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A Closer Look at Genesis 3–4

Connecting The Hidden Prophecies Of Christ

      It’s Sunday morning and a throng of churchgoers file into the biggest building on the block. The stadium-style seating in the sanctuary surrounds an elevated stage, indicating a culture accustomed to entertainment and a hands-off approach to the preaching and teaching of God’s word. No pulpit or Bible is in sight...only a stool and a large video screen.

      The fliers had already been sent out into the neighborhood, and today the church is starting yet another topical sermon series—this time on marriage and family. The praise band finishes their last song and the advertisements are displayed on screen. Then the pastor takes the stage and launches into his message:

      “We are going to focus on marriage and family today. This is for all you husbands and wives out there, and those who are yet to be married. Let’s look at Genesis, chapter 3, and see where all the strife began...”

      Occasionally, a verse flashes on the screen. More often than not, it’s only there as a casual reference. It’s anyone’s guess if the verses being presented are accurate and faithful to the surrounding biblical context...as far as the audience is concerned, the pastor’s commentary is the surrounding context. On the brighter side of things, at least he’s getting some Bible in there. The rest of the sermon, however, sounds more like a pep-talk with some additional steps on how to have a more successful marriage and a happy life.

      By the end of “the talk,” ears had been tickled. The “flesh” had been satiated, and there was even a passing mention about Jesus and a decision to accept him into the heart. But no further details were given beyond that.

      It was a typical Sunday...


      Sadly, the scenario described above is a common occurrence these days. How many pastors today are leading their flock through the Bible, verse-by-verse, book-by-book, and faithfully preaching what the Holy Spirit-inspired author intended? Why does it always seem like the Bible is being used more like a how-to manual on life rather than the magnificent story of the Lord Jesus Christ and God’s gracious invitation to fellowship with Him by the power of the Spirit?

      The situation in our post-modern churches today is tragic. Many who teach or preach the Bible would do well to imitate Jesus as He instructed the two disciples on the way to Emmaus:

He said to them, ‘How unwise and slow you are to believe in your hearts all that the prophets have spoken! Didn’t the Messiah have to suffer these things and enter into His glory?’ Then beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted for them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures (Luke 24:25–27, HCSB).

      If our sermons were more Christ-focused than man-centered, maybe then more hearts would come alive and burn with delight as they grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Savior (Lk. 24:32). It is my intent in this post to take you on a similar journey in the Old Testament, perhaps even covering the same ground Jesus did with the two disciples.

      Not surprisingly, Jesus first directed their attention to Genesis, “...beginning with Moses...” Likewise, we’re going to revisit some familiar passages of Scripture etched in the foundation of God’s written word. Taken together, the links in this prophetic chain should present you with a clear picture of Christ—an image once veiled but now unsealed for all of God’s people to cherish and treasure in their heart.

The First Link: Genesis 3:15

      Dr. Michael Rydelnik (Professor of Jewish Studies at Moody Bible Institute) writes in his book The Messianic Hope that Genesis 3:15 is “the first specific messianic prophecy of the Bible,” and adds, “[w]hile not predicting the virgin birth of Messiah, it does promise that Messiah will descend from humanity and that He will destroy the evil force that tempted Eve, humanity’s ancient enemy later revealed as Satan. Moreover, in defeating this enemy, the Messiah himself will be struck, bringing victory over the enemy of our souls through His own death” (pg. 145).

      The so-called protoevangelium [first-gospel] about the coming Christ (the ultimate seed of the woman) overcoming the enemy (and, eventually, his ultimate seed), is pregnant with significance. One cannot overstate the importance of this verse and its implications for the rest of the biblical story. For more on the echoes of Gen. 3:15 in the rest of Scripture, please see James Hamilton’s paper entitled “The Skull Crushing Seed of the Woman: Inner-Biblical Interpretation of Genesis 3:15.

...He will strike your head, and you will strike His heel” (Gen. 3:15b).

      According to the elements of narrative, there is more going on in the early chapters of Genesis than the occasional encounters of mankind and venomous snakes—the plot thickens and the battle lines have been drawn. God would reveal more details about the Messiah as the centuries unfolded, but one thing is clear about the LORD’s requirement for our salvation: You must have faith in the promised Redeemer based on the revelation of His word (Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:16; Gal. 3:19).

