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The Ultimate Sign

There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among the nations, bewildered by the roaring of the sea and the surging of the waves. (Lk. 21:25)

In my estimation, the greatest sign in the heavens that the LORD has ever given to the inhabitants of the earth has now completed or is near its conclusion.  Jesus predicted such things would happen before He returned and He wasn't being facetious.

The Revelation 12 Sign, which undoubtedly occurred on September 23–24 of last year, was the culmination of it, but was only one piece in a larger story.

The walls rose high and you did not see;
The nation was restored and you did not hear;
The people returned and you did not take notice;
The city was repossessed and you did not draw near.

The LORD will appear a second time to deliver recompense to His enemies and to deliver those anxiously waiting for Him.

A Prelude: The Dragon Roars

For months secular experts had said that this year's Draconids meteor shower would be a dud, likely producing no more than 15 shooting stars per hour at peak.  Indeed, this particular shower is usually one of the year's least eventful.  On an average year you might witness 2–5 meteors per hour at zenith.

They were wrong.

Along the East Coast of the United States and Canada, in spots across the Midwest, and across large swaths of Europe—where clouds and city lights did not obscure—thousands observed upwards of 200 shooting stars per hour.  And viewing conditions were exceptional because the shower coincided with a new moon.

It started with radio observers who detected a significant "outburst"—radio echoes from meteoroids pinging through the atmosphere.

Then reports started coming in all over social media from Massachusetts, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Ontario, and many places in Europe: France, Belgium, Poland, and elsewhere.

An astronomer from Belgium named Michel gave the following account:

The activity remained long time stable and modest until suddenly activity started to pick up; a period when about one per minute appeared.  The outburst had materialized well in advance of the predicted observing window.  However it did not remain with just short pulses.  The activity increased further out of nothing, multiple meteors were seen per minute, even two or three at the same instance!  Yes this was going hard: probably getting at a ZHR of about 100, certainly taking into account the low position of the radiant!  Everywhere nice long meteor trails at the sky thanks to the decreasing radiant position.  Not only faint stuff, but sometimes very nice meteors up to -2, even one small fireball!

Another observer from Slovenia saw numerous falling stars even with some cloud cover causing obscurity:

Observed 22:40-00:44 UT under mediocre conditions, LM about 6.5 and variable cloud cover (0-40%).  Peak seemed to be around 23:00-23:20 UT.  Rates were probably greater than 100/h, even with the radiant below 30 degrees.  Will be surprised if peak ZHR is not around several hundred.  Possible secondary peak around 00:00 UT.

Twitter lit up, too, with experts confirming the outburst:

The most exciting reports came from many people who didn't even know what was going on:

Amazed astronomers have been posting composite time-lapse images.  This is one from Switzerland:

Here is a shorter time-lapse image from Eastern France:

In any given year only the Geminids and Perseids are noteworthy and neither are along the immediate path of the dragon.  The Draconids are usually among the most faint and sparse, with only occasional years of outbursts (e.g., 1933, 1946, 1985, 2011).  But this year was exceptional because God has been telling a story...

Setting the Stage: The Bethlehem Star Returns

When Christ appeared the first time, magi ("wise men") from the east followed a star to Jerusalem and ultimately to Bethlehem.  It is now widely thought that this "star" was none other than Jupiter in the years 3–2 BC, which had an unusually close conjunction with Venus.  You can read more about that here.

We've seen a similar repeat in the past few years.  It started in 2008 with an observation by Mark Biltz that a series of four Total Lunar Eclipses (Blood Moons) would fall on four consecutive Passovers and Tabernacles over a two-year period (2014–2015).  Like the magi of old, Christians everywhere began searching the skies for more clues.  It was soon discovered that an alignment in 2017 seemed to fit what the Apostle John saw in Revelation 12:1–2.

Then an incredible astronomical event occurred just three months before the final Blood Moon in the tetrad: a close conjunction of Jupiter and Venus occurred in the same constellation (Leo) and on the same day of the year, as the Bethlehem Star of 3 BC.  God was trying to get our attention.

