A Second Christmas Is Coming: The Woman Above and the Woman Below
Merry Christmas from the team at Unsealed! We pray your Christmas season is blessed indeed.
In this video, Gary and Jeff cover Genesis 3:15, the woman in labor, a SECOND Christmas that’s coming (Nativity 2.0), and the all-importance of correctly identifying prophetic types and figures using the Bible’s own definitions. Doing so allows one to correctly understand the straightforward imagery found throughout Scripture and the Book of Revelation.
Two women: one above and one below
Two nations: one of Heaven and one of earth
Proto-Evangelium: an individual fulfillment and a corporate fulfillment
We also dive into Revelation 16, 17, and 18 and the identification of Mystery Babylon.
MERRY CHRISTMAS from my family to you and yours!!!
ReplyDeleteJesus came for us,
6 For to us a child is born, to us a
son is given; and the government
shall be upon his shoulder, and
his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government
and of peace there will be no end,
on the throne of David and over
his kingdom, to establish it and to
uphold it with justice and with
righteousness from this time forth
and forevermore. The zeal of the
LORD of hosts will do this.
(Isaiah 9:6-7 ESV)
Can't wait for that day to come: right after the semicolon.
DeleteMerry Christmas!
Amen, brother. Amen.
DeleteMerry Christmas!
Very nicely done guys. I have not always considered Jerusalem as being Mystery Babylon, but in the last two or so years, I have come to the same conclusion. When you consider what some are surmising about the the Pharasaic Nephilim bloodline aspect of the modern Masonic Luciferian cabal of the clearly emerging New World Order, you begin to understand that Jesus' referring to the Pharisees of his day as "serpents" and "vipers" was a much deeper statement and connotation than most realize.
ReplyDeleteThis subject goes down so many rabbit holes, but the clear Mystery Babylon type of language associated with "his people" of Revelation 18 that is found in not only the passages that Gary and Jeff brought forth here, but can also be found in other passages as well.
I've also considered America to be Mystery Babylon myself in times past, or even Rome, but people do not realize that this Cabalistic/Freemasonic bloodline of Pharisaic globalist rulers have also infiltrated and taken over the Catholic Church institution as well. That is an entire detailed matter in itself.
In fact, one could be considered an astute observer when considering Vatican City to fit the bill of the description of Mystery Babylon, but the breadcrumbs ultimately lead back to Jerusalem and the global New World Order system that will have its headquarters there.
In fact, the Greek for John's use of “that great city" is “megalopolis.” It uses the same words as those translated “great city” in Revelation. The Merriam-Webster New Collegiate Dictionary defines megalopolis as “1. a very large city 2. a thickly populated region centering in a metropolis or embracing several metropolises.” This implies a New World Order global city. When taken in conjunction with the language used of Jerusalem in Gary and Jeff's study here, plus other passages seeming to identify Jerusalem with the language of Babylon, you get the distinct impression we're talking a New world Order global system with its headquarters in Jerusalem.
When you think about how organizations like AIPAC hold such sway over American politicians, you soon realize what is going on here. Jewish Freemasonic influence is what is behind the absolute chaos and depravity taking place in America and the West. They also have control over Russia, China, etc.
There is so much there that it difficult to stick with any other identification of who Mystery Babylon is.
That last and greatest by far of the babylonic religions in both geographic scope as well as number of adherents is Islam. You may want to consider that Mecca the religious city in the desert by the sea to be a very obvious choice for mystery Babylon. It is after all the Islamic nations that surround Israel and behead the Christians and the Jews.
DeleteHi Bob. I can see and understand that thinking for sure - and why people would strongly consider the Islamic city of Mecca to be Mystery Babylon. However, as has been brought out by many in the alternative media through diligent study, it seems to be the Jewish Freemasonic "deep state" (which runs Israel) that has created and funded various terrorist organizations within Islam and are responsible for installing various leaders in governmental positions in most nations of the world. I would argue that this same "deep state" (if that is what you want to call them) controls Islam. That would put Jerusalem and it's Freemasonic deep state at the heart of the identity of Mystery Babylon and it's quest to become the center of world power.