      While the Hebrew term translated as “seed” can be understood in both singular and plural forms [see Paul’s play on this in Gal. 3:16], and we’ve seen how the conflict of the ages has involved, not just one, but multiple human casualties—the 3rd person, singular, masculine pronouns in Gen. 3:15b seal the deal. With post-Pentecost lenses, we can see clearly that these masculine pronouns refer specifically to Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah:

...from the moment God uttered his judgment against the serpent, the seed of the woman (the collective of those who trust in God) were hoping for the seed of the woman (the man who would achieve the ultimate victory over the serpent)” —Hamilton, The Skull Crushing Seed of the Woman, pg. 43.

         Reminder #1: Genesis 3:15 is not about mankind’s occasional encounter with snakes...

The Second Link: Genesis 3:16

      Most of you have no problem seeing Christ in 3:15, but here’s where things get interesting. Keep an open mind as I propose an alternate translation to 3:16. I pray that you will be blessed to know what this verse is really promising, especially you ladies out there.

      Immediately after the revelatory prophecy about the coming Redeemer in 3:15, the LORD provides further insight about the woman’s ultimate Seed in the following verse. Curiously, most English translations obscure the reference to Christ in the second line of 3:16. Here’s a sample, word-for-word, English translation of this verse:

To the woman He said, ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you’ (NKJV).

         And here’s a representative English paraphrase:

To the woman He said, ‘I will greatly increase your labor pains; with pain you will give birth to children. You will want to control your husband, but he will dominate you’ (NET).

      Ok, at this point many pastors (through no fault of their own, because they are dependent on English translations) will wax eloquent about wives trying to commandeer the lead role in their households. Inevitably, one might think of Paul’s words in Ephesians 5:22-32 and find a New Testament application to prove that wives must take a backseat (wait, I thought we were co-heirs and co-rulers with Christ? 1 Pet 3:7; c.f. Gal. 3:28-29; 4:7). However, getting on a marital soap box here is a big mistake.

      As you can see from the above examples, the English translators shift the focus from bearing children in pain/sorrow (3:15 + 3:16a) to an ongoing marital struggle (3:16b). According to the immediate context of the Redeemer, the ultimate seed of the woman (3:15), I believe we have missed the true intent of this verse. First shown to me by Dr. Charles Baylis, professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Seminary, here is a suggested re-translation of Gen. 3:16:

To the woman He said, ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and conception; in sorrow you will give birth to children [lit. sons]; yet your desire will be for your Man, and He will rule over you.

      This re-do translation may not sit well with some, but investigate for yourself and see that the Hebrew allows for this reading—one that I think makes much more sense (...and makes a pastor’s job a little easier when it comes to application). Here’s an explanation for the above translation:

      A. The two Hebrew terms often translated “pain” can also be translated as “sorrow.” The sorrow relates to the woman’s uncertainty as to whether her seed will follow God, or the serpent. This could also be a play on words, because there is no doubt about the painfulness of labor and delivery—I’ve been present for the birth of my two daughters and seen it for myself!

      B. The same Hebrew term translated “desire” is also used in Song of Solomon 7:10 in a positive sense. Note that most English translations assume a marital conflict and interpret “desire” in a negative sense. More accurately, in contrast to the sorrow and pain experienced by the woman in giving birth and raising her children in a fallen world (negative), she will be desiring and longing for “her Man,” the promised Redeemer of Gen. 3:15b (positive).

      C. The Hebrew term “husband” is also the word more commonly translated as “man.” This is also true in the Greek language, where one term is flexible, and depending on the context, it can be either “man” or “husband.” Here in Gen. 3:16b, “your Man” points back to the masculine, singular “seed” mentioned in Gen. 3:15b (a.k.a. the One who will strike the serpent’s head yet receive a counter-strike to his heel).

       Reminder #2: Genesis 3:16 is not about singling-out and shaming wives for being too controlling...

The Third Link: Genesis 3:20–21

      The next link in this chain of early messianic prophecy should be fairly straightforward for those with eyes to see. Have you ever wondered why Adam chose to name his wife “Life” instead of “Death?” I mean, a minute ago he was blaming her for enticing him to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 3:12). Why the sudden change of heart, naming her Eve, a Hebrew word that sounds like “Life?”

      Because, the LORD God had mercifully intervened and promised to send a Redeemer (Gen. 3:15-16)! The woman will be the one to deliver the hope of all mankind—a Son who would later be revealed as “the Life” (Jn. 1:4; 11:25; 14:6).