A year later, in August 2016, another close Jupiter-Venus conjunction occurred.  It was the closest conjunction of the two planets in over 350 years.

Finally, another year later, an incredible Total Solar Eclipse passed over the entire length of the contiguous United States.  The shadow of the sun covered Casper, Wyoming (Casper is Chaldean for "wise man") and passed over seven different towns called Salem—the shortened form of Jerusalem.

Revelation 12

With the discovery of the upcoming Revelation 12 Sign, ancient Scriptures from the Old and New Testament were brought to light, which described the rapture of the Church and Tribulation in terms of a woman in labor with a corporate male child (e.g., Gen. 3:15–16; Isa. 26:17–21; 66:7–9; Jer. 30; Mic. 5:3; Gal. 4:26; 1 Thess. 5:3–4).  The historical protestant understanding of the male child of Revelation 12 as the Church, which had been hidden for decades, was unearthed, as well (see here).

For those with eyes to see, it was more concretely recognized that the Book of Revelation is filled with literal truth and when John said He saw a sign in the heavens he wasn't speaking in mere allegory.

We were able to piece together how these themes stretched across the entire length of the Bible and had parallel meanings:

A Cosmic Conception

A few months after the last 2016 Jupiter-Venus conjunction, a once-in-history comet denoted "Borisov," appeared to enter the womb of the constellation Virgo after leaving the loins of Leo the Lion.  This coincided with the planet Jupiter entering Virgo's belly, as well.  It was the perfect depiction of a virginal insemination and after this go-round the comet will never be seen again.

Around the same time, a tragic fire in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, scorched almost everything in sight—save a page from Joel declaring "the day of the LORD is at hand."  And in New York, the nations of the world voted to divide Jerusalem after the U.S. backed away from Israel's defense.  On the other side of the world, record wildfires ravaged Israel.

The Great Sign: September 23–24, 2017

Fast forward 9–10 months (the length of a human pregnancy) and the Revelation 12 Sign was upon us.  It was 33 days after the Great American Eclipse, which itself might have been the first part of another prophecy preceding the Day of the LORD.  An astronomical alignment of the sun, moon, and stars occurred that perfectly fit the description given in the first two verses of Revelation Chapter 12:

A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.  She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.

The sign was widely publicized and scrutinized, but, in the words of Greg over at A Little Strength:

Because that's just about what the first sign was.  It was thunderingly clear and compelling...there was just no getting around it.  I mean, even the most ambitious efforts to debunk it just bounced off it like Nerf balls off the USS Nimitz.  Every critic who attacked it ended up looking like a misinformed clown—and there were hordes of them, content to keep tossing out the same tired old canards, not one of which held a thimbleful of water.  It was almost comical.  Even some reputable ministers and celebrity authors jumped on the bandwagon and made themselves look like complete fools in the run-up to 9/23/17.

Brother Paul, who many know as "Zeus Mossbender" released an excellent dissection of the ignorance on display as people futilely attempted to debunk God's sign:

As incredible as it was that an astronomical alignment in our lifetime perfectly matched what the Apostle John recorded in AD 90, it simply is what it is.  It has already proven its merit.  Now, one can certainly argue that it wasn't the fulfillment of Revelation 12:1–2, but no one can argue that it doesn't match the description.  It matched it perfectly and was a once-in-history event.

But to make this startlingly clear picture even clearer, God, in His infinite wisdom, decided to send two hurricanes our way, which would complete the picture of a second nativity.  Luke wrote that there would be "signs in the sun, moon, and stars," and that people would be perplexed by the "roaring and tossing of the sea."  September 2017 was both, together.  The only sign in the Bible featuring sun, moon, and stars at the same time (Rev. 12:1–2) occurred simultaneously with two hurricanes called Mary and Joseph.

Hurricane Maria (Spanish for "Mary") formed on September 16th and struck the Caribbean islands, becoming the third-costliest tropical cyclone in the entire world.  Ever.  Nearly $100 billion in damages.  Over 3,000 killed.  Puerto Rico is still recovering.

