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Russia increases footprint in Syria

While the world watches the events in Washington D.C.....

Elsewhere - Russia enters into an agreement in Syria to enlarge the military presence.  This has been Russia's aim for sometime.  Back Assad so that Russia's military presence in the region is not threatened.

Russia is now firmly entrenched in Syria.  Israel is more threatened than ever. 

The noose around Israel grows ever tighter.

Link - N.Y. Times

Obama orders Western Syria Al Qaeda military strike on his last day - 100 forces killed - Link

Except for the U.S. - Israel would be quickly swallowed up by the overwhelming forces and hatred that surrounds her.  The Bible says that the surrounding nations will come against Israel, as many battles are prophesied. 

Russia's deep entrenchment just to the north doesn't help that.

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1 comment:

  1. This permanent Russian presence in Syria has set up the Gog and Magog war of Ezekiel 38-39. The Russians are already one step in Israel. After all, God's defined borders for Israel goes up to the Euphrates River which is currently part of Syria.



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