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The Day When Time Stood Still

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

All of you can probably recall receiving news of some event in which time stood still.  For me, one of those moments was when I allowed myself to consider the September 23, 2017 Revelation 12:1-2 Great Sign alignment.  I was lying in bed with my kids, who take forever to fall asleep (I stay with them and read).  This particular night, as I was searching for articles on Jewish Fall Feasts 2017, Unsealed came up in my search results.  I had briefly been to the website before, but had dismissed the Great Sign as an impossibility.  This dark February night, I couldn't get it out of my mind.  With head cocked and one eye squinted shut, I clicked.

"Nervous Woman" by amenclinicsphotos ac (CC BY-SA)

After giving a quick perusal to The Revelation 12 Sign Compendium, I went straight to their teaching on The Gospel and the links they had to other salvation websites.  I wasn't even going to consider this if the gospel wasn't right...

Huh.  It withstood vigorous scrutiny.  I had a moment of stunned realization, that I have only had two other times in my life (1 - when pierced to the heart with the reality of heaven, and 2 - when God told me in my heart to STOP everything I was doing to try to prove my salvation to myself and REST in what Jesus had already done).  I picked my jaw off the floor and went back to the Sign Compendium!

And time stood still.

I read late into the night.  I could barely sleep.  I don't think I showered, changed my clothes, or even ate until I finished every last article and hyperlink Unsealed had on the Sign.  And then I dug into their archives.

Can you recall how you found out about the Revelation 12:1-2 Sign?  Where you were?  How you felt?  What you thought?  I'd be interested in hearing your story in the comments!


My grandma was a huge follower of end-times prophecy back in the 1970's, 80's and 90's, and that is where my introduction to Biblical Prophecy study began.


(88 Reasons was mistaken, by the way.  There is a far more compelling convergence of signs in our day... and the signs continue to pile up!)

My grandma continued faithfully studying until dementia slowly took over and her memory faded... Despite her memory lapses, she always retained trust in God's goodness and in the promise of His imminent return.  When she passed away, I inherited Clarence Larkin's Dispensational Truth (in addition to many other prophecy books).  And so began my own prophecy studies in earnest.  I have never missed her more than during these "high watch windows"!


I had already been following the Feast of Trumpets... the Fig Tree Sign... the "Generation that Will Not Pass" sign... the goings-on in Israel... for awhile.  But THIS... this Great Sign was SOON.

I threw myself into studying prophecy full time.  I had lingering questions that had been hounding me, and I started tackling these head on and writing about it.  God placed a huge burden for the lost lambs, prodigals, and those who will be left behind on my heart.  There were days when I would just weep.

I pleaded with God - "Here Am I, Send Me!"  I worked tirelessly on developing a website that I hoped could be used by the Left Behind.  I felt an incredible urgency to pull as many "onto the ark" as possible before it was too late.

But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.  And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh. (Jude 1:20-23)

In May 2017, my prayer journal entry is stained by tears and reads, "I'm pleading with You to send me!  Use me!  Take all of me!  WHY AREN'T YOU SENDING ME, GOD?  The harvest is ripe but the laborers are few.  Here am I, Lord, SEND ME!"

I joined the Facebook watching community and, along with the watching community at large, we sounded the cry - "The Bridegroom is Coming!!!"  I can distinctly recall the eager anticipation, the restless yearning, the bubbling excitement as the Fall Feasts drew near.


While I was convinced September 23rd would fulfill the Revelation 12:1-2 sign, as it got closer to the day, I wanted the interpretation of the Great Sign as a possible rapture date to be true as well.  So badly so, that I allowed my emotions to run unchecked.  I never stated that the rapture would happen that fall for sure, but I really (really, REALLY) hoped so!!!  I prepared my Left Behind letters and kits.  And I watched, and waited, and prayed.

The day arrived.

September 21... "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!"
September 22... "Maranatha!  Come, Lord Jesus!"
September 23... "Where ARE You, Jesus?!?!  You are coming for us, right?"

And I cried.  (I told you, I let my emotions run unchecked!)

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.  (Hebrews 10:23-25)

With watching, as we see the Day approach, we will sometimes "jump the gun" in our excitement. Did I go overboard?  Maybe.  My disappointment was palpable.  But I would rather be jumping at the window with excitement when Jesus comes than not watching at all.

Look at it retrospectively - if we hadn't eagerly hoped September 23 was a possible rapture date, would we have boisterously sounded the alarm?  We collectively shouted so loudly that it was covered in secular media around the world!!! Yeah, they didn't get the details right, and they scoffed and mocked - but that fits in with prophecy too (cf 2 Peter 3:3-4).  What's important is that we sounded the cry.


I don't believe we were wrong.  We weren't wrong to watch, we weren't wrong to hope, we weren't wrong about the Revelation 12 Sign.  The Great Sign occurred.  Do you know how awesome that is????

The Revelation 12 Sign was an "Exit Sign", confirming that our escape is near (cf Luke 21:28).  Remember in the parable of the 10 Virgins (whether or not it applies to the church age - ha), at midnight a cry rings out that the Bridegroom is Coming.

Who sounds the alarm?
     The WATCHMAN.

Is the Bridegroom here?
     No, He is COMING.

That's why we're here on these websites, right?  We're the Watchmen!  The welcoming committee - for Jesus!!!  WE are the ones who have the bubbling up joyful anticipation.  WE are the ones scouring the skies for Him to appear.  WE are the ones keeping our ears peeled for the hint of a trumpet call.  WE will be the ones leaping up at His call - not surprised, but bawling and laughing and shrieking and beside ourselves with great joy.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  Do not quench the Spirit.  Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good; reject every kind of evil.  May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.  (1 Thessalonian 5:16-24)


I hope you can understand how thrilled I am to be joining the Unsealed team, as it has meant so much to me in my own journey.  As we are taught, we teach - and so we fulfill the great commission to make disciples.  If I can further even one person's walk with the Lord, my heart will rejoice with utter gladness!

You - the watching community in Christ - are a treasure to me!  I can hardly wait to meet all of you in person!  Yet we continue to wait on the Lord together down here.  We continue to wrestle with feelings of excitement, discouragement, insight, defeat, and above all - hope.

To be honest, doubt lurks on the doorstep of my heart - knocking.  It is prowling all around me, banging on my windows, looking for cracks to slip through.  I choose to resist it with all my might.  I cling to faith.  I refuse to let doubt in.

You, too - stand firm in your faith - both in Jesus your Savior, and in Jesus your coming Redeemer!  He is coming for us!  He WILL COME!!!

Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart.  For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.  We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.  So we do not lose heart.  Though the outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.  For this light momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.  For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.  (2 Corinthians 4:1,6-10,16-18)

Jesus is not delayed.  Nothing, no one, can hold back the will of God!  Jesus will come at the appointed time, in the fullness of time.  While moments in our lives may seem to stand still, there is coming an even better day - the very best of days! - when time will stand still for eternity!  And so we will forever be with the Lord!