Hurricane José (Spanish for "Joseph") formed on September 5th and dissipated two days after the Revelation 12 Sign, so both Hurricane Maria and José were simultaneously tearing through the Atlantic during the The Great Sign and the world was quite literally perplexed, frightened, and overwhelmed by the roaring and tossing of the sea.

The Birth and Rapture Depicted

On October 13, 2017—Shemini Atzeret—which is the very last festival on the biblical calendar, Jupiter appeared to leave Virgo's belly.  It was 42 weeks to the day from the United Nations' vote to divide Israel on December 23, 2016—the length of a perfect pregnancy.

Then one month later, on November 13th, the planet Jesus Himself identifies with (Venus; see Rev. 22:16; 2:28), came into close conjunction with Jupiter just outside of Virgo.  It was the perfect depiction of the LORD meeting His Church in the air:

Now many of us, myself included, had been so excited to see the LORD it was difficult to patiently watch the whole story play out, but in retrospect, so much more was revealed.  The story continued.

When the rapture really happens, what happens after we meet the LORD in the air?  We are presented before God's Throne and undergo the Bema Seat Judgment.

On Christmas Day 2017, Jupiter entered Libra:

Some depictions of Libra resemble a throne, but it most often represents either the scales of justice (judgment) or an altar.  According to Revelation 8:3 the heavenly altar is immediately in front of God's Throne.  No astronomical picture could more perfectly show the Church in Heaven while simultaneously undergoing the Bema Seat Judgment.

A Building Crescendo

Over the course of the next year the world witnessed many more significant events all pointing to the nearness of Christ's appearing:

1. The world again voting to divide Israel.

2. Turkey invading Syria (one of the several nations specifically involved in Ezekiel 38).

3. A once-in-150-year "Super-Blue-Blood Moon."

4. The passing of Billy Graham at 99, as well as Chuck Missler.

5. The 70th anniversary of Israel, embassies opening in Jerusalem, and Third Temple coins minted.

6. The first Passover sacrifice near the Temple Mount since 68 AD.

7. Massive Israeli air raids in Syria following an Iranian attack.

8. The Israeli flag flying on the Temple Mount for the first time in 50 years (a Jubilee).

9. Talk of a 10-nation military confederation in Europe (perhaps a type or shadow of the 10 horns to come).

11. The end of the Iran deal.

12. President Erdogan of Turkey finally gaining dictatorial power.

13. The passage of the Jewish Nation-State Bill—an event of prophetic significance on par with 1948 and 1967.

14. The longest Blood Moon of the century, visible over Israel, which, when coupled with the Great American Eclipse a year earlier, may have formed the second fulfillment of a prophecy from Joel.

15. A game-changing deployment of S-300 air and missile defense interceptors to Syria in just the past week.

Enter the Dragon

In Revelation 12, two separate astronomical signs are depicted.  The first, as we now know, was fulfilled last September.  The second, called "another sign" by John, may have just occurred, complete with a "great" red dragon ready to strike the male child and a tail sweeping down one-third of the stars in the sky.  I explain this in much more detail here, but in summary, the dragon has always been up in the sky waiting to devour the child (composed of Hydra, Lynx, Draco, the serpents in Hercules and Ophiuchus, the heads of Serpens, and the crowns of Corona Borealis).

But this arrangement was not sufficient in itself to fulfill the second sign of Revelation 12 until now.  For one, the first two verses of Revelation 12 were not fulfilled until last year, and chronologically-speaking, the dragon sign occurs afterwards.  Second, after the rapture of the Church we shall never again be separated from Christ.  Venus is (as of right now) right back where it was last year when it conjuncted with Jupiter.  Jupiter itself is about to leave Libra, which for all intents and purposes ends all of the astronomical depictions in Revelation 12.

With the depiction of the Church's rapture, judgment, and glorification complete, the dragon and his angels are cast down to the earth.  That sign may have been exactly what the world witnessed last night as hundreds of "stars" appeared to fall from Heaven to the earth from Draco (remember that Serpens constitutes the seven heads, thus Draco is part of the body or tail of the dragon).  Small showers from the Aurigids, Orionids, and Sextantids were happening simultaneously along the dragon's tail.