      Additionally, the LORD’s act of clothing Adam and Eve in Gen. 3:21 implies the necessity of a blood-atoning sacrifice for their sin. This is yet another prefiguring of Christ, one that is understood by scholars and Spirit-led believers alike. Warren Wiersbe, for example, acknowledges that Gen. 3:21 foreshadows the coming of the ultimate Seed of the woman—one who would later be called “the Lamb of God” (Jn. 1:29; Rev. 5:6; 22:3). I also appreciate his cross-references to Isa. 61:10 and 2 Cor. 5:21.

       Reminder #3: Genesis 3:20–21 is not about keeping warm in the garden during the “cool of the day...”

The Fourth Link: Genesis 4:1

      Don’t let the chapter division fool you. This verse relates entirely to the preceding narrative, especially the first messianic prophecies discussed above in Gen. 3:15–16. The serpent-crushing Seed is now the greatest hope and expectation of fallen man, and that excitement intensifies immediately upon the news of Eve’s first conception and delivery.

      Here is another curious case of often creative but misleading English translations. For an extensive commentary on this issue, see Dr. Baylis’ online notes here. It is best to take the Hebrew text at face value, because even the LXX (Greek translation) appears to smooth out a difficult reading.

      Three times in this one verse, the Hebrew particle et comes before the direct object—in this case all three names: Eve, Cain, and YHWH (the LORD). This marker of the direct object is primarily left untranslated (see here), even though there is the possible option of translating it as “with” (see here). If we leave it untranslated, maintaining consistency with how this particle is used throughout the chapter (see also Gen. 4:25–26), then here is how the Hebrew of Gen. 4:1 reads literally:

And Adam knew [et] Eve, his wife, and she conceived and brought forth [et] Cain, and she said, ‘I have acquired a man [et], YHWH (the LORD).’ 

      This suggested translation requires less creativity on the part of the translator and fits with the surrounding context. Eve declares that she has “acquired” (could also be translated “bought, or created,” a term which is a play on the name ‘Cain’), and the name of the LORD is in apposition to the direct object, “a man.”

      Remember back in Gen. 3:16b, where YHWH told Eve, “...your desire will be for your Man? Yep. That’s why Eve says what she says. Eve rejoices in the hope that her son, Cain, is the desired “Man,” the serpent-crushing Redeemer of 3:15–16. Dr. Baylis in his commentary references Jer. 23:5–6, which later confirms that the ultimate Seed of the woman would also be called “the LORD, our righteousness.” The alternative translation of 4:1 above may also add a richness and depth to Paul’s declaration in Rom. 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord...’ “ Not just any “lord,” but that Jesus is YHWH!

       Reminder #4: Genesis 4:1 is not about the origin of babies and where they come from...

The Fifth Link: Genesis 4:7

      The final link and foreshadowing of Christ in Gen. 3–4 will take more legwork on our part, but the end result will be worth the endeavor. If you’re willing to continue this trek of challenging assumptions about familiar passages, then let’s dig into another thorny textual issue.

      I don’t want to get too technical here, so for the gritty details, please see a well-researched paper written by Chris Burnett on Gen. 4:6–8 (here). I stumbled upon his work surfing through online articles one day (bored, I guess...but always learning!), and I was amazed that there was a possible, alternate translation to this verse. It’s not just a minor tweak, either. His proposal completely flips the script—in a good way. I really think he’s on to something and brings more clarity to the surrounding context, which, as it turns out, coheres perfectly with what we’ve been tracking so far.

      Briefly, the context of this section in chapter 4 has Cain and Abel bringing sacrificial offerings to God, but only Abel is approved. Cain is furious and his status as “the Man” of Gen. 3:16 and 4:1 is in serious jeopardy. Is he the ultimate Seed of the woman? Only one way to find out, and YHWH knows how to test the heart. Here is Burnett’s translation of Gen. 4:7:

Surely, if you do well, won’t there be a lifting up? On the other hand, if you do not do well, a sin offering is lying at your door. It’s will is yielded to you, but you must rule over it.

      Wait? Who’s at the door? I thought sin was at the door ready to pounce on Cain like a wild beast, if he wasn’t willing to master it. Well, maybe not. Again, I encourage you to study Burnett’s argument, because we may have missed the big picture as a result of faulty English translations. Here are a few points to consider:

       1) “Sin” is never personified in the Bible as being outside of a person, it’s always in the heart. The Hebrew word often translated abstractly as “sin” in 4:7 is also the same word translated frequently as a literal “sin offering” (c.f. Ex. 29:36; 30:10; Lev. 16:6).

