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On the Brink in Britain and Israel

There have now been over eight months of political stalemate in the country of Israel since the April 9th elections.  An unprecedented second election was held in September, and over the past three months the various parties have been wrangling with each other to cobble together a coalition government—unsuccessfully.  Tonight is the deadline to form a government and it would appear that the Knesset is about to vote to dissolve itself for a second time, making way for a third election on March 2, 2020.

Israel’s present inability to form a government (which has never happened before), coming shortly after the Revelation 12 Sign (9/23/17), the country’s 70th anniversary (5/14/2018), and the Jewish Nation-State Law (7/19/2018), leads me to believe that a major spiritual shift is underway in the covenant land.  Soon the Church will be removed and God will begin to fulfill the ancient promises made to the Jewish nation, as it says in the book of Acts:

...and after they were silent, James answered, saying, “Men, brothers, listen to me: Simeon expounded how at first God looked on [us] to take a people out of [the] nations for His Name, and to this the words of the prophets agree, as it has been written: After these things I will return, || And I will rebuild the dwelling place of David that has fallen down, || And I will rebuild its ruins, || And will set it upright—That the remnant of men may seek after the LORD, || And all the nations on whom My Name has been called, || Says the LORD, who is doing all these things.
—Acts 15:13–17 (from the LSV*)

Furthermore, the Knesset’s failure to form a government reminds me of the words of the Prophet Micah:

Now, why do you shout aloud? Is there no king in you? Has your counselor perished, || That pain as of a travailing woman has taken hold of you? Be pained, and bring forth, O daughter of Zion, || As a travailing woman, || For now you go forth from the city, || And you have dwelt in the field, || And you have gone to Babylon, || There you are delivered, || There YHWH redeems you from the hand of your enemies. And now, many nations have gathered against you, who are saying: “Let her be defiled, and our eyes look on Zion.”
—Micah 4:9–11 (LSV)

This prophecy was partially fulfilled many thousands of years ago when the Jews were exiled to Babylon, but as with many prophecies, the ultimate focus is on Christ and the Kingdom He is bringing.  As the Jewish people still largely reject their Messiah, there will be one last exile of Israel in the midst of the Tribulation, and many nations—not just Babylon—will be gathered against her.  September 23, 2017 was the warning cry of a woman in travail, and very, very soon, labor pains will befall the heavenly woman’s earthly counterpart (Israel).  A power vacuum is forming in Israel as the baby is ready to be born.

- - -

Not only is tonight the deadline for Israel to form a government, but tomorrow historic British elections will be held, the outcome of which will determine if Brexit will come to pass.  Polls show an edge for the pro-Brexit party of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but they’ve also shown tightening in the last few days.  The outcome is uncertain.  If Johnson secures a majority of Parliament, Brexit will likely occur on January 31st, and all the world’s big globalist names are lined up against it (at least publicly).  If Brexit does occur next month, the global clout of the European Union will be dealt a serious blow (a head wound of sorts?), and the global economy could be faced with a major challenge during the emotional kerfuffle between UK leaders and their EU counterparts.

Now considering the significance of tonight’s vote in Israel to hold a third set of elections, and tomorrow’s nationwide vote in the UK, here is a little tidbit pointing to the sovereignty of God, as if He’s leaving fingerprints: tomorrow will be exactly 6,666 days from September 11, 2001.  Even more intriguing: the last full moon of the decade occurs tomorrow at 12:12 Eastern time.  That’s 12/12 @ 12:12 AM.

*Scripture excerpts come from the Literal Standard Version

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  1. Would it be possible to do an article on the video you mentioned in the last thread. The one about the 19 year cycle and 7 yrs of plenty followed by 7 yrs of famine. It would be nice to have some graphics to go with it. It's a little hard to understand exactly how day counts and 7 year cycles work with each 19 yr period. Just thought that would be nice to see and maybe you have something to add to what was shown in the video.

    1. Good evening Micah. I'm not sure about that video? I wonder if someone else shared that in the comments?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh sorry about that. Must of been another Gary. Well it was a very interesting video. It was from edgewater church.

    4. Gary, I'm surprised you say you wonder if someone else shared that comment. (the video from Edge Water church). It had your picture and name as the publisher on 12/09/2019. Or do you distance yourself from its contents? I'm still wandering about its contents myself but somehow also very encouraging...