A Japanese astronomer measured last night's large (and rare) Draconids outburst and found the peak rate of shooting stars to hit about 175 per hour.  Between the 195 and 196 markers below represents a 24-hour period.  The sharp rise in red between the two represents the main outburst that people all over the East Coast and Europe witnessed yesterday evening.  "ZHR" on the left is a measure of the number of meteoroids detected by radio per hour.  What you see below is roughly 1,000 total meteors—"stars" falling to earth—over the course of the past day.

Given that under absolutely perfect conditions (no clouds, city lights, or obstructions on the horizon) an observer on the earth can never see more that 4,548 stars from any given vantage point, the total number of falling "stars," when factoring in the entire Draconid period (October 6–10) and the simultaneous Aurigids, Orionids, and Sextantids, may very well be approximately one-third that number.  Thus, we see an actual depiction of one-third of the stars of Heaven falling to earth.

This is where it gets interesting.  The outburst was large and unusual, but several years over the past century have exceeded it (1933, 1946, 1985, and 2011, being examples).  Does that make this year's outburst less significant?  To the contrary.  Scripture is precise and perfect.  Some of those other years' showers, for example, likely had a ZHR exceeding 1,000.  That means that over the course of those outbursts, more shooting stars appeared to fall to earth than there are visible stars in the sky.  That would not fit with the prophecy given in Revelation 12.  The meteor shower this year seems to have been just significant enough to match the prophecy.

Most observers though will only ever see one or two thousand stars at a time, because viewing conditions are rarely ever perfect.  For many who witnessed the stars falling last night, they could very well have been seeing the fulfillment of Revelation 12:3–4 without realizing.

But God has apparently desired to further confirm this story.  Revelation 12:7–9 tells us that the Archangel Michael, at the helm of God's angelic army, is the one who casts satan and his hordes out of Heaven.

Daniel 12:1 says:

At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise.  There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then...

Is it then any wonder that yesterday, the very day of the Draconid meteor storm, Hurricane Michael formed as it churned through the Gulf of Mexico towards the United States?  Meteorologists expect it to hit the southeast United States as a Category 4.  This hurricane "stood up" on the very day that one-third of the stars appeared to fall.

What Happens Now?

As I mentioned above, Jupiter will leave Libra in the next day or two and the picture will be complete.  Venus then appears to reverse course, undergoing retrograde motion, and returns to Virgo (Israel).  This fits perfectly with the prophecies that show that Christ doesn't return His focus to Israel until after God has taken a people to Himself out of the Gentiles (Acts 15:14–18; Rm. 11; Mic. 5:3).

The picture is almost complete.

The heavenly signs preceding the Day of the LORD have reached or are nearing their very end.  What follows is the actual fulfillment of what these signs represent: the rapture of the Church into Heaven (Rev. 12:5; 1 Thess. 4:16–18; Isa. 26:19–21), the casting out of satan and his angels (Rev. 12:7–9), and the onset of the Day of the LORD.

Will there be a gap between the end of these signs and the actual prophetic fulfillments of what they represent?  No one knows the day or hour, but I pray that we will all in unison obey the words of Our LORD Jesus Christ:

When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. (Lk. 21:28)

If you are not right with the LORD, get right with Him now.  That includes all of you who would be justified by the Law because you have fallen from grace.  You have been given plenty of time to turn back and all of creation is groaning in labor pains for the children of God to be revealed.  The LORD loves you and wants you to be His, but He will not force your conversion.  His plan marches forward and time is all but up.

All of us have made a terrible mess of our lives and God has offered to clean up the mess, but the lawless and legalists, alike, either don't recognize their need for cleaning or have too much pride to come to the LORD to be cleaned.

Come and be cleaned.


Further Reading:







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  1. I love your BIG PICTURE reviews Gary!

    Thank you for amassing such a great weight of evidence and getting it online for hungry hearts to read.