DeleteWe also have to remember that normal/regular Jewish people are also themselves the victims of this Satanic megalomania. Their agenda against fellow Jews is the same as it is against their agenda against Gentiles if they are not going to "tow the line" (so-to-speak) of their Satanic ideology. Of course, to be clear, this also does not mean that Israel and it's capitol is not the fulfillment of prophecy for the last days. It absolutely is. I still do believe that God is behind the creation of reinstituted Nation of Israel to be clear.
When reading of the cited passages of Gary and Jeff (plus others that one could easily turn to), it seems that God is getting right down to the very core and heart of what and who is behind this evil system - and not whom/nations it controls per se.
If the Antichrist himself is Islamic (which would seem to be the case because of the beheading of Christians taking place during the Tribulation), it is likely these same aforementioned Satanic Freemasonic forces who have installed him there. Likely, he will have a Jewish background as well as Islamic.
DeleteGiven that likely background of the Antichrist, it is even possible that the rulers/Antichrist seated in Jerusalem will use the Islamic practice of beheading to enforce the Freemasonic/Satanic Jewish Noahide Laws we hear so much about.
DeleteIt seems that Jerusalem is the key to this mystery. It is a global system in play right now that is not yet seated in Jerusalem, but will be after the Rapture as the world geopolitical dynamics will change drastically as a result.
And as it turns out according to this story reported by Hal Turner, Jawloni, the head of HTS, which "overthrew" Assad and his government, is Jewish.
DeleteAccording to Israel's YNET News, Abu Muhammed Al-Jawlani was born Yonatan Avi-David, and is a Mossad Mole.
He adopted the fake identity Abu Muhammed Al-Jawlani and became the head of the International Terrorist Group Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).
A story from YNET News in Israel, published August 27 of the year 2013, reveals that Mossad spies married Arabs to conceal identy.
Clearly, this is why Jawlani and all of his underlings, who are in the process of installing themselves as "officials" in the new Syrian "government" (they overthrew the old one) have made clear "Syria will not be a place from which Israel is attacked.
All the troubles with "Rebels" in Syria? It was Israel all along.
So as it pertains to Islam and the Middle East and the idea that Mecca and Islam being Mystery Babylon, the Freemasonic entity of the New World Order has its hands all over the installment of terror organizations being installed into Syria - which points us right back to Jerusalem as Mystery Babylon.
Does anyone know what that guy's name works out to using gematria?
DeleteMerry Christmas my brothers! So glad you are having this conversation and doing this study. May the Lord come soon!
ReplyDeleteKingdom cake coming soon to a place made for you! We hope you had a blessed and awesome Christmas, Hillary!! Maranatha!!!
DeleteGod bless you Pastor Rich! Yes and amen!!
DeleteMerry Christmas! Amen and MARANATHA.
DeleteChristmas is a Babylonian cult religious festival, I hate it just as much as Jeremiah 10:2-4 did.
ReplyDeleteJesus was not born dec 25, neither in the winter. That is self evident.
Oh and by the way, none of those seven seals have been opened by the Lamb yet.
Grace through Faith
The Jewish plot to destroy Christian civilization is thusly stated by Nahum Goldman, the founder of World Jewish Congress. See if you don't see the sin of Mystery Babylon as stated in Revelation 17 & 18 right here …
ReplyDelete“The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and reorganization of global society requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old established order, secondly, design and imposition of the new order. The first stage requires elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy ethical barriers and social definitions, only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order. The first task of our world revolution is destruction …” (Nahum Goldman: Founder of World Jewish Congress). [The Spirit of Militarism – 1915].
According to the Kabbalah, which is the defining doctrine of Judaism and Freemasonry ...
“Evil and catastrophe are endemic factors in the process of creation. Without evil there could be no good, without destruction, creation could not take place.” (Kabbalah: An Introduction to Jewish Mysticism" by Byron L. Sherwin, p. 72.)
Cabalists believe the Old (Christian) Order must be ruthlessly destroyed before the New (Satanic) World Order, based on the Kabbalah, can be built. This smacks of Mystery Babylon being guilty of the blood of the saint and martyrs as stated by Jesus through John the apostle.
Here is where it gets really interesting. Many may not be aware that the first prime minister of Israel In 1962, David Ben Gurion, stated his belief that one day, Israel would be the seat of world power – in line with the prophecies of Isaiah. He emphatically stated that in the future there would be a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. He went on to say that all armies will be abolished and there will be no more wars. Here is his clenching statement that identifies the agenda of a world government that pins Jerusalem as the Mystery Babylon of Revelation 18:
“Jerusalem will become the seat of the Supreme Court of mankind.”