       2) The masculine participle often translated “crouching” is a Hebrew term mainly used in contexts where flocks are lying down peacefully (Gen. 29:2; Isa. 17:2; Ps. 23:2). It would be rare, indeed, to find this term used of a beast lurking around, ready to seize its prey. Burnett notes that the term “sin offering” is feminine, while the modifying participle “lying” is masculine. Instead of posing a hopeless grammatical issue, what if it was by design to imply that a male animal was brought by God to rest at Cain’s door? Remind you of any future revelation in God’s word regarding a male sacrifice from the flock? Try Ex. 12:5–7 (the lamb’s blood was to be placed at the door)!

       3) The apparent link between Gen. 3:16b and 4:7b has baffled even the sharpest of scholars. Many reasons have been offered in the commentaries, and most see the literary connection between sin’s desire for Cain (negative) with the woman’s desire for her husband (also negative). However, upon further consideration of Burnett’s insights and what I have presented above, the current theories don’t tell the whole story. Messianic connection, anyone?

      Take a look for yourself and see the striking similarities between these two texts:

      The Hebrew in both verses is virtually identical (even if you cannot read Hebrew, the visual similarities and patterns should be evident). This is not by accident. It is an intentional move by the author (and Author) to highlight Cain’s obligation to submit to the original mandate to rule for YHWH and trust in God’s word, especially regarding a blood-atoning sacrifice for his sins (c.f. Gen. 3:21); Cain’s failure to heed God’s word reveals his heart of unbelief and identity as a seed of the serpent. However, where Adam and his progeny failed to rule for YHWH, the ultimate Seed of the woman will succeed and eventually rule over all creation along with His chosen, redeemed co-rulers (Gen. 1:26–28; 3:15–16; 49:10; Ps. 2; Rev. 2:26–27; 22:5).

       *Bonus: The same Hebrew phrasing of subject + verb (mashal) + preposition (bet) + direct object in 3:16b and 4:7b is also found in Gen. 1:18, where it is the sun and moon who are instructed to rule over the day and night.

      In addition to the messianic prophecies of Gen. 3–4 previously discussed, this suggested retranslation of Gen. 4:7 makes so much sense in light of biblical theology as a whole. There are those who would like to make this about righteous works vs. unrighteous works as a litmus test for being a child of God. On the contrary, many also stumble through 1 John for the very same reason—they misunderstand that works are useless without first having a regenerated heart (a.k.a. eternal life, Spirit baptism, being born of God).

      Cain’s rejection of God’s revelation and gracious provision exposes his true character, and we learn that he is not the One—much to the sorrow and dismay of his mother, Eve, who would continue to desire and long for her Redeemer to come (c.f. 1 John 3:10–15; Jd. 11). Burnett summarizes this understanding of Gen. 4:6–8, explaining its profound theological significance:

Yahweh has provided a male animal in Cain’s doorway which waits in obedient submission for the offender to slay it for the purposes of atoning for his sin...[this] passage is a theological treasure house, displaying divine condescension toward a sinner with otherwise no recourse for restoration. At the opportune time, God Himself extended grace by means of a ‘re-do sacrifice.’ Cain, however, would not accept this grace by slaying the animal. Ultimately he rose up and killed the wrong object—his brother, Abel (pgs. 54–55).

         Reminder #5: Genesis 4:7 is not about works-righteousness, or trying to tame our sin nature...

The Completed Picture Coming Together

      Keep seeking Him, brothers and sisters. The full picture is coming together beautifully. Like those disciples who walked with Jesus on the way to Emmaus, I pray that your hearts will be ablaze with love toward our Father, His Son, and the indwelling Holy Spirit. All five links listed above provide us with the beginning pieces of the tapestry of Christ as revealed throughout the Scriptures.

      Without the obstruction of cultural and language barriers, we can see how God graciously revealed information about the Messiah, little by little, as the ages progressed. The early picture of Christ looked like this according to the five links:

      (1) The Messiah to come would be born of the woman and conquer the serpent, though he would lose his life in the process; (2) The Messiah to come would be the Man whom the woman desired most—He would be both her Son and her Lord; (3) The Messiah to come would be a blood-atoning sacrifice, removing man’s shame [nakedness]; (4) The Messiah to come would be YHWH’s representative and head of a redeemed humanity; (5) The Messiah to come would be a blood-atoning sacrifice, like a male lamb submissive to the will of God, slain before the foundation of the world [Rev. 13:8].

      One last thought: The Desired One is coming back. In my study of Gen. 3–4, I noticed that a couple of other Scriptures opened up in light of Gen. 3:16b. The first is Haggai 2:7:

And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts (KJV).

