one I use in special times so it's much like the difference (again to me in my relationship with the Lord) between using "Sir" and "Dad".

      Hopefully that makes sense?


    7. Thank you very much for you kind explanation. It was very helpful.

    8. @ GAil B, Watchman 378 and everyone else

      Same here. Can't get myself to work as I know I should/can. I feel my faith being tested everyday with lusts of the flesh and even though I don't physically cave to to these cravings, I give in to them in my mind, which as we all know is just as bad.

      With regards to my wife, she loves Jesus very much but doesn't believe in the rapture and I can see it in her eyes when I talk about it, that she thinks I'm crazy. We argue about it sometimes but I don't care too much about it, I know she's saved

      God bless you people on this site and every site like it. If it weren't for you guys I would feel utterly alone, except for Jesus ofcourse

      I cope with it through prayer. No one listens like Jesus does and if you give Him time, He ALWAYS answers and that gives me the strength and boost I need to continue. I pray for your strength and unfailing faith in these very last days

      Come 14 May 2018, we are officially into overtime. I know Psalm 90 states that a generation is 70 years and 80 by strength but I just can't see the strength in this world anymore. May God give the word for Jesus to come and collect us

      In His Almighty name


    9. @Watchman378 and Badger7777 dear brethren I'm a bit of an 'Outsider' to the US community here as I'm from Germany and please don't get me wrong saying this if you're describing your wives both as "saved by Jesus" and both of them show no interest in Jesus Christs PROMISE to the church that EVERYONE in church was expecting from the very beginning this doesn't sit right with me here. If the Holy Spirit seals a person and it is all the same Spirit for all of us then AT LEAST a 'non-watcher' would not just dismiss everything written about the rapture in the bible. You know, my only son sometimes rolls his eyes when he hears me excitedly reporting prophecy fulfilled but that's a matter of temper, not of interest. He doesn't deny what happens, he watches the news, perceives well things getting worse and he still believes in the pre-trib rapture but he is not so deep in prophecy like his mom is... LOL! But that's another story with your wives you describe here. I'm sorry to say that and I might be wrong but how you describe it it doesnt look like Holy Spirit at work. In matrimony, you should be "one flesh" also spiritually. What you describe would be just impossible with me if my husband would react on the rapture topic like this. Blessings to you and all your families!

    10. Salvation isn't based on what one feels or thinks about a rapture or of the book of Revelation.
      Sometimes a mate's excitement can create alarm and a resistance ... and everyone are at different levels spiritually and in their understanding or background on these issues that are not commonly taught nor understood of what is considered controversial viewpoints in the first place. The Holy Spirit can only work in an individual based on them ... He is a gentleman and he isn't going to push someone to believe a certain way. Not like we humans tend to do.
      It is like being with an unbeliever in a marriage. You can't force your views on the rapture or to see to see things the same as the other person believes or on the book of Revelation and end up battering them to believe the same way or to have a more heightened awareness or interest in the 'end times'.

    11. Well, I can relate to everyone above. I've written a study on Revelation because I could not stop thinking and considering it and my response, always, is to write it out so I can see and dissect it better. From this has come a small Bible Study with some friends who are Christian, yet are not at the same point of urgency I feel in my spirit. We are scheduled to begin the study on May 17th (if we are still here). So far, in inviting them to the study I have been able to generate interest and excitement by talking about the purpose of Revelation and how it really can be understood and should be understood. I have not made the focus "The Rapture", but simply End Time Events and where we might be and what we should possibly be looking for. Am I trying and end-run? Perhaps, but its what I feel led to do in my spirit and God has blessed my efforts so far. I'd appreciate your prayers over this tiny little group - 8 ladies - and we shall see what Holy Spirit has in store for us.

      My point is, I can't move my mind off this, I don't sense I am supposed to do so and thus I believe He's led me to an approach which solves the problem for me of occupying until He comes and at the same time standing right in the midst of where we are prophetically.