He then went on to state that this was prophesied by the book of Isaiah. Probably not a coincidence that the very first prime minister of Israel said those words. Perhaps God was giving us a not-so-subtle hint about who Mystery Babylon really is.
Really appreciate the in-depth research here on Mystery Babylon. I have been leaning towards what Doug Woodward taught in Prophecy Watchers YouTube Channel video, The Identity of Babylon, on July 16, 2022, wherein Doug shared his belief the Scriptures teach there are 3 identities for Babylon—Daughter of Babylon, Mystery Babylon, and Babylon the Great.
ReplyDeleteAlso, today I found out that my latest article was taken down, so I had to redo it (and add C0D!NG evidently because of me mentioning c0r0n@v!rus info) and repost it: The Rapture and The Seals of Revelation
On December 22, 2024, Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show submitted CREDIBLE SOURCE CLAIMS JOE'S RESIGNING & EVENTS LEAD KAMALA TO DECLARE LOCKDOWNS.
A few days later an article that originally appeared on The Gateway Pundit was republished with permission by the Vigilant News Network—‘The Hill’ Floats a Ludicrous Plan to Declare Kamala Harris President and Block Trump from Taking Office:
The Hill has floated a plan to stop Donald Trump from taking office next month and declare Kamala Harris the next president of the United States. According to an opinion piece by Evan A. Davis and David M. Schulte, who worked as editor-in-chief of the Columbia Law Review and editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal respectively, Congress has the power to block Donald Trump from taking office because he has previously engaged in a so-called “insurrection.”
Although Donald Trump won the November 2024 Presidential Election, he does not become President officially until the entire electoral process is concluded and he is sworn into office on January 20, 2025. . .
Could it be that Brandon Dawson’s prophetic vision will come to pass as was shared in my article THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP and again in Red & Blue Krisis...? In an April 2024 vision he was shown that Trump won the 2024 Presidential election, but the Senate refused to certify the election even though the Constitution does not forbid it. The Supreme Court stepped in and certified the re-election of President Donald Trump which led to a Second Civil War as far left Democrat states seceded from the United States. This resulted in violent riots and massive chaos in major cities such as Detroit, as well as the three I was shown--New York, Chicago, L.A.
My husband doesn’t think they will make Kamala President and I'm sure many of you reading this agree with him. I never thought I would say this, but I hope they do only because it will mean that IMMEDIATELY the Dominoes Will Begin to Fall Resulting in the Rapture!!! [For related links this is from the update located at bottom of Will Kamala be our 47th President and Trump our 48th?!]
Happy Rapture Year!
I don't know exactly what "the last trump" means for the USA next month, and I don't know which Mystery Babylon candidate wins the Final Jeopardy tournament, but I sure do enjoy this content-laden article you've given us for Christmas! And the comments will start my New Year off just swimmingly!
Hi, as Gary mentioned in the discussion, Babylon / Mystery Babylon has been debated forever and people have different opinions. So might as well add my 2c : )
ReplyDeleteMy money is on the more traditional approach. I do not believe that mystery Babylon is Jerusalem. One reason is that in both the Old and New Testaments, the fall of 'Babylon' is said to be complete and permanent:
Isa 13:19-20 And Babylon, the beauty of kingdoms, the glory of the Chaldeans' pride, Will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. (20) It will never be inhabited or lived in from generation to generation.
Rev 18:21-23 Then a strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, "So will Babylon, the great city, be thrown down with violence, and will not be found any longer. (22) "And the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer; and no craftsman of any craft will be found in you any longer; and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer; (23) and the light of a lamp will not shine in you any longer; and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer; for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery.
If read simply as stated, neither of these verses can apply to the earthly Jerusalem as she will be inhabited, she will be found in the future and she will have light - as we all know. In fact, Zechariah was clear that she will be inhabited and safe after the Lord's return:
Zec 14:11 People will live in it, and there will no longer be a curse, for Jerusalem will dwell in security.
Personally, I believe the key is in Zechariah's earlier vision and prophecy in chapter 5 where he saw a 'woman' representing 'wickedness' being taken to Shinar, the land of Babylon, where the tower of Babel was built, and there a future heathen temple will be built for this wicked woman.