We watch and wait together, occupying until He comes!

xx Stephanie Dawn

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  1. Welcome Stephanie! So grateful that you've joined the team. I'm also most appreciative for Even at the Doors


    1. Thank you Gary! I'm super excited to be here!!! :)

    2. Amen! The Sign was the Great Sign even if we did not get the fulfillment. The Sign happened on the day God planned it, and the fulfillment will come on the Day God plans it. In my mind God has absolutely confirmed the sign. To start with the Strongs 307 "I DRAW UP" and 307 days from the Rev 12 Sign to the Blood Moon July 27th, 2018 - and God confirmed it as you all know with 726 days from 9-28-2015 to the Rev 12 sign. And the 726 number was confirmed by God as the number of daylight minutes on Sept 23rd, 2017. According to this website:


      there were 12 hours 6 minutes and 35 seconds of daylight in Jerusalem on Sept 23rd, 2017 - (726 minutes and 35 seconds) and that was the only day - by that website that had exactly 726 daylight minutes.

      No matter what anybody says that confirms it for me. To me It is beyond question like the complexity of DNA. The Rev 12 sign was the Rapture sign as given by God.

      Only God knows the Day and the Hour! We will keep watching and hoping!

    3. www.itwasaplan.com --- it was a plan --- not a coincidence -- rapture signs --

  2. Welcome, Stephanie!

    It is exciting to have you as a new member of the team.

    Quoting you, "Can you recall how you found out about the Revelation 12:1-2 Sign? Where you were? How you felt? What you thought? I'd be interested in hearing your story in the comments!"

    Yes, I recall very well how I found out about the Great Sign being on 9/23/17.

    I was preparing notes and quotes from Rick Larson's work on the Bethlehem Star in preparation to share with an atheist friend. They have a scientific background where mine is technical. The physical science behind the clockwork of the stars is something that cannot be disputed and was an entry point to discuss the birth and death of Christ. The motion of the planets are a marvel of precision and (IMHO) common ground regardless of faith (or lack thereof).

    It is during this search that I found news of the sign. It fell on my wife's birthday.

    I was in utter shock.

    Long story shortened, my emotions ran away with me. My wife was convinced that was it. We were going home on her birthday. We celebrated everyone's birthdays early last year. (All of our kids are November and December babies) Our Christmas present was to be our going home.

    Co-workers and associates were all convinced that 9/23 was it! It was hard talking openly about it; but once you did it really helped. So many bottled-up emotions and excitement!

    We stayed home from work that weekend. That evening there was a thunderstorm. The flashes of lighting each made me wonder, "Is this it?" We finally went down for the night and woke the next day. Disappointed? Yes, selfishly so perhaps.

    I learned a lot from that experience. The Lord may call me home any day now. He may return for us at any time; although I am of the belief that it will be at a time that we understand.

    In the meantime, it is our mission to continue to encourage the saints to be a blessing to the lost by sharing the love of Christ in a dark world. Our ministry reaches into over 140 cities across the Canada and the United States and as long as the Lord permits it, we will continue in the work He has given us.

    Each day is a gift. Another chance to impact lives and fill yet another seat in the Ark of Life. For that I give thanks every day!

    Yes, the Great Sign of Revelation 12 that was brought forth on Saturday, September 23rd, 2017 is a marvellous testimony. Testimony to a doubting world in clear and universal language that G-D is G-D and that our story is wrapped-up in His!

    I share the Great Sign as physical proof of the existence of G-D and the accuracy of His Word, the Holy Bible. Oh, and if you're wondering what happened with my atheist friend and their family? They're not atheist any more!

    Glory to G-D in the highest!

    Pastor Rich

    1. Rick Larson's Bethlehem Star was a great turning point, I believe it spurred on the initial work on the Rev12 sign with Luis Vega and also Scottie Clarke if I'm not mistaken...

      I love how you celebrated birthdays early! Yes there was so much excitement! I don't know how you ever slept that night with thunder going on! :) :)

      I also think that on the day, in the hour we know, but until then we press on - keeping our eyes on Jesus.

      I'm crying happy tears over your friend and his family's salvation - WOW - praise the Lord!!!!!!

      2 Peter 3:9

      The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you,[a] not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

    2. I was awakened to what was happening in the world back in September of 2015. Over the next year-and-a-half I was pretty focused on watching the events unfolding in the world, but in May of 2017 God woke me up to the prophetic side of the end times when I stumbled upon Scotty Clark's two part video about the Revelation 12 sign happening on September 23 2017. Throughout the summer I also looked for everything I could find concerning the Revelation 12 sign. I was totally fascinated by what I was seeing.

       Throughout the summer I was watching  many of Scotty's videos  and discovered  many other great  YouTube channels,  for example, Midnight Hour oil, it is finished, Barry Scarborough, God's roadmap to the end, JD farag, and many others. I stumbled upon Unsealed.org at some point during the summer, and of course was fascinated by everything on this site.

      I did talk about it with friends and family over the summer, but unfortunately I was too confident and not careful enough how I stated what I was saying about the possible rapture.

      I decided to do a fast 3 days before September 23. I also was tuned into the Western Wall live feed.

    3. When that day came and went things went South for me.
      The next day being Sunday, I decided not to go to church that day for different reasons. I had spoken to several men from the church about the sign previous to the day.
      On the 24th the pastor from church tracked me down and started asking questions. I told him that I didn't want to talk about it and to give me one week and I'll see him at church and then we can talk. It wasn't 4 days later that I received a certified letter from the church accusing me of being a false teacher and other serious things. I chose not to answer the letter just to keep the peace, but things kept spiraling downward for me. I haven't been back to that church since. I received another certified letter a few weeks later accusing me of the same nonsense. The letter was worded a little bit differently, they were accusing me of spreading false Doctrine.

      I kept watching what was happening throughout the fall. About a week before Thanksgiving I asked my wife what our plans were, and it seemed like out of nowhere her response was "I don't know what you're doing but the rest of the family is invited somewhere but you're not invited". Shortly after that she presented me with a letter that she was counseled to write by the leadership at the church and a few family members asking me for a Biblical separation, whatever that is. In my humble opinion there is no such thing as a Biblical separation, where do you find that in the Bible? I told her that she had no legal grounds to force me out of my own home just because she disagreed with me on something theological like the Revelation 12 sign. I decided to disregard the letter and her request for a Biblical separation.
      I decided to go out of state to visit my extended family for Thanksgiving and was shunned by them also. When I returned home I was served with legal documents. She had filed for legal separation so just before Christmas I had to move out and find my own place. I decided to just cooperate with her to keep the peace even though I have four young children at home whom I miss very much. Of course, I was excluded from any Christmas family get-togethers also.

      I would be willing to move back in with my family in a heartbeat. I have asked my wife to drop the lawsuit and to let the Lord do his work in our relationship but she will not.