      Guys with your wives, take heart. My family still looks at me at times as though I've completely taken leave of my senses, yet I know from comments they've made some is sinking in. I've seen the reaction you are alluding to and I believe it is fear, an attack of the enemy by causing fear of an event they literally cannot comprehend. For me less confrontation and small tidbits - kinda like Chinese Water Torture - is the best approach rather than full onslaught. I do not believe Jesus will dismember his own body. There will be those who are "snatched away" who have never heard of nor understood the Rapture, but they have trusted in Him for their genuine salvation.

      Blessings - Sherry

  7. Drudge reporting explosions in Damascus

  8. Btw, Trump said 'peace and security(?)' in his speech today...

    1. I was watching live when he said that... gave me chills!

    2. Quoting the speech as provided by The Atlantic at,


      "Great things can happen for Iran and great things can happen for the peace and stability that we all want in the Middle East."

      This is found in the closing paragraph of his address...

    3. Correction: Trump said peace and prosperity in yesterday's speech withdrawal from the Iran deal. But, still...very compelling!

  9. Gary, sorry I do not know where to ask or find the answer, so I am asking here. Can you point me to any article you've written on the seals? Especially the sixth seal.

    1. I don't think I've written much on the seven seals. My own studies have led me to understand the seals in the traditional, dispensationalist view (seal #1 antichrist, and so forth). I used to entertain a sixth seal rapture, but I don't believe that anymore.

      The seals chronologically parallel Matthew 24, and for that reason, among others, I think they occur after the rapture. The signs Jesus speaks of are likened to birth pangs, but the rapture occurs *before* the woman (Israel) goes into labor.

      For a pre-trib, but alternate view, check out Hillary's article: https://www.unsealed.org/2017/11/the-mystery-of-sixth-seal.html

    2. Hi Miguel! I'm searching today your question, seen it in rev12 Daily. I studied this for years, but now don't really sure because of Septermber Sign. When quickly, I give you sites which I studied. Revelation 6 (part 7 of 16 in the series, Jack Kelley)
      Then also Bible.org – 12. The Six Seals (6:1-17)
      I'm trying now to find these questions myself. Much Blessings!

    3. I know her article well. I've read it multiple times and she says in it that you hold a more traditional view. I just cannot figure out where to find this traditional view. Particularly the sixth seal. If it's not the rapture, then what is it? Really, just trying to understand.

    4. Miguel...It simply is the rapture.

    5. NOT the rapture.

      I don't think anyone really knows, Miguel. If you're open to the opinions in some youtube videos, it could be the effects that Planet X will have on our planet..... Hello, Annabel?

      Apparently, there's evidence that the poles are beginning to shift, and lots of other weird stuff going on out there, i.e. strange animal behavior, etc, etc.

      Some think an asteroid. Still others think a nuclear war.

      Whatever it is, it sounds beyond frightening. Really glad I won't be here to see it.

    6. Mksmiths TY I hear you, I hoped Miguel would have already checked my answer to him in the rev12daily "Chuck Missler" thread. NO it's NOT the rapture indeed. This related to Isaiah 24:19-20 pole shift / crustal shift. Remember "2012" movie anyone? Blessings to you!

    7. Hey Miguel, this article is a pretty decent overview (I love Bible.org - lots of very solid, scholarly research): https://bible.org/seriespage/six-seals-61-17

      ...But a whole lot more could be added to this. The "woman in labor" concept really *seals* the deal for me (pun intended) (: Scripture is replete with that prophetic image and it often ties to the Tribulation.


    8. Stan Thank you for your opinion. I understand you to think it looks like the rapture and is described as being after tribulation, therefore you hold a post-tribulational view. Right?. Admittedly it does look that way at first blush... But I don't think that is correct, no offense brother. Just stating my current opinion.