    5. Hi Abel!


      Here is a good primer on the Metonic cycle at Wikipedia.

    6. You both have me really curious now, ha. I went back and looked at the last article and I don't know which comment it was. If someone could find it I'll take a look.

    7. Thank Gary, you wrote the following: Check out my last post on this thread: http://board.unsealed.org/thread/2092/eclipses-revelation-joseph-pharoah-connections?page=3

      Thank you PR for article on Metonic cycle. This 19 years cycle was also explained in the "thread" in the above link but I was more interested in the general explanation of all the signs coming together in the video of pastor Thad Galtagirone. See Nov 8th video on: http://board.unsealed.org/thread/2092/eclipses-revelation-joseph-pharoah-connections

  2. Excellent article Gary, looking forward to the events that follow. Blessings

  3. Will the Brexit cause the EU to fall apart and that from the ashes the Revived Roman Empire, consisting of 10 European nations, will emerge?

    1. I think that's a possibility. Brexit will weaken the EU and I suppose a few other nations might want to follow suit. At the same time, the UK held special privileges within the EU that prevented further integration of the whole bloc. I wonder if Brexit will actually speed up federation.

    2. Will Great-Britain fall apart and that England itself will join the 10-nations federation in Europe? England is on the territory of the Old Roman Empire.

      At https://www.politico.eu/article/marine-le-pen-backs-britains-membership-in-reformed-eu-brexit/ "Marine Le Pen backs Britain’s membership in ‘reformed’ EU".

      Will this 10-nations federation consist of far-right governments and will the antichrist himself also come from the far-right?

  4. I dont understand the Israeli gov't and how they do things. We have an electoral college system here which would'nt work there but it seems like they need to make a change in thier election process so they can end up with a clear winner. How about this, whoever gets the most votes wins and gets to form his gov't.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. If our country used the most votes to determine the winner, it would be a disaster. The very liberal left leaning metropolitan areas with less than 10% of the land mass would override the conservative rural areas making up over 90% of our geographic area. We have a nice electoral college designed to balance this out.

    The more "educated" liberal left is still whining over Trump winning the election with 3 million less votes. Seems their higher education has bias blunders on.

    1. Yup! The Founders knew what they were doing when they established an electoral college.

  6. It seems God is telling us to look at the number 12...what does it mean? 12 means Gods authority and even His governmental authority. Isn't that intriguing? Right at this time of global governmental upheaval, God gives us 12/12 12:12. He is speaking!

    1. Great insight. Didn't think of that.

    2. See https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/last-cold-long-night-full-moon-12-twelve-december-2020/ " Is God Trying To Tell Us Something By Giving Providing A ‘Long Night’ Full Moon On The 12th Day Of The Twelfth Month At Exactly 12:12 AM?".

    3. 12 tribes, 12 apostles, 12 + 12 elders, 12 + 12 courses, 12 months... hmmm

  7. At https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/repocalypse-20-deck-turn-repo-rates-are-blowing-out "Repocalypse 2.0 On Deck? "Turn" Repo Rates Are Blowing Out".

    Is a new and an extremely severe financial crisis looming? Could the Brexit trigger this?

    1. It's all going to come crashing down AFTER the Rapture of the Church.
      Remember, God said things would continue on fairly "normally" until then.
      Events are lining up and all pointing to the main event!

    2. Exactly. I think that's what Scripture teaches: the rapture is the trigger / the first domino to fall.

    3. But in 2008 with the Fall of Lehman Brothers the financial system almost crashed. But it didn't crash completely, otherwise we would have switched to barber trading and suffered severe food shortages.

  8. Just to clarify, I never said that we ought to abandon our electoral college system, I was simply pointing out that Israel simplify thier system so that there is a clear winner. In our system the winner gets to choose his own cabinet and so forth but holdovers from previous administrations can still be around to cause trouble as we see Trump having to put up with.


    Polling closes at 22:00 this evening in the UK and no media outlets are allowed to report on the elections until polling closes. BBC plans to broadcast their exit voting tonight/overnight -- depending on your time zone.

    1. On the edge of my seat!

    2. UK Conservatives on course to win majority according to exit polling. Tories estimated to win an overall majority of 86 for a total of 368 MP's -- 50 more than the 2017 election. That makes it a certainty that England will opt out of the EU come the January 31, 2020 deadline.