    Pastor Rich

    1. Some quickies from Strong's Greek based upon day counts from the beginning of the Great Sign of Revelation 12,

      9/23/17 to 10/9/18 (381 days)

      Strong's G381
      anaptó: to kindle
      Original Word: ἀνάπτω
      Part of Speech: Verb
      Transliteration: anaptó
      Phonetic Spelling: (an-ap'-to)
      Definition: to kindle
      Usage: I kindle, set on fire, light.

      9/23/17 to 10/10/18 (382 days)

      Strong's G382
      anarithmétos: innumerable
      Original Word: ἀναρίθμητος, ον
      Part of Speech: Adjective
      Transliteration: anarithmétos
      Phonetic Spelling: (an-ar-ith'-may-tos)
      Definition: innumerable
      Usage: uncountable, innumerable, that cannot be numbered.

      9/23/17 to 10/11/18 (383 days)

      Strong's G383
      anaseió: to move to and fro, stir up
      Original Word: ἀνασείω
      Part of Speech: Verb
      Transliteration: anaseió
      Phonetic Spelling: (an-as-i'-o)
      Definition: to move to and fro, stir up
      Usage: I shake up, stir up, excite.

      9/23/17 to 10/12/18 (384 days)

      Strong's G384
      anaskeuazó: to pack up baggage, dismantle
      Original Word: ἀνασκευάζω
      Part of Speech: Verb
      Transliteration: anaskeuazó
      Phonetic Spelling: (an-ask-yoo-ad'-zo)
      Definition: to pack up baggage, dismantle
      Usage: I pervert, subvert, dismantle, unsettle, overthrow, destroy

      Put it all together and what do we get?

      (10/9 - 10/10) Strong's G381/G382
      I kindle, set on fire, light; uncountable, innumerable, that cannot be numbered

      (10/11 - 10/12) Strong's G383/G384
      I shake up, stir up, excite; I pervert, subvert, dismantle, unsettle, overthrow, destroy

      Very interesting...

    2. Oh boy, this is good!

    3. Thanks for the excellent summary Gary!

      Richard, you might like this comment. Yeshua has a gematria value of 386. Strong's G386 means resurrection. With that in mind, check out this chart I drew.


      Also worth noting, if Oct. 8th started us seeing the meteors then maybe a day prior is when John would have seen them, based on his viewpoint being from heaven. Regardless, the rest if the patterns on the chart would still hold.

    4. NICE!!!

      Yes! Liking "resurrection",

      Strong's G386
      anastasis: a standing up, i.e. a resurrection, a raising up, rising
      Original Word: ἀνάστασις, εως, ἡ
      Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
      Transliteration: anastasis
      Phonetic Spelling: (an-as'-tas-is)
      Definition: a standing up, a resurrection, a raising up, rising
      Usage: a rising again, resurrection.

      I'll burn a few K-cups reviewing your chart!

      Thank you!!

    5. Haha... I hope you stock in K cups, because you seem to go through them like water.

    6. Luke 21:25b and on earth anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea...

      It is fascinating how harvey approached Corpus Christi (Body of Christ) on the 25th and they were told to evacuate (rapture) and then went back out into the ocean and turned toward Houston (left behind symbol).

      Hurricane Michael is now coming - now a catagory 4 and foxnews has the headline "the most powerful hurricane in 100 years approaching" with 31 foot waves

      and Kerala india had astounding flooding withe over 1 million evacuated

      and China had 2 million evacuated

      and florence had 100s of thousands evacuated... on and on..


      www.itwasaplan.com - it was a plan -

    7. i give Thanks for your sharing, i am blessed here and now Lamb! Shalom*

    8. Hey Brandon, I was looking at your chart while diving into my devotional time and noted that; given that Enoch represents the first fruits (order) of the rapture and that he was 7th from Adam. That Enoch lived 365-years which is obviously one-year. One-week is seven days...I think we all see the connection being *completion*.

      If we understand the Shemini Atzeret (2017) departure of Jupiter from Virgo as being on 10/14/17; may we fast forward 365-days for the physical completion of the sign?

      I am not saying the rapture will be on 10/14 mind you; it could still happen today. Consider it me thinking out loud as a product of searching scripture on the angel of the Lord, the restrainer, Israel and the New Year vision of Daniel by the River Tigris.