      Annabel, Gary, Alla, Mksmith, thank you for your comments. Alla, yours was very very helpful, because I just couldnt get a lock on this. I think the bible.org passage is the most helpful and he leans heavily on the studies of Ryrie. The link you sent from Jack Kelly surprised me in that he doesn't agree that Matthew 24 and Revelation 6 are describing the same things. That doesn't make sense at all, but I do think he had some useful things to point out.

      I have more studying to do but I just wanted to let you know where I am on this. Thanks brothers and sisters.

    9. Most welcome! Honestly, I'm still learning a lot myself - trying to have a better grasp of how the seals/trumpets/vials connect in terms of timing.

      One more article for you: http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/matthew-24-has-all-6-seals-from-revelation/

    10. Miguel....No disrespect either way between us. I just want to state that we will be here through the trib..and no amount of words will convince either of us to change our views. I am saying that as future events unfold that were supposed to happen after the rapture, and we witness them, my faith will be increased as the other will have some challenge to their beliefs. Not trying to rain on any parade here, but I steadfastedly state we will be here June 1st June 1st 2019, 2020 and even June 1st 2021.

      I can get banned I realize, but remember this as these dates will come quickly as we will still be here.

      However, I totally expect our lives will soon be as not before.

  10. Hi Alla! Thank you. I will take a look. These are exciting days. We are going to see our beloved Saviour and Lord soon face to face. Amen!

    1. Amen! I'm searching further. Mat 7:7
      One I could say until now, that I believe all 7 seal judgments are the global judgments, really! They all take place after the Rapture, because they belong to Trouble, since they all are parallel to Birth Pangs in Mat 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. This is all from my rule to make always outlines, logical and biblical.
      And the 6th seal is differ from the first 5 seals, because its something new, not seen before, this creates the confusion.
      Blessings! See you all very soon at home! Maranatha!

    2. Alla dear sister now I'm not confused at all really. The 6th seal NEVER had anything to do with the rapture to me as we're out by Rev4:1 already. Period. Since I learned a lot about the "red dragon" aka Nibiru from Rev12:3-4 the sixth seal is just the consequences of Isaiah 24:19-20 and a bit of learning about astrophysics from "Planet X Physicist" YT channel and some Gil Broussard videos. Nothing miraculous really, just explaining Luke 21:26 much blessings to you! :)

    3. Miguel, I too, am in the minority here and my view changed beginning with Hillary's article. She challenged in the kindest, most gentle way possible, me to look at it anew without preconceptions and that's what I did.

      I believe the Seals began opening at Pentecost. The Seals (at that time) aren't Judgement. They're God's tools in prepositioning the earth for End Times and giving choices to mankind. He has been actively engaged in raising up kings and tearing them down and preparing everything for The Day of the Lord. They are, IMHO, for the Church as Zechariah's horses were to Israel, it is a perfect shadow pattern. The Seals do not cease - they are ongoing and continuing with increasing intensity as God designed. They will ramp up to their full extent during The Tribulation which is why we have so much confusion. I came to this conclusion with my own study and then went further to learn there are many, many scholars who've held this view over the years and do so today. The Futurist camp required the Trib Only Seal View, again IMHO, in order to have nothing in common with the Preterist. The Futurists won out the argument, but there were many others at that time who wholeheartedly disagreed. The Futurists were the loudest, so they gained more traction.

      When you look at The Seals as ongoing, a tool of God to prepare and to punish throughout the Church Age with culmination during The Trib, Revelation flows far more smoothly without all the loop backs and the double ups. It is absolutely Chronological to Chapter 12 - part of 14 and then you get a stop and look back with further information. We are still a Pre-Trib Rapture, we simply don't go until Chapter 7. Otherwise, The Bride appears in heaven before Jesus and with no mention, while the Trib Saints are pointed out twice in Chap 7 and 14. It then shows the Tribulation Saints as having the position beside Jesus promised to the Church. I realize few will be willing to set aside "what you've always known" because I was in that camp until I was so sweetly challenged by Hillary to study it out for myself, forgetting everything I'd been told and just doing the work. There is so much more and I can only scratch the surface here, but it speaks volumes more to the Heart, Nature and Character of God that He's not been sitting idly in Heaven depending entirely upon the Holy Spirit sealed Church to do the Work. His "Horsemen" have been very active. The Anti-Christ is a counterfeit - not the White Horse. Father God has been doing exactly what He told Jesus He would do. Sit at my right hand, until I PUT ALL THINGS UNDER YOUR FEET. Father God is preparing for Jesus to take His throne on earth - not waiting for Jesus to do it for Himself.