  10. Jpost is running a story about Jews praying out in the open on the Temple Mount and discussing their goal of a 3rd temple. It is currently linked on Drudge Report.


    1. An interesting article -- thank you for sharing Bruce.

  11. Ok the conservatives win in Britain, thats great, brexit will be gone. How does this relate to what we all know is coming. The Word says there will be 10 nations as a part of the newly formed roman empire in the end times. Im not sure of the count, if Britain is gone does that make it one nation short?

    1. I think that Great Britain will fall apart and that England will join the 10-nations alliance of the antichrist.

  12. Is is true that WE have voted for a 2 state solution? Paul Dawson and JD Farag channels on YouTube say this. Does anyone have a news site for that? The channel called on BP Earthwatch says Cascadia fault will blow soon, setting off Madrid fault line and possibly Yellowstone.
    We're going to get nailed because of this.

  13. The Tory win yesterday may lead to BREXIT on-time but it may also lead to another referendum -- a new vote in Scotland to leave the UK and stay in the EU. Both Ireland and Scotland are going to come into play. Could BREXIT lead to the break-up of the UK? Is this a reflection of English nationalism?

    No matter what, we're in for some interesting news.

  14. This youtube video from Barry Scarbrough entitled "The most important prophecy update I will ever make" talks about the House passing a resolution supporting a two-state solution. There is a link to the hill website with the news article.


  15. It's very interesting indeed that the end times vineyard is on the brink of (possible) civil war that looks like it may start in Virginia ...


    1. "Virgnina has 95 Counties. Of those, at least 75 have passed "Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolutions saying they will protect citizens Second Amendment rights. Some counties have also passed Resolutions calling up their local Militias."

      Very ominous development indeed if true. Either these ruling commies in Virginia stand down, or it's going to be the National Guard vs.the Virginia State Militia. Given America's biblical prophetic role as the vineyard, this certainly portends major prophetic fulfillment is upcoming. America is the last bastion of the going forth of the gospel message of Christ throughout the Earth. When it ceases to be intact and it's purpose no longer functionable, it seems to me that God's reason for keeping the age of Grace (church dispensation) going will be gone. The gospel message will no longer be going forth such as it is now. This would mean the rapture of the church is at hand.


    2. Perhaps you should scrutinize your news sources. Northam didn’t say those things, and in fact he said those counties would not be subject to any form of retribution. Those counties adopted non-binding resolutions that don’t carry the weight of law. Besides, the still only “proposed” legislation is for universal background checks, and have nothing to do with gun “confiscation”. Labeling Northam a “commie” is a rather radical stretch. But then, there are elements of the Right who’ve been itching for Civil War, Part 2 for many decades. This is a culture with which I have lifelong familiarity.

      We’re in the closing days of history as we’ve known it. What’s more important, polishing brass on the Titanic by fighting these “culture wars”, or evangelizing? I don’t think the Lord needs armed militias for backup.

      I think teaming the evangelical community with right-wing politics has been very damaging, and brings to the fore one’s priorities.


    3. Easy there snowflake, perhaps you should learn to read better. I said "if true." I was in no way declaring "it is so positively." I guess you haven't heard of the concept of the frog boiling to death in the water. You don't turn the heat full blast or else the frog will jump out. However, if you do it slowly and little by little, he doesn't know his frog ass is grass until it's too late. Ever heard of the camel sticking his nose into the tent. Before you know it, the whole damn thing is eating your lunch. Make no mistake about, this is incremental and death by a thousand cuts. I rather think it's you who needs to scrutinize and look at the bigger picture. Indeed, there are elements of the right who are itching for civil war. Both sides show the actions of being traitors.

      Furthermore, polishing brass on the Titanic? Please, you have to be kidding me right? I think your evaluation skills of my comment are rather lacking. I merely presented this development as a convergence of signs indicating the lateness of the hour. No one is attempting to "polish brass on the sinking Titanic." I of all people understand that concept well enough - fail again.

      Nor do I think "the Lord needs armed militias for back-up." You again assert something in my comment that I do not believe. However, the Lord does bring upon nations war and internal strife to bring about his prophetic plans and prophetic stepping stones. Fail again.