      For some reason God has allowed this trial in my life and even though it's been very hard I count it all joy. I also remember that the Crown of Life is stored up for those who persevere through trials even unto death. The hardest part of all of this is not that I miss my children because I really do but it's the injustice. I know that God hates Injustice but I know that his plan for me is for my ultimate good. It's been quite a journey but it's been exciting to see everything that is happening and how its leading up to the day that Jesus calls us home. I'm ready I am so ready.


    4. Wow, Isaiah, I'm so sorry to hear what you have gone through and are going through. All I can offer is this:

      And he said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive many times more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life.” Luke 18:29-30

    5. Isaiah, boy I didn't realize how things go with you in the US "church(es)"... Praying 4ur children that they might be with us in the rapture eventually as probably none of your inner and extended family nor church will be... Thinking of Paul having been left all alone but not without Jesus 2 Timothy 4:16-18 Blessings and much love brother! My 'awakening' to Rev12-sign was similar as yours but I didn't have any local church or hypocrite family around to attack or ridicule me as I had to separate from both long ago already. So I had these trials before but not now. MARANATHA!

    6. Annabel,
      I believe that your judgment about the people in my former church family and my family members that have done this to me is too harsh. Their salvation is not based on what they have done to me. You know very well that our salvation is based on what Christ has done for us. With that said I believe all if not the majority of these people that have wrong to me are believers and they will be in heaven with me. My attitude is that I extend forgiveness in my heart to them. I would never wish on them in a million years for them to miss the rapture and they have to go through the tribulation. I'm talking about my wife who's been a believer most of her life I'm talking about my dad who's been a Believer for most of his life I'm talking about my brother has been a Believer most of his life and I'm talking about the leadership of a solid Biblical Church who I know are believers in Jesus Christ. The way that we need to look at this is not through the lens of judging people as to their salvation but realizing that we are living in an age of extreme deception and that these people have been influenced by the enemy but are not lost. Having discernment in this day in age is very important.

    7. Golly, Isaiah, my heart breaks for you. I’m praying you and your wife and family will be reunited soon!

      I don’t know if you have access to Biblical counseling in your area, or even if your wife would go, but I highly recommend ACBC. Here’s the link:


      By the way, this counseling is FREE and relies 100% on God’s Word - no integrated psychology of man. Amen to THAT!

      I’ve gone through part of the training and may continue this fall - should The Lord tarry. My husband and I were drawn to start the training program because of a marital issue between my son and his wife. All praise and glory to God, their marriage has been restored! And I share with anyone who asks how they are doing that it is ONLY by the power of the Word of God and prayer that their marriage was saved!

      An ACBC trained counselor would be able to show your wife where she (and her church) is in error, both in the “separation” and the lawsuit. As we know, nothing is more powerful than God’s Word!

      Praying for you, Isaiah!

    8. Yes, Isaiah, you are right to extend grace to those you love, even if they don’t extend that grace to you. Nothing shows the heart of God more clearly. I am fine with being the only person in my family and church who is “into” Bible prophecy. I don’t get upset about that because I have this forum and other online resources to keep myself encouraged about the “blessed hope”. As important as prophecy is to me, I recognize that it is just one of many Biblical subjects we all need to grow and receive teaching in. To get that out of perspective is dangerous and isolating. I pray you can find another church to fellowship in because we all need the fellowship for our own growth and to provide a place where we can serve and use the gifts and talents God has given us.

    9. Isaiah my Brother,

      My heart breaks for you! I would never imagine such things in a thousand years as what has happened to you. Still, no matter how BIG Goliath may be, our G-D is infinitely BIGGER! You are right to keep your eyes on Him and reflect Christ through all of this. May the glory be to G-D our Father in this hour of trial.

      If I may, can I offer you this encouragement?

      Be steadfast and hold on tight to your faith. Your brothers and sisters in this space will be praying for you as will I! Praying not only for you but for your family and for your church. May you all emerge free from the dross that has tarnished your frame, purified, even if by fire, that the splendour and glory of G-D may be seen in you all so much more clearly.

      May grace be manifest and forgiveness found that peace abound in you all according to the will of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

      Blessings to you Brother with my love,

      Pastor Rich

    10. Isaiah,

      I felt the pain as I read your story in its current state. I will be praying for you and I mean it! May God turn their hearts to understanding and repentance. Their judgment against you is sin, plain and simple. And it breaks my heart that many christian churches do take such ungodly approaches to things. We are broken and this is what sin looks like. I know you will stay close to God, seeking Jesus and watching for the skies to open.

      Many have commented here and elsewhere about two related subjects: 1.) the importance of "meeting together" and 2.) the falling away of churches/the church.

      It is at least hypothetically possible that there are not good churches where you, or anyone else, live. If thats the case, find the best one in your area and make the best of it.

      I have a great deal of experience "church shopping" around the country and globe. Here are some helpful tips :

      Make sure they use the Bible and no other "special" book that is required to understand it, especially one that supercedes it.

      Avoid fanatical and heretical doctrine such as KJV only, non-Trinitarian, Marianism, special namism, etc.

      Look for a gospel of grace being taught openly.

      Look for a warm, welcoming, loving, approachable people where questions are encouraged and answered humbly and with compassion.

    11. Isaiah,

      "they were accusing me of spreading false Doctrine."

      "realizing that we are living in an age of extreme deception and that these people have been influenced by the enemy but are not lost. Having discernment in this day in age is very important."

      Has it ever occurred to you, that perhaps you were indeed spreading false doctrine & living in deception instead of your church members? Think about it.

      He will come for you after the tribulation of those days. Not before!

      People need to differentiate btw the wrath of Satan & the wrath of God.

      The wrath of God are the Bowls. Yes, We will be raptured out before then.

      BUT not at the beginning of the 7 years trib. We will still be around for more than a few years.

      You gotta knock those ideas of 'imminency' out of your head. They're not Biblical.

    12. Dear brother, thank you for sharing what is probably one of the deepest woundings a disciple of Christ can receive AND that you continue to stand! My husband and I went through a similar betrayal (not related to the Revelation 12 Sign, however). The Lord Jesus reminded me, "I too was betrayed by My friends." Gene Edward's book "Crucified by Christians" was a real encouragement to my husband and I. Here's an excerpt: http://www.christinyou.net/pages/crucbyxns.html
      Unfortunately, this is a prevalent problem so I am glad it is Jesus Christ who judges and not us:) Much love in Christ to you, Isaiah<3 Hang onto your crown of righteousness for He is coming quickly!!!

  3. Stephanie very glad you are here.

  4. Thank you Stephanie! I just went over to you FB page and signed up.

    Do I remember? Sort of. I'd been watching for the rapture for 40 years, but in late July early August of 2017, I believe the Lord quickened my spirit and said "the time is now!".

    Some time in August, I discovered the Sign but was very skeptical until I had researched it thoroughly. It didn't take long for me to realize that this was God calling me and all of us to look up in earnest and to start sounding the alarm!

    God bless you, sister.

    1. I see you there :)

      Yes... it is time for us to work faithfully and with great determination - the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few! We pray for the Lord of the harvest to send out His workers, but we also beg to work! Keep sounding the alarm - "the time is now!"