Zec 5:5-11 Then the angel who was speaking with me went out and said to me, "Lift up now your eyes and see what this is going forth." (6) I said, "What is it?" And he said, "This is the ephah going forth." Again he said, "This is their appearance in all the land (7) (and behold, a lead cover was lifted up); and this is a woman sitting inside the ephah." (8) Then he said, "This is Wickedness!" And he threw her down into the middle of the ephah and cast the lead weight on its opening. (9) Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and there two women were coming out with the wind in their wings; and they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heavens. (10) I said to the angel who was speaking with me, "Where are they taking the ephah?" (11) Then he said to me, "To build a temple for her in the land of Shinar; and when it is prepared, she will be set there on her own pedestal."
Zechariah gave this prophecy in 520/519 BC, about 20 years AFTER the Babylon fell to the Medo-Persian empire. So it wasn't fulfilled when Babylon was in power and most place it during the tribulation leading to the destruction of Babylon as shown in Rev 17/18. It shows that 'wickedness', portrayed as a woman, will return to the literal plains of Shinar. And the religious nature of this 'wicked woman' is seen as a heathen temple is made for her there. Thus I would agree with others that see a permanent fulfillment of the fall of Babylon, as shown in both Old and New Testaments, back in the place where mankind first united in rebellion to God at that tower of Babel.
Jerusalem, on the other hand, will never fall so as not to recover, and has a glorious future as the city of the King (albeit after the horrors of the tribulation).
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe answer to that conundrum if the identity of Jerusalem as Mystery Babylon The Great is maintained and yet hold to the clear biblical narrative that Jerusalem will be inhabited during the millennium could be (and is likely) that, as we all know, the return of Christ with the raptured body of Christ will bring a restored earth much like it was in the Garden of Eden. Jerusalem itself will be restored into something brand new, unlike the current version now in a fallen and sinful world. Thus, Jerusalem will no longer be Mystery Babylon and the new restored version can then be inhabited as Zechariah maintains that it will be. This is how those two narratives are reconciled and make perfect sense while maintaining the integrity of biblical accuracy and destroying any possibility of contradiction.
DeleteAs the earth gets restored to a version of the original paradise, would we any longer be able to consider Jerusalem and the destroyed New World Order/world government Mark of the Beast system (the aforementioned “megalopolis”) that she controlled still then be considered the place that John said would fall and not rise again and never again be inhabited as Mystery Babylon? I don't think it could then still be considered that any longer at that point.
We do have to remember that after the seven-year Tribulation has ended, the sheep and goat judgment of Matthew 25:31-46 will take place – thus purging the wicked from the earth and casting them to Hell. Thus, what made Mystery Babylon that was lodged in the currently developing and Post-Rapture Jerusalem will have been purged from the earth during this judgment and will be in existence no longer. This would satisfy the narrative that Jerusalem will again be inhabited and the old Mystery Babylon Jerusalem will no longer be inhabited - thus maintaining the identity of current Jerusalem as Mystery Babylon.
In further defense of the narrative that Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon, we also have to wonder why the Apostle John "wondered" at the fact that Mystery Babylon was drunken and guilty of the shedding of the blood of the martyr of Jesus ...
Delete"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. " (Revelation 17:6).
The angel then answers John back and asks why he is in such wonderment before the angel proceeds to explain it to John ...
"And the angel said unto me, Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns" (verse 7).
The answer to John's wonderment and the angel's seeming enlightening statement that sounds like puzzlement of John's wonder can be explained because Mystery Babylon is of John's own people - the Jews. Is this why John is in wonderment and why the angel responds to him like he does? Possibly.
The next question we could possibly have is how does Jerusalem being Mystery Babylon square with John's description of this woman controlling the beast that sits on seven mountains? The answer to this would be simple enough and obvious. The New World Order/World Government system that she rules is global and covers all seven continents. All nations are in alignment with her because she controls the beast. She rules the world through stealth, but increasingly is becoming obvious i.e. Freemasonry, globalist organizations, etc.
John encounters the beast rev 17.
ReplyDeleteThe reality is that the key to understanding the prophetic words on the end times is awareness, not speculation.
And in order to become aware, you must know where to look what to look for and why you must look there to see it according to the prophecies.