      "Teaming the evangelical community with right wing politics" as you say is not damaging. The values of right wing politics are what gives America it's distinction of being a nation blessed of God. You know, those blessings and freedoms and the prosperity that comes with it that you enjoy from being here (if indeed you do live here). As a believer, I know that God is in control and the engagement in "right wing politics" as you say does no damage (I notice you didn't specify what damage that possibly could be). I guess that also means that because we all have a vested interest in the direction that the country goes is indicative of "one's priorities." What utter nonsense. You assume a whole lot there pal.

    4. What such language.

  16. At https://www.ynetnews.com/article/HkB5UbnTH "EU to debate Mideast policy as 2-state solution hopes fade Luxemburg FM says a two-state solution is being taken apart 'piece by piece, day after day,' and that it is time to consider recognizing Palestine as a state".

    Keep a close watch on this!

  17. Pastor Rich,

    Knowing your interest in the implications of quantum computing, here’s a link that you might find interesting. Quantum might be a lot closer and a lot cheaper than we realize.



  18. For those who'd like to explore further into the conversion of Kanye West & what is happening in our Christian world that is visible but not 'seen'.

  19. And also; this interesting link:- http://yeezianity.com/declarations-of-faith/index.html

    1. I dont see Kanye West affiliated with this other than the name of his sneakers is closely related. His name is not shown anywhere that I could see


    Report: 'New Palestine' state in draft of Trump Middle East peace plan

    Hold onto your hats folks!

    Quoting, i24news.tv,

    "The so-called 'Deal of the Century' would see a trilateral agreement signed between Israel, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Hamas, with the establishment of a Palestinian state branded “New Palestine” on the West Bank and Gaza Strip."

    "The state would not include existing Israeli settlements, as well as isolated settlements, to remain under Israeli sovereignty."

    "In regards to Jerusalem, the draft states that it will not be divided and that it will be 'shared between Israel and New Palestine,' having the Israeli-Arab population living mostly in East Jerusalem become residents of the Palestinian state."

    1. https://twitter.com/NowTheEndBegins
      The unconfirmed reported draft details the timetable and methods of the plan. The parts that were released by the TV channel, which is based in Lebanon and affiliated with Hezbollah, discuss a trilateral peace agreement between the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Israel in which a "new Palestinian state" would be established in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, excluding the settlement blocs which would remain as a part of Israel.

    2. With so few privy to all the details, and the current political climate, anything that comes from anywhere (except the 5 or so people actually involved) has a high chance of being rumor... I'm happy to wait for something more... 'official.'


    General election 2019: MPs' vote on Brexit bill planned for Friday

    Quoting, BBC,

    "The PM's spokesman said the government planned to start the process in Parliament before Christmas in the 'proper constitutional way.'"

    "The Withdrawal Agreement Bill is the legislation that will enable Brexit to happen - the UK is due to leave the EU on 31 January."

    "It comes as the PM prepares to address his new MPs in Westminster."

    "Many of the 109 new Conservative MPs won in areas traditionally held by Labour in Thursday's election, which saw the party gain an 80-seat majority."

  22. Pastor Rich,

    According to Terry Malone on YouTube, this IS going to be the agreement with the 'many'. Europe, the Gulf nations and America will be engaged in this, with Israel naturally. IF it is, and it is unveiled next year in 2020, who could possibly 'strengthen' it, and when? If we are entering the decade of the 2nd coming (2028 the year of the maximum generation), surely the confirming isn't far away.

    1. This is where spreadsheets come in handy.


    Brexit: MPs back Boris Johnson's bill

    Quoting, BBC,

    "MPs have backed Prime Minister Boris Johnson's plan for the UK to leave the EU on 31 January."

    "They voted 358 to 234 - a majority of 124 - in favour of the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill, which now goes on to further scrutiny in Parliament."

    "The bill would also ban an extension of the transition period - during which the UK is out of the EU but follows many of its rules - past 2020."

    1. Interesting,

      BREXIT passed by 124 majority today on the PMs bill for a January 31, 2020 departure from the EU. The evening of Friday, January 31 begins the 124th Sabbath since Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) in 2017.

  24. The British Election: A Rare Moment of Good News
    December 22, 2019 by RRadmin7



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