  5. Stephanie, so glad you've joined the Unsealed team of amazing and gifted writers and watchman! Have read your website and am blown away by your body of work.

    My Rev 12 story is probably very similar to so many. I discovered a video in late March of 2017 and I was completely blown away. So much so that I gave myself completely to finding every video and website I could that dealt with the subject. For months I feasted on Unsealed, Rev12 daily, Jaco Prinloo, Paul Dawson, and the list of other watchman goes on and on...

    The week of the Great Sign, I took off from work and my wife and I sat on our deck every evening with a fire in the fire pit just reading, praying, watching videos and watching for Him. On the night of The Sign, I was on the deck alone, and I was live streaming the Western Wall in Jerusalem and every cell in my body was alert and sensitized to the slightest sound or movement. The stars were bright and at one moment I was standing looking up at the sky with my arms raised and worshiping. I had laid my iPad down and forgot that it was still on the live stream (with the volume high) - I was lost in the moment hoping, longing and yearning for His return at that moment. All of a sudden, I heard the loud blast of the shofar and I almost had an out of body experience and literally jumped out of my skin!!!! Suddenly I realized the blast wasn't "The Last Trump" but was coming from my iPad as the Jews in Jerusalem were celebrating Yom Teruah with the sounding of the shofar. I stood there laughing hilariously at myself and just knew the Lord was probably cracking up with me. What a moment! I still crack up when I think about it! 😂😂😂

    Needless to say, I will always remember my "rapture false alarm" with a chuckle and pray that I'm that attentive and aware when He actually does come for His Bride!

    1. I literally laughed out loud...what a memorable watching experience! I'm sure it will only be "trumped" by the real thing! :)

    2. Wow Keith, you were really "in it" LOL! :-D But I remember myself too watching something else on TV that night and the Western Wall on my knees on the phone simultaneously, always looking to the clock... When we awakened the other day still on earth I admit there was some disappointment. But I could never lose faith because of this. I love all of my "date-setting" brethren because that means they're still paying attention and not falling asleep again while saying 'Where is the promise of His appearance?' with the mockers and naysayers. MARANATHA!

    3. Annabel, as funny as my experience was, I too have had to fight discouragement and disappointment like all who love His appearing. The date-setters are controversial but for me, their enthusiasm, love for the word, incredible diligence to mine out hidden nuggets, all add to a heightened awareness and hope for me.

      I also want to say Annabel that over the past year what has fed much of my excitement and hope has also been the hundreds of comments that I've read of you, Sheila B, Nora, Jimboni, Jeremiah, and many others. Although I haven't contributed much, I have really felt a part of this fellowship and community and feel like I've gotten to know many of you in a weird sort of way. You all are students of the word, passionate and have been so respectful in even the way you disagree sometimes. Have really loved the journey with y'all and I look forward to a wonderful union with all of you in heaven soon!! Maranatha!

    4. Keith, "I look forward to a wonderful (eternal!) Union with all of you in Heaven soon!!" oh brother how I wish this were ready at last... Better today than tomorrow! Much love to you, MARANATHA

  6. Thank you, Stephanie, for a very encouraging first post. I well recall that “88 Reasons Why” high watch time. When 1988 came and went I must have drifted back to sleep. Ten years ago I was reawakened to the reality of His soon coming. So many other high watch times have come and gone. Through all the disappointments the Lord has kept us seeking, for the rapture, but more so for Him! The words the Lord spoke to Peter, “Do you love Me more than these?” has haunted me. ”Do you love Me more than you love the thought of my rapturing you?!” Ouch.

    He is coming so very soon. That we know and believe without a doubt. His timing is perfect. Ours obviously is sketchy at best! I trust He'll continue to give us nuggets to keep us seeking and searching. And what you wrote, along with what the rest of the Unsealed folks share, is part of those encouraging nuggets.

    God bless and maranatha!!

    1. We keep following the trail! As we pray for wisdom and understanding of the scriptures, and team together as a body, the picture slowly comes more into focus. Perhaps it will not be completely clear until The Day, but studying these things sure has us searching the scriptures!

  7. Well this is a treat Stephanie! :)

    Wonderful to see you here. :)

    All the same for me too with the Great Sign last year. I really had a great expectation back then, but have not lost it either. I mean, how much longer can the situation that is already aligned with scripture hold without something breaking lose? :)

    Even in my exuberance last year I realized somewhere deep down not to be too set upon that being the day of Redemption, though I wished for it to be so dearly. Another reason for my "Caution" artwork besides a bit of humor. :D

    I myself personally felt the Great Sign was the wake up call. It was for me most definitely, but I have also heard so many others say this also. And yes I agree, the midnight cry was that He is coming (not that he is here yet). And you know the thing about signs, they don't show at the event, but prior to the event, like the "Bridge is out" analogy ;)

    So we lean back into our faith, the only things that pleases God, and we realize that this is how we overcome till the end, in His Power, His Mercy, in His Grace. We hold fast to it as though our life depends upon it, because, it truly does depend upon it.

    1 John 5:4-5

    Because everyone born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world:

    our faith.

    Who then overcomes the world?

    Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

    Revelation 3:11 (to the Church of Philadelphia)

    Behold! I come quickly! Hold fast to that which you have, so that no one takes your crown.

    1. Hi J ;) Certainly He is near. We have joyous expectation!

      I love that passage in 1 John. It ties together the letters to the churches in Revelation 2-3 so beautifully... through Jesus we overcome. It's all about the blood of the Lamb - we overcome by Him and through Him! It's in Him we live, and move, and have our being!

  8. Hi all ~~I too am watching~~we are all to watch~~life will continue to get worse more so than any of us can imaging. As we are all seeing the corruption in our own government and immoral lifestyle being broadcast like a badge of honor. Yes it will get worse, so hang on and look up because just when you think it won't happen...We are gone, in the Twinkling of an eye...so until then try and bring the unsaved into this glorious Kingdom.

  9. Keith T-

    Haha, this is great! Thank you for sharing your Rev 12 story! :)

  10. Welcome, Stephanie! My brother in law and sister introduced me to the Rev 12 sign last September. I watched all of Scott Clark’s videos and read and researched everything I could. It’s really what woke me up. I’m so thankful for my brother in law and sister telling me about it. My kids and I spent that entire weekend with them watching live feeds of the Western Wall, praying, and fellowshipping. Since then I have consumed myself in my relationship with him and his return. Blessings!

  11. Welcome Stephanie,

    We're all pretty much in the same boat here. I know many as well as myself that are disappointed.

    I believe our Lord told me that there are still many people receiving Him and to be patient and wait upon Him until the appointed time. There will be blessings and joy in trusting Him!

    God bless all of you!