From chapter 4 on in revelation, John Sees, in great detail what Daniel saw in outline form: the whole picture of the last seven years.
John is being shown the entire last week of Daniel. In Rev 17, his vision confirms how Daniel’s historical outline fits into the redemption of the Jews.
John sees not only the earthly kingdoms, but the dominions behind them, the spiritual powers. Revelation 17:3-7.
John now sees this beast carrying on its back down to the ages since Babylon, an abomination that grows into an entity that receives further description in subsequent prophecy.
The angel sees the astonishment in John as John sees this woman: dressed in regal splendor in a position of authority. She’s riding the beast and literally drunken with the blood of the Saints and martyrs of Christ.
He’s astonished that persecuting Christ has brought this woman such prestige and wealth. so the angel tells him in Rev 17:7 “ I will tell you the mystery of the woman and the beast that carries her which has the seven heads and 10 horns “ And now that mystery is going to be revealed. Rev 17:8-14.
The point as it relates to Daniel is that we know John is seeing the last kingdom it is the one that makes war with the lamb and is defeated.
This is another perspective of the last kingdom, the “toes kingdom” before the stone kingdom of Daniel.
However, in John’s vision, we see more of the spiritual landscape that Daniel did not see. John is told that the spiritual power who gives dominion to the final ruler “was and is not” which means he used to have dominion but currently doesn’t in John’s day “when Rome is ruling”; “ and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition…”; which means the spiritual power will be given dominion again, which he will use for evil: the prophesied destruction of Israel.
Well, I'm pretty sure that everyone's analysis of Mystery Babylon's identification is way off the mark. It turns out that I got a supernatural download from on high the other night and was told that my mother's chicken soup is the beast that was, is and will ascend from the bottomless pit. It destroys everyone else's chicken soup in its path. I can attest to that - and God concurs. The reason it gets destroyed is that God will not share His glory with anyone - and you haven't seen glory until you've seen this particular chicken soup.
ReplyDeleteHe that has an ear let him hear what the spirit is saying to the churches.
ReplyDeleteIt's about to get seriously serious in a serious way in this here comment section. So, get your smellin' salts, throw out the cat and dog to the back porch and prepare accordingly. While you're at it, get out some of those heart pills and dig out some of those prepper emergency meals from the basement - you're gonna need it.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to Jeff and Gary's reference to Ezekiel 16 and it's identification to Mystery Babylon, I would also add Jeremiah 7. Jeremiah swoops in an opens up a tall, cold brisk can of whoop in identifying Mystery Babylon ...
“They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man’s, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but you have played the "harlot" with many lovers; yet return again to me, declares the Lord. Lift up your eyes to the high places, and see where you have not been lien with. In the ways you have sat for them, as the Arabian in the wilderness; and you have polluted the land with your whoredoms and with your wickedness. Therefore the showers have been withheld, and there hath been no latter rain; and you had a whore’s forehead, you refused to be ashamed.
God has just told them that they have a whore's forehead because they have played the harlot with many lovers. Mystery Babylon is named a whore in Revelation 17 & 18. He also mentions the "high places" of Israel - indicating their worship of other deities. This should sound familiar given the secret dealings the deep state shadow government has in dealing with other entities that we often hear about (so it is said by those in the know).
Here, we see a rebuking indictment from the Lord against Israel for their adultery with these other idol gods. Here again, the language of a whore identifying Israel matches that of the identification of Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17 & 18. These other gods are the evil spirits and occultic worship of them as can be seen in the continuing narrative of Jeremiah in the rest of the passage. This is the revealing of their spiritual practices …
"Wilt you not from this time cry to me, My father, you are the guide of my youth? Will he reserve his anger for ever? will he keep it to the end? Behold, you have spoken and done evil things as you were able. The Lord said also to me in the days of Josiah the king, Have you seen that which backsliding Israel has done? she is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there has played the harlot. And I said after she had done all these things, return to me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it. And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but went and played the harlot also. And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks. And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith the Lord. And the Lord said unto me, The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah. Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord; and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you: for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger for ever. Only acknowledge your iniquity, That you have transgressed against the Lord your God, And have scattered your charms to "alien deities" under every green tree, And you have not obeyed My voice,’ says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 3:1-12).
Jeremiah even mentions "alien deities." Could it get any more clear cut than this? Pretty precise here. The New World Freemasonic occultic order is steeped in the occult practices of Kabbalistic occultism.