      I'm sure I've stirred a really big pot here, but it's on my heart. It's certainly not a salvation issue and absolutely nothing changes about the Pre-Trib view by pulling the Seals back into the Church Age and their continuing throughout history as they so obviously have done and will culminate during The Trib. Now, they are just reaching their intensity.

      As Jesus appeared in Heaven at the Ascension 2 things are repeated 5 times - Who is Worthy to - A - Take the Scroll and B - Open the Seals? So why, then, would He take the Scroll as we see occurring and wait 2,000 years to Open the Seals. The First Seal was Holy Spirit at Pentecost. There, now I've torn it!

      Blessings - Sherry

  11. It is mind blowing to me how many don't want to acknowledge the moment of time we are experiencing.

  12. Watchman 378-

    I know that had to upset you with your wife. I’m sorry. I have to admit that I was struggling with the idea that all christians would be raptured after the video I watched over the weekend on YouTube from a woman I have huge respect for. Her and her husband have devoted their lives to reporting on Israel and prophecy. It was suggested that not all Christians were considered the bride of Christ and wouldn’t all be raptured. I’m kind of new to prophecy. I was saved at 13 but literally felt like I was woken up around September when the Revelation 12 sign appeared. It has changed everything for me. Since then my entire house has been renewed and we’re living like we should have all along. I’m so thankful for the wake up.. and long for his return. I have lost interest in all worldliness things. I am kingdom minded! I’ve been studying and praying as much as I can in between work and my husband and children.. I just still don’t have a clear understanding. I know that Luke 21:36 tells us to watch and pray that we might be able to escape all that is about to happen but is that referring to the rapture or the tribulation and if the dead in Christ go first they can’t be literally watching or studying prophecy so wouldn’t that mean that all Christians would be raptured? I wish I could speak eloquently like so many of our other brothers and sisters on this wonderful sight but I’m kind of a simple country girl that is just tying to make sense of everything with a heart to serve and love and understand. Love you all.

    1. Andrea, thank you and God bless you. I have been saved for the last 25 years, however, I just 'reawoke' (and completely repented) earlier this year. I have learned more about the bible in these last few months than I have in the last 33 years of my life.
      To me, after learning in January 2018 about the September 2017 Revelation 12 sign, (which I feel remiss for missing), I was completely convinced of its biblical significance (Just on Jupiter's retrograde motion in Virgo's 'womb' alone is absolutely astounding...not to mention the incredible, precise celestial alignment and the matching of the sign in scripture).
      Like you, I believe the Rapture is imminent. We are definitely living in the days of Noah, and I see know reason for the Lord to 'beat up His bride.' But in saying that, lately, there are certain doctrines floating around, suggesting the bride is Raptured, while the remaining, sleeping, lukewarm Church must be martyred in order to be saved.

      *I believe that every believer is Raptured once—at the same time*, however, certain people sure have a good way to line up scriptures to make a convincing argument! (And for the record, I don't entertain any belief in mid-trib or 'post-toasty' Rapture doctrines...that just doesn't line up scripturally.)

      To your other point, there are definitely some insightful, articulate, eloquently-spoken writers and contributors on this site, and they are far more Bible-learned than I could ever hope to be.