  12. HI all, Keith, I laughed out loud! Could so have been me! I learned of the Sign from one of my favorite Christian fiction authors, MaryLu Tyndall. She posts a weekly blog and outlined the Rev 12 sign there. Like your wife, Pastor Rich, my birthday is Sept. 23, so yes a whole other layer of excitement. Disappointed yes, but then I didn't really expect the Rapture to occur then--just, like you Stephanie, really REALLY hoped so. Having come to Jesus at 36 years old, now 75, through Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth back in the late 70's I have been looking for the Rapture signs every day since--like your Grandma, Stephanie. I still check for signs every morning and for developments throughout the day. I thought the arguments for Pentecost were compelling, but am now eagerly awaiting this year's FOT. Who knows? What do know is that God is faithful, and Jesus IS coming for us. With the world and our nation in the state they are, I just don't see how it can be too much longer. I pray for the lost, the prodigals, the lukewarm. And, yes, the Tribulation Saints. Can you even imagine going through the Tribulation without the Holy Spirit's restraining presence?!

    1. There's no such thing as a 'tribulation saint'. Saints are saints, same category as you & me, we're all saved the same way by means of the HS.

      Question : so how are 'tribulation saints' by your definition saved, if the HS is no longer around during the 7 years?

      Which leads me to who the restrainer exactly is : Michael NOT the HS.

      We will be going through the trib protected in Judea & Jordan, just like how Noah was protected in the Ark & how Daniel & friends were protected in the den. Nobody was pulled up to heaven then.

      Satan will be allowed to overcome the saints (not all of them) during the trib. That's why there will be martyrs (those that didn't run to the place of refuge). Be prepared.

    2. Well, we call them "tribulation saints". But you're right, saved is saved. The tribulation saints are those who come to salvation after the rapture of the church.

      The Holy Spirit within the body of Christ is indeed the Restrainer. No one but God is strong enough to restrain satan. It's not that He will not be around during the tribulation period - He's God. He's thus omnipresent. His restraining ministry within the church will be removed and His sealing ministry within the saints will be finished. The Holy Spirit will revert to Old-Testament-like ministry, where He came upon certain individuals. It appears though that saints will be able to lose their salvation, like they could in the OT. Thus they should pray as David did - "Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me!!!"

      The Holy Spirit will still convict, comfort, draw to repentance, teach, lead. He just won't seal all believers (only the 144,000 specific Hebrews). That's a special gift for the dispensation of grace.

      Noah was pulled up out of the waters into his "chambers" just as we will be into our heavenly chambers (Isaiah 26). Lot was pulled out of Sodom - literally dragged by angels. Then destruction came.

      Satan will be allowed to overcome the saints during the last half of the 70th week of Daniel (the final 1260 days). These saints are the ones who come to Christ during the first 1260 days.

  13. I've been fascinated with prophecy for the better part of forty years, though for half that time I didn't truly understand it - I'm not sure I ever will. When I met my wife thirty years ago-- and she a veritable zealot for the things of God with a calling on her life --she introduced my to Clarence Larkin's "Dispensational Truth." I envied her her fervor, her drive. I didn't have anything like that. For a long time I felt "less than," and doubted my salvation.

    The nineties came and went, the two-thousands looked auspicious until 9/11, and I felt something kindled, a tiny ember lit aflame in my heart. Wars and rumors of wars increased, natural disasters increased, famines, death, and lawlessness increased. And the love of a great, great many greatly increased.

    The blood moon tetrads were amazing to me but still, their significance didn't breach any walls. Then I found Jonathan Cahn but still, STILL I couldn't make the connection. The great eclipse didn't shake me wake me, but it did make look on Youtube... for what? I couldn't say. I think it was all the news about the eclipse traversing the entire nation, and rumors of videos that might shed light on the event, that there might be some prophetic significance to it.

    It was during that serching, about a month before the Rev 12:1-2 sign that I stumbled upon Pastor Steve Sewell's "Heavenly Sign 2017" website... I devoured every word of it, much to the chagrin of my wife who wanted to know what kind of cult I'd fallen in bed with. I wondered, how can this woman, with such gifts from God, be blinded to this sign? Then I found Unsealed.org.

    I've been posting links from this site for several months now. I write fairly well and can communicate with the written word better than most, but I'm not good in public speaking. Like Moses, I USED to stutter, and the experience has left me rather gun-shy when it comes to publicly witnessing. That, and a couple of mild strokes, and the loss of an eye and my vision in the other reduced to about 30%, and though I have all this knowledge of the Bible I have trouble putting it together and making connections. But I'm reminded of Ezekiel 3:18 and what I perceive as my responsibility (and horror)to warn the wicked. And the funny thing is, I never noticed what verse 17 says, "...I have made thee a watchman..."

    So I tell people that Jesus is coming soon, in person and online. I tell them He is coming VERY soon, but I don't point to a date; I say I expect Him within the year, at most within five. I see the world; it's corruption... Christian friends tell me it's going to have to get much worse before Jesus returns. I ask them, "How much worse does it have to get? Because, technically speaking, we're worse than Sodom OR Gomorrah. God can't look on sin, won't allow it in His presence, so technically, He can come ANY time, and it couldn't be soon enough for me.

    I have to confess to God, as often as He brings it mind, that I will gladly wait until the last of my brothers and sisters answer His call, and to please forgive my over-zealous desire to be with HIM at their expense. I often ask Him what He wants with me... that all the gifts He's given me are creative in nature... artistic/linguistic... if not to preach, then what?

    I think it's to be a watchman. For what little time is left to us. And that's what I'm going to do.

    "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen." Jude 24-25

    And Amen! And a hearty Maranatha!

    The LORD be with you all.

    1. You blessed me with this comment. Keep doing what you do. And God has made you a capable watchman to point others to the Truth! Use your gifts toward that goal. I assure you it is not in vain.

    2. Okay, & how many times have Steve & Cahn, etc been wrong in the past 2-3 years with their projections?

      Also, there's no such thing as 'dispensation'.

      The fact of the matter is, the rapture is not a 'signless' event. Neither is it 'imminent'. We will know exactly when, it will happen with the day counts.

      Read Matt 24 again.

      Finally, things might be getting worse in your part of the world.That doesn't mean the end is nigh, for the end is not yet.

    3. Okay, & how many times did Thomas Edison get the design of the electric light bulb wrong? Around 2,000 times before he got it right!

      Just because you are wrong doesn't mean you're not right.

      @Chinese Christian

      Irregardless of our individual belief or doctrine, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we are clearly called into fellowship that builds each other up and encourages one another. I have to say that your *tone* is not ringing true to being encouraging. Hopefully this is a language thing?

      I for one have nothing against those with a different scriptural interpretation; for G-d Himself will make all things clear in the time to come. I do however hope that we will all speak out of love with grace and thoughtfulness to maintain the unity in fellowship that we are called to share in Christ Jesus.

      Plain text is a dreadful way to communicate sometimes. Let's do our best to make sure that the enemy has fewer (if no) cracks to crawl into to cause division.

      To that end I try to detail statements as much as possible bringing in evidence and scriptural pin-points whenever possible. Blunt statements are difficult to *sell* while sound arguments that are thoughtfully presented may yield greater traction. I would invite you to bring your facts to back your claims as you are NOT the only one here not holding to a pre-trib doctrine.