No doubt about who Mystery Babylon is here. Although there are other moving parts and pieces that may cause other candidates that fit the pattern of Mystery Babylon, you just cannot get around Jerusalem or would seem.
Hi, thanks for the reply and thoughts Corey. Final comments from my side - There are geological changes coming for Israel in the Kingdom age with much of Judah becoming a plain, and Jerusalem being lifted up (Zech 14:10-11)... but Jerusalem is still Jerusalem. It is populated in the tribulation, populated when Jesus returns, and populated in the Kingdom age. If you believe that the city of Jerusalem is going to 'be thrown down with violence, and will not be found any longer' (Rev 18:21) then my question is 'When?' When is the city of Jerusalem not found any longer? Her worst point will be at the end of the tribulation when all nations of the world come against her, yet it is at this point that Jesus comes to save her, not destroy her. (Zech 12:9, 14:3-4)
ReplyDeleteAnother reason I don't believe Jerusalem is 'Mystery Babylon' is the response of heaven when Babylon falls in Rev 19:1-5. All of heaven is rejoicing and celebrating Babylon's fall. Now Jesus wept over Jerusalem and prophetically pointed to a future day when Israel will believe and accept Him (Luke 19:41-44, Matt 23:37-39). But He wept over her blindness and coming fall to the Romans. It saddened Him greatly. Think about that. Are we now to believe that at the end of the Tribulation, all of heaven is giving high-fives and hallelujahs because Jerusalem has been destroyed? That doesn't make any sense at all. But it makes perfect sense if Mystery Babylon is moved back to where it began, in the plains of Shinar as Zechariah 5 states, and represents that spirit of rebellion that was first seen with the building of the tower of Babel but has been in the earth since in various forms. This also explains why Babylon is called the 'mother' (or source) of harlots. Nimrod made Babel/Babylon even before the call of Abraham or any mention of Jerusalem. She is the source of false religion and is the mother of harlots, not Jerusalem. That is why Zechariah says it goes back to where it began.
But if you still think that all of heaven is rejoicing at Jerusalem's fall in Revelation 19, bear in mind it is in this chapter that Jesus returns... and to do what? To save Jerusalem and her people, and to judge the nations of the world for what they did to the Jewish people! (Joe 3:2) Again, it doesn't make any sense that heaven is rejoicing at Jerusalem's utter destruction and saying 'her smoke rises up forever' while at the same time the King of Heaven is coming to protect and save her!
Last point was just concerning the comment: "Jewish Freemasonic influence is what is behind the absolute chaos and depravity taking place in America and the West. They also have control over Russia, China, etc."
To be honest, comments like this worry me cos I see them increasing. It is the fallen heart of all mankind that is behind the absolute chaos and depravity in our world and the only race we should blame is the human race. Not the Jewish race. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but it seems that you are blaming the world's ills on the Jews. I trust that is not the case as obviously this is the way the world is going, with Satan encouraging it all the way, just as Hitler did this leading up to WWII. But believers shouldn't follow the spirit of the age. The time of Jacob’s trouble is coming and it is from the hand of God to bring His people back to Him. But it terms of how the Lord judges when He returns (from Joel 3:2 mentioned above), it is useful to remember that Jesus is NOT coming to judge the Jews for what they did to the world. He is coming to judge the world for what they did to the Jews.
Over and out! : )
Exactly 👍
DeleteAmen! Agree! Thank you!
DeleteThe only sign we should be really looking at the peace treaty between Israel and his Arab neighbors.
ReplyDeleteThe king of Jordan and his father, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, have an advocating two state solution to their Israel, problem
Which now I don’t think that is a viable option, but doesn’t the prophecy say it’s a shared temple area
I think we’re all in agreement that Jesus came to fulfill the law and he did just that
Except the Jews, as a nation, the religious folks didn’t accept that most of the people common people did
So the new covenant in his blood went to the substitutes (Grace through Faith) and that covenant has to come to a close before the last week of Daniel‘s Prophecy can conclude.
Paul is very specific, how that covenant closes. 1 Thessalonians, 1 corinthians
Colossians and what Jesus told the Jews, the sign of the Messiah is the sign of Jonah.
Jesus told the Jews “the can’t know the day or hour “ not the new covenant believers.