      Watching, working and praying.


    9. That post brought the following verse to memory.

      Luke 4:19 - "To preach the acceptable year of the Lord."

      Also, as shown on the chart, there are 419 days from the "Great American Eclipse" to 10/14/18. Another phrase that I didn't note on the chart that sums to 419 is "A thing was revealed unto Daniel" from Daniel 10:1.

      Anyways, that's an interesting observation with last year's Shemini Atzeret. Thanks for sharing it and yeah I am not saying the rapture is 10/14/18 either, but I find the peatterns interesting and am wondering if there might be some sort of 3 day sign of Jonah bridging the gap to Darren's watch date of 10/17/18. =) Maybe it'll be the saints for 3 days in dark clouds, such as those that were over Mt. Sinai. *shrugs... time will tell soon enough!

    10. Hey Brandon, Did you notice that 10/12/18-10/13/18 *might* be Shabbat Shuba?

      [Insert scratching heads here]

      *IF* we follow the logic that the new moon we just witnessed during the Draconid's is Rosh Chodesh for month seven; *AND* that Yom Teruah would have started no earlier than 10/10 -- perhaps 10/11; *THEN* that would land Shabbat Shuba on 10/12-10/13.

      Shabbat Shuba falls on the Sabbath between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur and is the second part of the Great Sabbath (Shabbat HaGadol) and has specific meaning in light of the Rapture.

      I am working on a timeline for that model and so far it has some very interesting dates. Still much to examine and too little time to do so.

      Duty calls and work awaits!



      Before I say another word I want to go on the record to congratulate Princess Eugenie and her husband Mr Jack Brooksbank on their joyous day. May G-d bless them, their family and their marriage!

      Here are some highlights from the BBC:

      Princess Eugenie: The best moments from a windswept wedding


      Adding more detail as THIS EVENING BEGINS, and tomorrow is the day Shabbat Shuba (Sabbath of Return) if for an adjusted Yom Teruah and Days of Awe. (It's already past sunset in Israel!)

      If we are interpreting the new moon properly and this is the first week of Month 7; then this Saturday (tonight/tomorrow) would be Shabbat Shuba.

      If so, here is the reading for the Sabbath. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT FOR EVERYONE!!

      (Genesis 6:9-11:32)
      (Isaiah 54:1-55:5)

      Source: Torah Calendar: Month 8, Day 3

      NOTE: The name associated with the Sabbath on the non-adjusted (stock) calendar.

      NOACH ("Noah")

      What is it that our Lord teaches us about the days of Noah?

      37 For as were the days of Noah, so
      will be the coming of the Son of Man.

      38 For as in those days before the
      flood they were eating and drinking,
      marrying and giving in marriage,
      until the day when Noah entered
      the ark,

      39 and they were unaware until
      the flood came and swept them
      all away, so will be the coming
      of the Son of Man.

      40 Then two men will be in the
      field; one will be taken and one

      41 Two women will be grinding at
      the mill; one will be taken and
      one left.

      RED LETTERS (Matthew 24:37-41)

      Hmmm, Hurricane Michael lays waste to the gulf coast and churns across the eastern US while the Queen's granddaughter is married in front of 850 guests at St George's Chapel in Windsor...complete with celebrities, the royal family arrive in windy (stormy) weather.

      Two storms and a wedding...

      Hmmm, indeed.

    12. I had never heard of Shabbat Shuba, but if it ends on 10/13/18, then a "twinkling of the eye" sunset rapture between the transition of the 13th to 14th would be thought provoking based on the day count patterns that I have been tracking. There is also some wiggle room if switching to inclusive counts, which could shift them by one day. From a Jewish standpoint, is sunset b/n two days similar to our "midnight?"

    13. Evening and morning, just the way the day was originally divided. It drives my kids nuts that I keep that kind of a day! : )

  2. Replies
    1. I’ve been very much ready for over a year!

  3. Excellent. Praying this left behind letter will be the last.

  4. Thanks Gary. The picture you paint with your words is always amazing. I'm so grateful that you allow God to use your mind and fingers to share these insights with the rest of us!