         The second is Daniel 11:37:

He [the antichrist] will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all (NASB).

      Hang in there. Though hope deferred makes the heart sick (Prov. 13:12), our longing and deepest desire is about to be fulfilled. Like the apostle John, those who truly love Him will proclaim, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Hold fast. Our God of peace is about to crush the serpent under our feet (Rom. 16:20; Rev. 12:7–9)!
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  1. Fantastic, brother. I've been discouraged (perhaps like you say - "hope deferred makes the heart sick"), yet this really encouraged me. The Gospel is written all over Genesis 3-4 and the image of the woman, male offspring, and serpent is not only a picture of the Good News, but also connecting with and pointing us to the last book of the Bible: Revelation 12 where the woman, male offspring, and serpent are again seen together.

  2. speechless in vt.,......this is tony, i am blessed like never before!!! i give thanks

    1. Tony in Vermont, be blessed brother!

  3. I love the similarities to Gen3/4 in this regard to Revelation 3: 18 I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. 19‘Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. 20‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

    Jesus addresses the churches 'nakedness' (cf Adam and Eve 'we were naked and hid...', and then addresses himself as the one 'standing at the door knocking'. He is the perfect sin offering, who offered up himself (cf God offering up the sin offering in Gen4)...

    Ryan D

    1. Wonderful. Great observation, Ryan!

    2. Fabulous Jeff and Ryan! Great teamwork, blessed be YHWH (tears!). Daniel

  4. Stunning. Beautiful. Powerful. In your last reference, are you saying that Daniel 11:37 is not so much speaking to the AC's lack of attraction to women, but that he doesn't share the desire of women for The Redeemer Man who soon returns? Awesome.

    1. Yes! Exactly. The AC epitomizes those like Cain who came before him, who reject the Lamb, the Desired One longed for by every woman since Eve.

  5. I have not had time to read all of your post but what I do agree with is what you start this post with. I have been shown long ago that the traditions of man are making void the Word of God, and I endeavour to serve the Lord regarding this issue wherever He leads me and whatever He calls me to say or do.
    God bless you.

    1. Thank you, Brenda. Take your time. There is a lot to digest in this post.

  6. Wonderful insight. It all fits perfectly. Thank you.

  7. Great article....that understand will ripple through many other verses (like Greg said about Dan 11). Well done!

  8. I remember, I've read about this particular interpretation of Daniel 11:37 many years ago, that one of the Messiah's descriptions in the Jewish tradition is the "desire of women" more precisely, "the desired son" to women. It's been the biggest dream of a Jewish woman to give birth to the Messiah. And in that context the Antichrist “not regarding the desire of women” was about the Messiah not about the AC being homosexual as many assumed by misinterpreting these verses.

    1. p. s.: Jeff,

      Many thanks for sharing this; it is wonderful to experience how God’s word “fits together” perfectly! It made me remember another thing as well. I’ve listened to an audio teaching a few years ago, the teaching’s title was “A New Perspective” or something close to it (sadly I don’t remember the exact title). This teaching was about women’s original role as God intended it, based on Genesis. I clearly remember that the guy who shared this teaching said that (besides that God originally, pre-curse, created man and women as equals) in the original language when the woman (Eve) described as a “helper” to Adam, that God created her as a helper to the man, the original Hebrew word for helper is a very unique expression that is only used by God in the whole Bible 2 (or 3) times and it is always a direct descriptive expression of God used only for Himself! So, that word that is translated as nothing usual, simple “helper” in English (and in translations to other languages) in Hebrew means and brings great honor and value to women! In another part of this teaching the “husband as the head of the woman” was explained based on the Apostle Paul’s teaching on marriage. It was explained that in the original Greek text the *head*’s primary meaning isn’t about hierarchy in the first place which is lost in translation to another languages because the *head* in our languages always has hierarchical meaning only. Allegedly, in the original Greek, the head has a nurturing, protecting function, actually the head is the one from which the whole body grows out! Christ as our head is our Lord, He is also nurturing, growing and protecting us and husbands were admonished to fulfill the same role. The point wasn’t about male superiority in marriage. This whole teaching meant a lot to me so I thought I’m adding it, even if it’s “a bit” off topic but at least, it’s about the treasures of the original languages of the Bible.

    2. (grammar correction: "...nothing UNusual, simple *helper*...")