      It definitely hurt when my wife said what she said...I just pray it's in God's will for her heart to be soften, and I can talk to her in depth about Revelation, because I have studied that book off and on more than any other book in the Bible.

      I too, have lost all interest in worldly things. I'm so happy your household is on the same wavelength, Andrea. Praise God! Thank you for your kind message. I look forward to meeting you and your family in Heaven very soon!

    2. Watchman 378 I was going to write earlier ... I feel that we can't change anyone and that the best thing we can do is love them.

    3. Catholic, I would have to agree. That's my only choice. ☺️ God bless.

    4. *Cathi, not Catholic. Sorry. Auto correct!

    5. I hope you did not take offense Watchman 378. I meant only the best.
      When I read your post on her heart softening and talking to in depth on the book of Revelation ... I could feel her fear. Having a mate change as you have said could be extremely overwhelming whether a believer or not.
      I had a friend who expressed this heightened sense of fear when her husband started looking into end-time subjects. She was not a believer but I think fear is fear.
      The best to you. I always tell myself that this is the age of grace. Salvation is a free gift - not adding something to it ... Christ is coming for his body, the church. He is the head. He doesn't leave an arm or a leg or a hand or a finger behind. Those who have believed on Christ are sealed with the Holy Spirit. We can't make ourselves more worthy. It would then be a works salvation.

    6. No offense taken, Cathi. Thank you for your encouragement! You're right; fear is fear, and everyone is at different places. I look at the study of eschatology and the enthusiasm for it as a gift—a gift like what Paul points out in his letters to the Corinthians. My wife has other gifts, and that is what I now realize. I know she knows we're in the end times. She didn't deny that. I realize, now, she is worried for those who AREN'T saved, and in the same way my wife doesn't want to talk about end-times, I know some of her (our) loved ones don't want to discuss the topic of salvation. She doesn't want to think about those who aren't saved, and think about what she can imagine they will have to go through.

      I thank you all for your prayers! And whether or not my wife's heart is softened enough to discuss Revelation with her; I am reassured through the word that the entire body/bride of Christ is taken, and no part of *IT* is left behind because it is not appointed for wrath. God bless you all, and I look forward to seeing each of you in the glory of God!

  13. Watchman 378 I can completely relate. Rapture and end times are not discussed with my husband. He believes, but he doesn’t have my same depth of expectancy.
    Thank you and Richard both for your encouraging words dear brothers! God bless and prayers all around!!

    1. This is absolutely new to me indeed Gail how ANY Christian husband or wife can NOT talk with his or her spouse about the most important event that both can ever expect! This isn't even scriptural! Genesis 26:8 tells about how even worldy people recognize a couple, John explains how believers speak 1 John 4:6 and Hebrews 10:25 talks about "seeing the day approaching" TOGETHER as believers in Christ. I cannot understand at all how you can NOT talk with your spouse about the wedding with Jesus and His return for us when the Midnight cry for the virgins has been so cloud already! I'm so sorry but this is completely strange to me. In fact, every world news in our house is being somehow analyzed from the bible on a DAILY basis at the dining table, in the kitchen, in front of the TV/internet or before going to sleep, that's how we live as a couple. I just cannot imagine NOT to talk with my spouse about this. How stressing and frustrating must that be to avoid the most beautiful topics for God (Malachi 3:16) in your most intimate relationship on earth! No offense, blessings to you...

    2. Annabel, in a word, I think it is usually fear. My wife, son and daughter were all terrified when I first started (gently) introducing Revelation and our spiritual preparation for the ends times, rapture, etc. I took time and prayer for them to accept our lives in this world would move on to the next in a blink. I'll bet lots of other families go through something similar.