    1. Thank you Michael!! (:

    2. I was watching the unsealed video that was posted in the article and it reminded me of something local to me in Phoenix Arizona area. A friend from church kept bringing baskets of figs to share with everyone because the fig tree crop that he had this summer was so incredibly enormous that he had to give the figs away because there were so many. Most figs he's ever seen on his trees.

    3. The harvest is indeed plentiful and the laborers are few. I've passed by and not responded to your comment Isaiah, but the same phrase keeps popping into my mind. Blessings - Sherry

  5. Bro, you are forgetting a big clue. Thanks for summarizing the past info and finding the info on the shower from last night by the way.

    But the big clue you forgetting is the feast of trumpets. This year is a pregnant year. The barley was not ripe. The fall feast days wrre happening in the summer, they were off.

    So... gasp... in following rev 12... keep reading... im so excited. The man child is quickly resued in verse 5, right after ther 3-4 dragon sign.

    And you know why the viewing for the shower was so good last night? Because it was the night of the new moon. Feast of trumpets is tomorrow or the nect day. ......... im so excited........ chills and tears of joy here big time. Praise God!

  6. There is only one thing left.... rapture us home Lord!

    Jesus is God. Jesus is Lord. Jesus has defeated death! I believe Lord, i believe!

    Jason Carroll

  7. Don't forget the Red heifer! https://jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com/red-heifer-born-in-israel/

  8. Gary, this was wonderful! You have laid it out all so clear for all to understand. Thank you so very much for this post! I am sending it to friends and family so they too can understand the significance of all that has taken place.


  9. I got to watch with less than ideal skies in Idaho last night around 8:00 and was getting between 60 - 100 per hour. What a glorious night. Praise the Lord!

    1. Wow! All the way in Idaho! That's awesome.

  10. Very exciting stuff,here! Good news, Jesus is coming!

  11. Garry thank you for your diligent work.The kids and I saw a few last night, one with a flash. We watched for about 15 minutes here in Wyoming. I would like to remind everyone that dark days are ahead. Keep looking up and continue to seek the Lord, he is coming soon. Even at THE DOOR!!!

    1. Yes, He is coming soon! Unfortunately North Texas was covered in one giant cloud last night ):

  12. Wonderful article. I agree with AbeOwitz that announcement of the red heifer should be added to the "Building Crescendo."

  13. SUPERB Outline with an ABUNDANCE of Reference! EXCELLENT Article Gary! Thanks for making it easy for me to Share the Greatest Story Ever Told! Loveya!

  14. Thank you for this great summary Gary! I have been a long time reader here and have been so blessed through your work. I have been here quiety through all the ups and down the last 15 months or so and have prayed for many of you, may God continue to strengthen us each day we find ourselves here. The Unsealed team and so many commenters have been such a comfort to me as I find my situations mirroring so many of yours. I look forward to the day I can meet each one of you and thank you personally!
    Last night, my husband and I laid on our front lawn in northern Utah to try to catch a glimpse of this shower and we were not disappointed! We watched for over an hour and lost count of how many meteors we saw! We tracked one across the sky that ended in a bright flash that dazzled us! It was a great night to marvel at God's glory!

    1. Wow, that's so awesome!!!!! I had no idea visibility would extend that far west!!!

    2. Thank you so much for your prayers. They mean more than you know.

  15. Gary,

    I love the way you write, and this was a great "recount" of everything thus far! I for one have not had a chance to see ANY meteorites (in southern Louisiana) but I live in the city so there are lights everywhere (especially in our neighborhood). I'm hoping I might catch a glimpse of something tonight, though.

    One thought I had though, is that there was a lot of hoping that the Draconoids this year would be the fufillment of the second REV12 sign, but how can we be sure? For as many people who have seen the "falling stars" over the past few nights, there are so many that have not. It seems certain people are so eager to check the Dragon off their list because the harpazo of the man child follows!

    And where are the crowns on the heads of the Dragon? I remember your illustration on the previous article of the heads themselves, but I don't remember the crowns being explained. Forgive me if I missed it though...