    3. @Nora: dear sister, you mentioned the "desire of women" which is a very good and deep thought indeed; yes, there's nothing about homosexuality in there but what is meant here is in fact TAMMUZ (Ezekiel 8,14) which is the same Babylonian God as the "baby Jesus" of the RCC. It is resurrected Jesus the redeemer of mankind but perverted by Satan in Babylonian era (Semiramis, Nimrod, Tammuz the Babylonian Trinity). That's the reference to Daniel 11,37 because it is clear that the AC doesn't have any interest in the TRUE redeemer (desire of the woman) but not even in the FALSE one (Tammuz) here; it will be a completely "new godhood" that will be worshipped. Verse 38 explains that: it'll be the "god of forces" (i.e. possibly Nimrod-like from Gen10, the "forces" or "fortresses" indicating also the strongholds of Ephesians Diana always depicted with her crown of urban walls on her head? = urbanity trend, living in big cities because of better control over people), a "strange/alien God" (perhaps some New Age hybrid from fallen angels) named in verse 39. After all the AC declares himself to be God. Ok just some 2cents of mine... ;-) Blessings to you!

    4. Thank you, Nora. Great insights. You and Annabel are really blessed to share a title that is also used to describe the LORD (Ps. 33:20; 46:1, etc.)!

    5. Jeff,

      Thanks for your kind words, I just repeated the interesting details of that teaching. (You mentioned some of my fave Bible verses! :))


      “a "strange/alien God" (perhaps some New Age hybrid from fallen angels) named in verse 39”

      Now, that you mention that, I’ve been thinking about that well-known verse not long ago: “And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:42-43) It is just my speculation but putting some pieces together, like the repeated emphasized description of the last days (even by Jesus Himself) that before the day of the Lord and before the Second Coming it will be like in the days of Noah, I could imagine that the “Nephilim” will be back! Maybe Mr. L. A. Marzulli is right and as he said, “when we go up, they show up” aka fallen angels, masquerading as extraterrestrials. I mean, even the decades long conditioning of our society with UFO movies can’t be a coincidence, it might lead to somewhere. This particular verse: “…they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another…” Does this not sound as ominous as it could be?! Totally sounds to me like a strong hint to the fallen angels trying to mix themselves with humanity again! Some people are going as far as speculating that maybe the AC will be also a Nephilim. I’m careful with this whole topic, it’s just speculation but I can’t shut these possibilities out.

  9. Dear Jeff, thank you indeed for your very deep and wonderful thoughts and insight! There's so much to chew on..
    Thank you and glory to the LORD who led you to this!

    @ Genesis 3,20 = please compare to 2,23 Adam understood the name of his wife in a new way after the fall and according to the promise given to her (although cursed with birth pains and much travail for having sinned)

    @ Genesis 4,1 Cain "purchased" reminds me of 1 Corinthians 6,20; 7,23 spontaneously whereas

    @ Genesis 4,7 the "sin offering at the door way" reminds me of the LORD knocking at the door in Revelation 3,20. I ever struggled with this verse and explaining 'to rule over' with 'to slaughter the offering' (= Hebrews 9,22!) is a compelling idea. I can imagine God wanting to teach Cain sth Abel already had understood like in school giving him a second try to redo the sacrifice; even providing him as a farmer with the right offering which was not from his own "products". We have to note that God did the same teaching with his parents after the fall, replacing the aprons from the fig leaves in Gen3,7 with the coats of Skins in Gen3,21. Abel and Cain were their first children and it seems logical to me God caring the same way lovingly for them because they didnt yet sin themselves but inherited the sin of their parents somehow unwillingly. This idea makes very much sense to me. Now poor Cain, slaved unto sin with a dark mind and envying his brother for the 'well done!' of God, rejects the animal that God laid into his doorway, I imagine him stepping over it walking off into the field and slaying Abel there in anger. God was willing to prevent him from doing so, talking to him and teaching him but his religious soul wouldn't listen. This has been the misfortune ever since.

    One more thought on your introducing passage about the disobedient and ruling wife: This much is nevertheless TRUE if not always the first possible message given in Genesis 3. Every woman is disobedient to her husband from nature as a consequence of the fall. But let me tell you that as well every "Adam" is unwilling to be the head of his wife and family after this event. Most husbands are just "with her" at the deception scenery in Gen3,6 knowing about it and even following the conversation with the devil but do nothing about it to protect her from the serpent, interrupt the talk or setting things in order as the head of creation in saying 'hey serpent, why don't you talk to me? You're not supposed to talk to my wife at all'. This is a dilemma in marriage and family ever since and only natural. Even newborn Christians have the same lifelong struggles from this and it will only and FINALLY end in the first resurrection. HALLELUJAH!