      May it be that in discussing these things we bring our focus on the Word and point others toward G-D in Christ!

      Grace and peace to you through Christ Jesus our LORD,

      Pastor Rich

  14. Stephanie, now you write for Unsealed!!!! I'm so excited for you! This is my favorite website!!!!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Stephanie, I was so glad to hear about your love for your grandma and the remembrance you have of her love for Bible prophecy. I am 68 years old and remember the year I was saved (1972) was only two years after Hal Lindsey's book; "Late Great Planet Earth" came out. At age 22, I was a product of the Jesus Movement and because I had no real church family to begin with, I clung to my New Testament, prophecy books, and early christian TV. I have been a "Watcher" now for 46 years! I long for His soon appearing. Every day is a high-watch day for me, although, I must admit that the blood moons, the Bethlehem star, the Rev. 12 Sign, the anniversary of the re-birth of Israel and so many other signs have sent me into extreme high-watchon certain special days. As a Watcher, I also must say your article exactly captures many of the thoughts moving around inside my spirit, mind and heart. You are a dear sister in the Lord and I cannot wait to meet you soon. And I must say, I look forward to meeting your grandma as well. The role of the watcher is a high calling! It pulls us out of the flesh into His presence each and every day. Our life becomes a love affair with our dear Savior. It makes our life a beacon for lost souls. And most of all, it pleases the Father that we long for His beloved Son. "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." Tit 2; 13-14

  17. Most excellent post Stephanie! I found myself relating in so many ways. Welcome to the team and I look forward to more posts. I too had a "let down" day after 9/23/17. I was actually thinking I may have been a little too zealous and maybe I should back off just a bit. It did not take long to remember Yeshua's words/commands.....Watch for Me, and know the season! Of course I have jumped back in whole heartedly watching the skies, praying all the more, and seeking to do His will until He returns. Blessings to all the watchman family!

  18. Stephanie, So excited that you have joined the team here at Unsealed! Excellent article, thank you!

  19. Stephanie, are you the same Stephanie Dawn of Stephanie Dawn Ministries? She has a singing ministry within Seventh Day Adventist circles.

    1. Hi! No, I'm not, but I have been asked that before! I'm not SDA. And I don't have an awesome singing voice... but have asked God for one in heaven so I can better praise Him for eternity!

  20. Hey Stephanie!

    So glad you could join us. Thank you for reminding us all once again that we can be both "watchers" and "occupiers" at the same time. No need for the false dichotomy that is tossed about every now and then, such as the phrase, "How can you be winning souls for Christ if you're constantly watching the skies?!"

    Nonsense. We can do both. And we will rejoice together when the trumpet sounds for our upward gathering.

    Welcome to the Team!

    1. Yeah, that dichotomy is the worst. In fact, actively (a.k.a. obediently) watching for Christ actually increases our gospel-sharing and evangelism focus and opportunities.

    2. Amen, Jeff and Gary! Never before have I been so compelled to reach souls for Jesus!!! And in our community I know that others have responded the same way.

  21. I'm ashamed to say I was one who got extremely excited and expectant of the Rapture on 9/23 also...I had doubts but was so excited nonetheless. The next day I was indeed disappointed and my countenance had fallen as did my expectation of Him taking us away. I think many had this issue as many in the youtube 'community' went their separate ways and follow their own ends. I've proceeded to change my thinking to what others have said: occupy while we're here and pursue the Master's goals. It hasn't been easy, in fact it seems like there's more trials and tribulations and testing and spiritual warfare than ever before. It's ludicrous out there and the world is even moreso speeding to its own end in sin and abomination. I can't believe how evil it's gotten in the last year alone! We must be nearing the time where He comes to get us. Let us not lose hope, that Blessed Hope. I don't know any of you all but I'm glad I'm not the only one watching or eagerly awaiting His picking us up.

  22. I am still convinced that the Revelation 12 sign has meaning, but we have had a lot of missed rapture dates since September 23, 2017. I am starting to wonder if we should be looking at the typology of the precursor to this sign, which was the Star of Bethlehem that heralded Christ's birth. Don't forget that after Christ was born, there was a threat to his life, just as in Revelation 12, there is a dragon waiting to devour the male child. But the threat to Christ's life was not immediately after His birth, it was some time after, and the Christ child escaped to Egypt after His earthly father Joseph was warned in a dream of the threat from Herod, who ordered the killing of all 2-year olds in Israel. Could it be that we have a 2-year gap between the sign and the rapture, just as there was a 2-year gap between the Star of Bethlehem and the flight to Egypt? Something to think about...

    1. I believe the Holy Spirit may be speaking that. I posted the following comment on July 9, 2018 under Gary's article "Do Key Events Preceding the Day of the Lord Complete in 2018".

      I don't know where else to post this but what you are about to read should encourage you and add further clarification on current signs as they relate to the Rapture. May the Lord bless this effort and help us to understand all that He is revealing according to His will. In Jeus name. Amen.

      As some may have considered and even documented, there are parallels to the the Revelation 12:1-5 sign and the story of Jesus birth in Matthew 2. I won't go into full detail as this is a comments section. :-) So for now, here is the list of remarkable details.

      The Red Dragon parallels Herod in that he intends to capture and destroy the child.

      The child escapes before he can be captured.

      Egypt is the land of exile for Jesus and the people of Israel and is mentioned over seven hundred times in the Bible. Heaven is our place of escape and we will return back to earth with Jesus after the tribulation. Jesus returns back to Israel after being in Egypt to escape Herod after Herod is dead. Similarly, at the end of Armageddon, Jesus returns and the beast is cast into hell.

      The Star of Bethlehem showed up before the birth of the child. Magi/astrologers/wise men took notice in advance and began following it based on prophecy. Cf. Matthew 2:6

      The Star of Bethlehem preceded the Rev 12 sign by two years. June 30, 2015 - September 23, 2017. And now we have many wise men following the signs.

      There were up to two years potentially that Herod could have shown up from the time of the Star or birth. Matthew 2:16

      I'll let those of you who are better at scripture take it from here. If I've made mistakes, please correct me and forgive me.

      God bless! Maranatha!

    2. Yes, there are parallels in the narrative between the birth of our Lord and the birth of His church. Rick Larson talks about Herod being a type of the AC in his study on the Bethlehem Star.

      Jupiter and Venus conjuct on average about every 13-months. Gary brings light to their last conjunction last fall. See illustration here,


      ...from his article "An Interesting Alignment Of Dates".

      So inside of a two-year period from the last conjunction we should see another one. Sadly, the conjunction itself is not a rare event by itself. Where it happens in the sky and in proximity to which stars/constellations may be but even then...

      One thing that many miss in (Revelation 12:5),

      καὶ ἔτεκεν υἱόν ἄρσεν
      And she brought forth a son male

      Key words in this phrase are "υἱόν" and "ἄρσεν".