    3. Annabel, my wife does not want to hear about any end times related things as well. I have tried to share with her the unique times we are living in, and she says that we have been in the end times for two thousand years. She practices Roman Catholicism, but I believe she is born again. I wish we were of the same mind (as Jesus & Paul exhort us to be) in Christ, but unfortunately in so many areas, we are not. To be alive at this time in history to be able to witness these incredible events is truly exciting! I just wish that the one person that SHOULD be on the same page as I, could experience this all with me. As others have said, I too am less worldly minded. I find myself having a lot less concern for my future on this earth. I believe I/we will be going home soon! That being said, I still need to love my wife unconditionally, and pray for her daily. I also have to continue the work I am doing, and to be a blessing to those in my relational world.

    4. Yes unfortunately, I think many are experiencing this, myself included. My husband does not want to hear it, and I agree, I think it is fear-based. I try to explain that it is a wondrous thing to be alive right now...but it's not connecting with him. It is very, very frustrating....some days, like yesterday with so much happening, I feel I'm going to explode if I don't say something....sometimes, I just have to say it! I just tell myself to bring it to the Father in prayer...so thankful I can come here daily and read the excited comments and learn new things everyday

    5. Dear @all, isn't it PERFECT LOVE THAT CAST OUT FEAR? Can someone be made perfect (i.e. born again) in whom is FEAR? 1 John 4:18 And has God NOT (!!) given us A SPIRIT OF FEAR? 2 Timothy 1:7 When I read your description of "FEARFULNESS" of the return of our sweet LORD and Saviour, the One whom God loves exceededly so that He wanted us to be WITH HIM FOREVER and preparing a super expensive (paid with His own blood on the cross!) WEDDING feast for all of us --- Oh how I am suffering with you in the Spirit how someone CANNOT rejoice about seeing Christ in person soon and living in the light of God forever, having finished the ultimate goal of his own poor and wicked life, entering into the perfect state of sinless (!!) eternity, end of pain and death, tears and sorrow... I am ever so sorry but I honestly am SMH about a person who claims being a truly born again lover of Christ and then FEARING to meet and live with Him. Is THIS your way of finding it just somehow normal how a BRIDE FEARS HER BELOVED GROOM? Even so, come quickly now, LORD! MARANATHA!

  14. Andrea, I thought that was quite eloquent!! :)
    I have many of the same questions. Puzzle pieces come together slowly.

  15. I know as for me, you that cant understand why anyone would not want to study end times,im a poster child for that. I have anxiety and OCD soni question my salvation everyday, all day. I want to be so excited for the rapture, but seeing as how I can't believe im saved, im scared of it, thinking I will be left here. Just eanted to give you guys an insight as to why there might be some that are shying away from it

    1. Kay, maybe you would enjoy Renee Roland YT ... Give it a try. She may be of help to you. I have listened to many of her videos. She is about grace. The free gift of salvation. God Bless.

    2. Thank you Cathi, I will do that.

    3. Barry Scarbrough is great, too.

    4. Sister Kay.... Look for JD Farag on YouTube... He is a pastor at a Calvary Chapel in Hawaii. You will be blessed by his videos. One of the very few channels I will watch anymore. He emphasizes God's Love ("God is ALWAYS only good"), and he defends the message of GRACE. After watching his teachings, you can't help but come to a better understanding of God, and how VERY MUCH you are loved by Him.

      He teaches book by book, chapter by chapter. Sundays he teaches from the New Testament, and Thursdays he teaches from the Old Testament.

      On Sundays, he does a couple of videos... one is the New Testament teaching, the other is called "Mid-East Prophecy Update". At the end of the latter, he always gives "The ABCs of the Gospel", and it explains how a person can be saved..... "A" - Admit you are a sinner, Acknowledge your need for a savior. He will give the scriptures that explain it so you can look it up for yourself.... "B" - Believe in you heart that Jesus is Lord -- again, he gives scriptures.... "C" - Call upon the Lord, Confess with your mouth -- again, scriptures are given.

      Blessings to you

    5. Hi, Kay, my favourite website is: expreacherman.com...'A Grace Oasis; a fellowship of believers in eternal salvation by Grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone'. There is an active comment section. I have learned much and been comforted. Many blessings ~Lori hopefortheday.simplesite.com

  16. Sorry for my spelling, I was typing fast

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.