    1. Thank you, Annabel. I am in agreement with you. In light of your cross references to 1 Cor. 6:20 + 7:23 in regard to Gen. 4:1, what if Eve's "purchasing" of Cain was the first hard lesson for humanity that salvation cannot be bought? After Cain and many others failed to meet the standard for Messiah, Eve along with the rest of her seed would learn that salvation is of the LORD and it is a gift (Isa. 55:1-3; Acts 8:18-23; Eph. 2:8-9)!

    2. Dear Jeff, thank you for your response! Yes indeed I agree with you about this as well, Eve might have misunderstood this "price" (sacrifice) cannot be paid by a natural man (Psalm 49,7). There's a lot of "teaching" of God in Genesis for the first humans regarding sacrifice. This misunderstanding of Eve also indicates that Adam seems to have failed again here to teach her (1 Corinthians 14,35) and to leave it to her to name the child. This should have been his task as well.

  10. Thank you for uncovering this deeper layer of meaning for this passage. It further demonstrates the Holy Spirit's consistent message throughout scripture. The original Hebrew must have multiple layers of meaning, and your description of this one does not mean that the earlier, more traditional interpretations were necessarily mistaken or garbled by translation. They are only more superficial. Married couples do have mutual marital love and sexual desire (which of course leads to the pain of childbirth). As sinful humans, they do sometimes struggle for power within the marriage, even though the man is supposed to be the head of the woman. Not in the sense of domination or abuse, of course, but in the sense that Christ is the Head of the Church. The man the woman desires is both Christ and Adam, depending on the layer of meaning being considered.

    And sin does lie at the door ready to pounce, just as the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

    Sin and the sin offering are both described using the same word in different layers of meaning. The Holy Spirit is using the same Hebrew sentences to describe our human situation as it is while simultaneously promising us the way out. Only the Holy Spirit could communicate with such beautiful complexity and subtlety.

    1. Thanks for your input, Duncan, "...beautiful complexity and subtlety." Amen!

  11. It took me a few days to get around to this one, but it was worth it. This is just stunning, Jeff!

    One quick thought:

    "Neither shall he regard the gods of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall magnify himself above all." (Daniel 11:37)

    In Daniel 11:37, I already knew about the interpretation of "the desire of women" and its reference to the birth of the Messiah and all that. But is it possible that the fact that the Antichrist won't "regard" the desire of women--i.e., that he will have no regard for the birth of a future Messiah--be related to the fact that he will claim to *BE* that Messiah? Could *that* be what this is suggesting? Or am I missing something or reading too much into it? Just curious.

    I mentioned this in passing in an article a couple of years ago, but always wondered if I was on track.

    1. Thank you, Greg!

      I think what you have stated about Dan. 11:37 is valid. It's certainly in keeping with what Jesus said in Matt. 24:5. As you know, the "anti" in Antichrist can either be "in place of" or "against,"so we can infer that he will likely claim to be Christ [God] and also have a visceral hatred for those who love the true "desire of women," the victorious Seed of Gen. 3:15-16 (see also 1 John 2:22; 4:3 + Rev. 13:6; 17:14).

    2. Jeff,

      I've heard so that calling the AC *anti* is mostly incorrect and the original meaning is FALSE, him being a False-Christ who's masquerading as Christ.

    3. p.s.: I think so that both the AC and the False-Prophet are trying to usurp what belongs to Christ. Christ is the Lord over creation, including the Earth, the Father gave everything to Him; the AC tries to be the lord of the Earth. Christ is our High-Priest, the False-Prophet tries to fulfill a high ranking priestly role, I guess he’ll try to be the High-Priest of the whole Earth serving the AC. Both are trying to usurp “roles” that legally and rightfully belongs to Christ who is the King of kings and The High-Priest (also the prophet of the Church Age since the Book of Revelation is His revelation to Apostle John.) Of course behind the AC and the False-Prophet there’s “You Know Who” who ultimately wants to usurp everything.