      Strong's #5207 includes "υἱόν" which is the singular, accusative, masculine, noun form of the word "υἱός",

      huios: a son
      Original Word: υἱός, οῦ, ὁ
      Part of Speech: Singular, Noun, Masculine
      Transliteration: huios
      Phonetic Spelling: (hwee-os')
      Short Definition: a son, descendent
      Definition: a son, descendent.

      HELPS Word-studies

      5207 hyiós – properly, a son (by birth or adoption); (figuratively) anyone sharing the same nature as their Father. For the believer, becoming a son of God begins with being reborn (adopted) by the heavenly Father – through Christ (the work of the eternal Son). In the NT, 5207 /hyiós ("son") equally refers to female believers (Gal 3:28).

      5207 /hyiós ("son") emphasizes likeness of the believer to the heavenly Father, i.e. resembling His character more and more by living in faith ("God's inwrought persuasons," see 4102 /pístis).

      5207 /hyiós ("son") highlights the (legal) right to the Father's inheritance, i.e. as the believer lives in conformity with the Father's nature (purpose).

      Contrast this with the word "ἄρσεν":

      arrén: male, man.
      Original Word: ἄρσην, ενος, εν
      Part of Speech: Adjective
      Transliteration: arrén
      Phonetic Spelling: (ar'-hrane)
      Short Definition: male
      Definition: male.

      Armed with this take a look at how the English translations render "υἱόν ἄρσεν" in (Revelation 12:5). Mechanically we can translate this as "male son" or "man son" which is oddly redundant. So I ask, does this peculiarity mean something? I, along with most if not all of the staff of UNSEALED, would say, "Yes".

      In this we see a reflection of the birth of our Lord, yes, but more so we see the birth of an adult male (man) which is the church. Born again of the Spirit of G-d, by the Spirit of G-d, an heir of the Father being of natural descent, sharing His character, made in the likeness of and having full legal authority to Father's inheritance.

      Put simply, the body of Christ, His Church.

      So may there be a lapse, or pause, between the sign of birth and rapture? At this point I would think that has been demonstrated as such. How long? Less than two years, about one perhaps? Maybe. Did not the soldiers of Herod come to kill (devour) the Christ child? Does not the dragon seek to devour (kill) the man child?

      Glory to G-D in the Highest!


    3. Thank you Pastor Rich. That's just what I was eluding to.

      The parallel between Herod/Christ and The Red Dragon/The Church is one of many things that seems to point to a pre-tribulation rapture event.

    4. And may even point to a rough timeline.

    5. Exactly. We are given days, events and frameworks of timelines already and it is to us to reckon them according to our calling.

      Steve Sewell has been using TorahCalendar.com as a basis for dating/dates and timing. That may be okay, but do we *know* that it is accurate? (The engineer in me asks these questions). What we *do know* is the Great Sign. We know the seasons and we know our Master's voice and His Word.

      The beauty of the Revelation 12 sign is that it is independent of any calendar system. Days are days, hours are hours here on earth and the sign is a fixed point in time. It stayed with us for TWO DAYS!

      Hmmm, where have I heard that before?! [Wink, wink]

      @All, There are so many avenues to explore. So many stones to overturn. Each one of them is a process of spending time in the Word, time with our Lord and each discovery stands to point hearts and minds back to G-D.

      Let us not forget to stand back from time-to-time to see the BIG picture as we look for pixels in the picture of things to come. Knowledge and wisdom are of the LORD, let us consult Him often in the study we embark upon each day.

      Happy Hunting!

    6. The Star of Bethlehem at Jesus' First Coming appeared up to 3 years before the wise men found Him (2 years old and under - a child is still 2 until they turn 3). Thus, I believe the September 23, 2017 sign fits perfectly with an up to 3 year time window after the Great Sign to still be relevant. This possible up to 3 year window corresponds perfectly to the 70-80 year length of a generation given in Psalm 90.

      1948+80 = 2028 max for 2nd coming (using this timeframe as an interpretation - or 2027 if you convert to 360-day-years)

      2028-7 = 2021 max for rapture (using this timeframe as an interpretation - or 2020 if you convert to 360-day years)

      2017+3 = 2020 max for rapture (using the 3 year Star of Bethlehem timeframe as an interpretation).

      It's entirely possible we have until Fall 2020 for the Great Sign to still be completely relevant as a Great Sign. Just sayin' :)


    For those of you who don't know, or are learning, the stars and constellations as part of understanding the clockwork the LORD has set for times (festivals) and seasons; I thought I would share this tidbit...

    Polaris (the North Star) has not always been the north star. In the days of Pharaoh the north star was Thuban. Thuban is in the constellation Draco (The Dragon). Thuban has an interesting story as it was, as you might say, exulted to be the centre of the sky in the days of man, then thrown down only to later rise again to fiery destruction.

    Draco is not one of the brighter constellations but it certainly is about the largest. It inhabits the northern sky and is visible year round for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. It encompasses Polaris and contains many interesting objects.

    Take the star Thuban, it is about 300 light-years from earth (according to current astronomical measurements) and shines very brightly with the energy of roughly 370 of our suns. Most of that light is invisible to the eye being in the UV range. Thuban is an A-type subgiant star and has likely burned all of its core hydrogen and will soon turn into what we call a red giant.

    The interesting part of the life of Thuban is that though it once was the north star, was cast down for a time and will rise again to be the north star. It will meet it's end in fire and die as a super nova.

    If you've been reading your Bibles you should recognise that storyline. Interesting.

    The remaining core of Thuban will likely remain as a white dwarf star propelling the nebulous remains of the star into the deep.

    Another star of interest in Draco is Eltanin. Eltanin is the brightest of the stars in Draco at 2.23 magnitude and is a cool class K (K5) orange giant being about 148 light years (according to current astronomical measurements) and shines with the light of about 600 suns. Eltanin is easily recognisable being a *fiery red* star; one of the eyes of the dragon and is a dying star. Hydrogen fusion has long since ended and is expected to increase in brightness as it burns helium to become a red giant star.

    A study of Draco yields many interesting finds and is a good primer for the upcoming Draconid Meteor Storm coming this October 7/8/9.

    Dig deep and see where the Spirit leads you and always remember who put the stars in the sky. G-D placed them there for His glory, their story should lead us back to Him!

    Happy Hunting!


    1. Yes, I watched a good Youtube video regarding the Draco meteor storm, and how it also heralded the rise of Hitler in 1933. Perhaps we are about to see the rise of the antichrist in the coming days... although perhaps, just as Hitler was not recognized as an evil dictator in 1933 (if he was nobody would have voted for him as Chancellor of Germany), perhaps the antichrist will be seen as a great leader, a man of peace. This person could be one of many such leaders coming to prominence at this time. Trump, Putin, Macron, the Pope, all of these people are candidates. It will be interesting to see if a particular person gets elected or in some way promoted to a higher position of power at the time of, or shortly after the Draconid Meteor Storm...