    A minor note for the day on which the Iranian Nuclear Agreement was ended by the United States.

    Tuesday at 5:08 am local Jerusalem time is when the moon went into its third quarter phase for lunation 1179 in the Constellation of Capricorn. Both Mercury and Uranus are in Pisces with Neptune still in Aquarius. Mars and Saturn are in Sagittarius, Venus is between the horns (or on the forehead) of Taurus and Jupiter is still on the altar of Libra. Most interesting (to me) is that the moon (representative of Israel) entered third quarter phase in Capricorn and while Jupiter (the king planet) is still in retrograde in Libra (classically recognised as the altar).

    Don't be troubled by all the talk of the stars. It's just interesting to see what the heavens are declaring!

    Strong's Greek #1179 is Dekapolis

    Dekapolis: Decapolis, a region East of the Jordan
    Original Word: Δεκάπολις, εως, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
    Transliteration: Dekapolis
    Phonetic Spelling: (dek-ap'-ol-is)
    Short Definition: Decapolis

    See (Matthew 4:25), (Mark 5:20) and (Mark 7:31) for occurrences.

    Strong's Hebrew for #1179 is Baal Chermon,

    Baal Chermon: "Baal of Hermon," the center of Baal worship on Mt. Hermon
    Original Word: בַּ֫עַל
    Part of Speech: Proper Name Location
    Transliteration: Baal Chermon
    Phonetic Spelling: (bah'-al kher-mone')
    Short Definition: Baal-hermon

    See (Judges 3:3) and (1 Chronicles 5:23) for occurrences.

    Happy hunting!


    1. One more detail,

      Tuesday was the 3rd-day of the week being the 22nd day of the 2nd month (Torah Calendar) 260-days after the solar eclipse on 8/21/17 and 227-days after the Great Sign on 9/23/17.

  19. No one around me is interested in biblical prophecy....I'm glad I can come here.....

  20. Watchman 378, thank you for responding. I too truly believe that we will all go together and I will stand firm in what his word says and continue to get more confident as well as continuing to look up. You have really lifted my spirit tonight. It feels so good to fellowship and lift each other up in these times. I feel like it’s exactly what our father wants us to be doing. I will be praying with you that God will soften your wife’s heart so you can share with her your in-depth studying of Revelarion. I can tell you that he is still in the softening hearts business because my husband was agnostic for a very long time after his mother commited suicide. He was angry and hurt and would often say he wasn’t afraid of Hell because he had seen it first hand. I prayed diligently for a very long time and slowly I began to see God transform him into the man he was born to be. I refused to believe that he didn’t believe but was just feeling bitter and angry, instead.. and I even told him that until he truly convinced me I wouldn’t believe it and wouldn’t give up. I refused to give up on his salvation and even though he struggles with certain things or questions why things are the way they are, he has opened his heart up to God and his purpose for his life. Seeing the transformation has been amazing. So,don’t give up. I look forward to meeting you and your family in Heaven as well! What a glorious day that will be and it feels like it’s so close! And, thank you so much Gail B!

    1. Andrea, wow! Thank you so much!! ☺️
      God bless you!!!
      I'm so glad you prayed so diligently for your husband! And thank you for your prayers! I feel them already! Praise God!

    2. Thank you Andrea for sharing that about your husband, it's so encouraging!

  21. Badger777......
    Well said! I couldn’t agree more! I’m with you on all points !!!
    God bless and with prayers and thanksgivings we’ll all get through this day (week). :)

  22. Thank you so much for replying mksmith. I will definitely look into that

  23. Revelation 12 sign was I think the signal of the beginning of the end..so to speak...So So much has been happening at a break neck speed....JD Farag just just did a great "Emergency Update"..please check it out...I am so looking forward to being with Jesus, I pray we are all counted worthy...



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