  12. First of all THANK YOU! Without digging into the Hebrew and Greek until this year I was at the mercy of the things I had been taught and now find myself re-learning so much that had been "Translated" but became the interpretation of one man who told another and so on down the line. I recently spent about 90 hours listening to Dr. Michael Heiser (Peer reviewed Hebrew Greek etc. scholar) and though I don't agree with all of his thoughts I so value a true Christian who can translate from the original text. This article should make it obvious as to how much we know that isn't so (Title of one of Dr. Heiser's videos) New point every single comment above mine was insightful and on point and all of you show a deep understanding and hunger for the LORD! God bless you. Do any of you know any other TRUSTED proven Hebrew and Greek scholars with a Christian world view with videos online? Dr. Heiser did a video on Revelation 12 claiming it was pointing to the birth of Jesus but since it happened 90 years before Revelation 12 was written and John couldn't plug in his laptop or even get wifi to configure so that he could download Stellarium to see only bright sunlight from 90 years ago my guess is he is WRONG but being a PHD the hardest thing in the world is to admit it. Anyway I e-mail him updates as the birth pains intensify and I am hoping he gets it before September 24th when he said he is going to blog about how wrong we were.

    1. Thank you, Gary G! I appreciate your desire and hunger to know the word of God.

      I, too, have benefitted from Dr. Heiser's research and pray that he will humble himself to embrace the futurist interpretation of Revelation 12. My understanding is that he loathes anything that smacks of "Left Behind" theology. Sadly, I don't know if he will be open to accepting chapter 12 as future prophecy.

      Let us know if he writes anything on the Revelation 12 sign. At least he might have some substance to his counter-arguments :)

    2. Thank you, Jeff, for the additional insight in how the two chapters are linked. I just found your Genesis 3-4 article last month. Gary G., thanks for the resource with Michael Heiser's videos. I've started to explore those.
      Jeff, have you also looked at the similar usage of sin/sin offering with the word "iniquity", Hebrew "a-von" or עָוֹן Strong's 5771? In Gen. 4:13 it is translated (KJV) "punishment" (a consequence) but usually "iniquity" (the act).
      That passage is the first occurrence. It is used three more times in Genesis: Abraham is told that the family would be taken out of the land because the iniquity of the Amorites was not yet full, a description of Sodom, and Judah laments to Joseph that God has found out their iniquity. It is next used in Exodus 20:5 regarding idolatry ... "visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation...." It is iniquity that produces sin(?)

      Back in 2007 while studying the generational curse passages (I am the grandson of a paternal alcoholic), I realized one morning that the Hebrew was very specific. It is never the "sins" (chatta'ath) of the fathers that is generational. It is always "avon." Daniel's great prayer in chapter 9 echoes Lev. 26:39-45 where Moses speaks of their future dispossession: they have to first own their iniquity and trespass and "accept the punishment of their iniquity." Then God steps in! The pattern for forgiveness and restoration is there already in Gen 4:13. I continue to be amazed at the foundational truths and root issues in Genesis 1-11.

      Is anyone following what has exploded in the genetics field with the epigene and epigenetics? The better understanding now is the DNA is similar to a blueprint or a hardware chip. The epigenes are external to the DNA and control gene expression. Experience(s) can be passed the next generation. They can be encoded in the epigenes. In Ps 51:5 David says, "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity...." The epigenes are like software. It gives new meaning to Romans 12:2 "transformed by the renewing of your mind..." We can download new software. "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word" Eph. 5:26.
      I would welcome any input on the connection between iniquity and the epigenes.

  13. His counter arguments fall flat but his context on Hebrew and Greek context is great. https://youtu.be/luCvCVo_GJU sometimes we have to sort the wheat from the weeds and just be happy that we found something edible God bless

  14. Can somebody make my above link clickable? Never been a wordpress expert more of a Meteor fan.

  15. Great stuff Jeff, you are a gifted teacher! Keep em coming!

  16. As a pastors daughter who is passionate about prophecy, this was very interesting to read, some I knew and some was new. There is an awesome DVD out that shows this accurate picture of Adam and Eve's as well as Cain's need for a sacrificial lamb! I've been giving it out to others as it's the gospel! It talks about Cain needing a sacrifice and goes all the way to Christ as the Lamb of God. Way recommend it to everyone as it gives the whole story of redemption that even kids can understand. My kids loved it! It's called King of Glory. 9$ on Amazon Prime. Love this thread and praising God for all of you, your comments and hunger for God, and thank you Jeff for your research and allowing God to use your teaching gift! Maranatha! Charissa

    1. Thank you, Charissa! I'll have to look into the King of Glory DVD.

  17. Jeff the seed of Cain came from Adam the seed of Able came from YHVH. The proof of this is in ALHIM giving Cain his punishment. In Ex.21:22 if someone strikes a woman and the child dies the seed giver decides the payment. Also just below the word "for" is incorrect it should be "in place of". For who would benefit if a man caused another to loose his arm to have both of them be without an arm also. Two cripples? This is why he was not put to death.



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