  24. Well done, Stephanie. Won't it be great if we get to hear Him say those words to each one of us who has been awakened to watch for His appearing in the clouds! The wonderful expression of your emotions and thoughts brought me to tears--especially how you felt after September 23, 2017. The image of the bride left at the altar clinched it. Thank you for your obedience to fulfill Hebrews 10:25 and I am so glad you have joined the Unsealed Team.

  25. Welcome, Stephanie! So glad to have you part of the team. Your words bring life and hope...so needed! It's so refreshing to read your honesty and candor for all of the many layers around all that is involved as being watchmen, waiting for our Beloved, and seeing prophecy fulfilled. You are such a delight to our Father, sister! Lots of love.

  26. Hello everyone. I have been actively keeping
    up with all these prophetic signs since 2012. I used to print and keep articles of interest in binders. I have two full ones. God has also spoken to me at times....prophetic poetry...on election night "At the last Trump!!!" He also has whispered in my ear "It,s closer than you think". Due to extreme job stress...Having to quit my job and feeling totally crappy most days...I have lost my fervor. Please pray for me...At one time recently I felt God calling me to be a "Truth teller". Perhaps the Devil has me down and God will heal me....I'm hoping. Anyway...I can feel the rapture at the door even...I have gained a lot of peace knowing there are others like minded to myself....waiting and seeking. Keep up the good work! P
    ray for me please.

    1. Praying for God to restore your fervor, Colleen! He is certainly near.... although the wait is long from our perspective, all of humanity has been culminating towards this great tipping point. That ultimate battle between good and evil is about to LITERALLY PLAY OUT. It's phenomenal to exist in this day. Our redemption is near, dear sister. Keep in the watching community... I feel we will all be dragging each other to the finish line! We can see it, it's just we have to keep clawing our way over all the obstacles the enemy is sending. Blistered feet and bloody hands we will make it. Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world.

  27. My current thinking is that the rapture *may* occur in the spring of 2019. I have 2 reference points for this. The first is the Revelation 12 sign plus 1.5 years. My thinking behind this is that Herod probably didn't take a full 2 years to realize that the magi had hoodwinked him. Probably he realized after a month or so that they weren't coming back. It probably wasn't until rumours started circulating about a child born in Bethlehem. Don't forget that the baby Jesus was recognised as the Messiah by Simeon and Anna soon after Jesus birth when He was taken to the temple for the purification rites. So people in Jerusalem would have known about Him. But because Joseph and Mary went back to the Galilee after that, it probably took a while for Herod to cotton on that a baby had actually been born in fulfillment of the prophecies. Perhaps when the magi never returned he assumed that nothing had happened and then forgot about it for a while. Maybe that was 18 to 20 months later that he heard a rumour and decided to kill all male children up to 2 years old just to be sure. After all he probably didnt know exactly when Jesus was born. For all he knew the baby could have been born before the magi even showed up.

    The second reference point which I have been following for a few years now is the possibility that Jesus may return to rapture the church exactly 2000 years after He left. According to the website BiblicalChronology.com our calendar is about 15 years out ie Jesus was born in 15 BC not the year 0. The website does not state which year Jesus died/rose again/ascended to Heaven but I contacted the author of the site who did the research and came up with the revised calendar and he said AD19. I was kind of hoping he was wrong and Jesus would have come back in the spring of 2018 but of course now here we are...

    1. What difference does it make? You have no control over it. The Rapture will happen...or it won't. Honor your God by living your life.

  28. The double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Make up your mind whether you believe the clear teaching of scripture on the rapture ... or you don't. Clearly you believe in the Bible enough to want to "Honor your God by living your life", but why not also accept the full counsel of scripture regarding these end times we are living in? Revelation 1:3 promises a blessing for those who do:

    3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

  29. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predictions_and_claims_for_the_Second_Coming_of_Christ

    But I'm sure THIS time, it will be different, right? THIS time, someone "cracked the code" for good.

    1. It's a truism (look up this word if you don't know what it means) to point out that previous rapture predictions have failed. That's kind of like saying that because you haven't died yet, you must be alive. But that doesn't prove that you will never die. Neither does the failure of past predictions prove that Jesus Christ will never return. All predictions of the future are based on theories and guesswork. There are those that predicted that we would all be using flying cars by now, or taking vacations on the moon, but clearly those predictions failed. Yet we don't see those failed prophecies being used to denounce all other future predictions of technological advancement.

      If we believe in Biblical prophecy, then all of these predictions of Christ's return are of interest, however we also take them with a grain of salt, in particular if they are not based on solid Biblical exegesis and interpretation. I personally believe the time is near because of current events in the Middle East, specifically the correlation of the military buildup in Syria with the nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39. You can't predict dates from that scripture though, all you can do is observe events as they progress from day to day, and it does appear that the nation of Israel does face a clear and present danger from Russia, Turkey and Iran, exactly as predicted in Ezekiel 38-39. Coincidence? Maybe for the unbeliever, but for the believer, this is confirmation of the veracity of Bible prophecy...

    2. For a believer, the time will always "be near" because you already came to the conclusion that it's an inevitability. And this is the self fulfilling behavior that drives these predictions and constant state of vigilance the "faithful" have; it has to be near because you think it will happen, and you're alive and it hasn't happened yet, so it has to be near (circular logic). That's why these predictions constantly fail and will continue to fail. You would think at some point that would cause the believer to question the validity of their belief system as a whole, but no, they just dig in their heels and rework the scripture to accommodate yet another future date. Meanwhile, the rest of the world turns without regard. But would the fact that nothing happened on the supposed day that EVERYTHING was supposed to happen (countless times)? Of course not! The fact that NOTHING happened is just as much of a reason to believe that it WAS truly a sign, right? Either way, the believer validates their delusion.

      Which is the over arching them to this very post: nothing happened on that day. Because it wasn't a sign of anything, it was just an incorrect interpretation of the sky, impressed and manipulated by true believers to fit their belief system. You all have been waiting for Christ's return for so long, and have been wrong over and over and over again, you'll take whatever you can get to appease your mind that the whole thing just isn't going to happen in the first place.

    3. Even if the "end of the world" doesn't happen in your lifetime, the end of YOUR world will happen after your lifetime. The secular observer may scoff at prophetic predictions, but the reality of eternity will eventually impact on the life of every person who was ever born on this planet. Whether that happens with the end of the age or the end of your life is up for debate, but there IS an end that comes to every mortal life. There are also secular "prophets" who predict the end of the world based on extrapolations of nuclear intrigue, trillion-dollar debt escalations, environmental degradation or societal demographic collapse, but strangely enough people still seem to bury their heads in the sand, preferring to believe we can keep kicking the can down the road for ever. The day of reckoning is coming, regardless of how flippant we are about our impending doom...

  30. Hello Stephanie xx I am happy to be here on this group page "Unsealed". We all know how effbee is behaving towards us followers of Christ and especially now, so at least we will have sites/blogs like this and others to still be able to share when we get the axe. Love in our Lord God as we continue to walk with and IN Him until His perfect hour.



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