    1. That's a good question. Immediately above the seven stars of Serpens are the seven stars of Corona Borealis. It is one of only two crown constellations in the sky and it happens to be immediately above the seven heads of Serpens.

    2. To be honest, we cannot be sure that the meteorshower is the sign. I might get some resentment over this, but its mans interpretation. I get it, we all want to go home and we know it's close. But patients and faith is the root I take. We can look at stars and constellations and intrepid them as we see fit or say it's close to what the bible says. I am not mocking or scoffing, I applaud and appreciate all the time and effort everyone puts in at Unsealed. My eyes have opened along with my heart over the past few years just reading unsealed articles and reading comments. Some I have found that are very beautiful and inspiring, some have brought tears.

      Every passing day we are here is still a blessing. God bless, and than you unsealed and readers

    3. Jordan M. i pray to be able to express myself as nicely as you do! Blessen's bro.

  16. Greg, Gary, Thanks to you both and to your team here at unsealed, i am truly awe struck! Congradulations!!!

  17. as we typically see reflections of the heavenlies on the earth, hurricane Michael and PM Netanyahu asking cabinet to approve war with Gaza is definitely interesting...particularly as Michael was considered the archangel dedicated to protecting Israel. Now I cannot find anywhere where cabinet has actually approved war, but I assume that will be held secret until otherwise...


    1. reminds me of when Garys post pointed out how PM Netanyahu was granted his wish w/ the Knesset on the Jewish Nation State Law being passed by end July*... leverage was exerted!

    2. Meanwhile, in the Arctic... https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-09/britain-nato-prepare-war-russia-arctic

  18. Rich Faulkner very aptly expressed the thanks I also have for your work, Gary. A comprehensive article such as this one is a true labor of love. Oh, that was an unintended pun... I just finished a somewhat lengthy work myself making an analogy between human childbirth and Daniel's 70th Week! All of us who love His appearing are definitely feeling those sympathy pains as we watch and pray. Many, many blessings to you, brother<3

    1. Amen n Amen,...heading to your blog now Lyn w/ joyful expectancy!

  19. Gary, just heading into a business dinner meeting and have no idea how I’m going to be able to concentrate after your “big picture” review...AMAZING!! I am so excited and so ready to see Yeshua! Thank you so much for the labor you put into these articles that bring so much encouragement. MARANATHA!!

  20. This has come together better than we could have imagined. The true Feast of Trumpets (Fall not Summer Feast) is Tomorrow 10/10/18 and Thursday 10/11/18 evening. Jupiter leaves Libra on Friday! Keep up the good work

    1. Great day in the mornin',....why i'll be John Brown! [ like they say in the movies ]

  21. Oh Lyn, you are just like Gary and i can only surmise about how on earth you guys do it! Your post is thrilling....now to go back and continue where i left off!....awesome

    1. LYN, its Soo WONDERFULLY thought provoking and you are a darling angel of a lady, Bless Your ever lovin' heart* !!! now i will go back to check out that video you mentioned at the end of your post!

    2. Ozark, you crack me up :-) Can't wait to meet you in Eternity!!!

    3. the Pleasure will be All Mine Lyn!

  22. Simply amazing thank you for putting this all together ! Maranatha !!!

  23. Wow! So amazed! The info on the Michael hurricane was really good. I didn't even think about the connection with rev.12 . I do think it might be a little bit before the Lord takes us home though. Just my own feelings on it. Seems to make sense to me that he will take us home in 2021 or some time close to that. We will see. Can't wait!

    1. Micah, your "one of us' brother"....peace n grace always* Gos love ya!

    2. Thank you ozark. By the way just went to a wedding in Jefferson City, MO. All I could think about is the verse in Matt:24. When the Lord said "they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage..." Not to mention that this time is likened to the time of Noah and the flood. It has been raining cats and dogs here in Kansas for almost a week! No such thing as coincidences.

    3. yep, thats wild! be blessed always Micah.

    4. The year 2021 ia a good possibility for the start of the seven year tribulation period. The rapture could happen any time from now until 2021.

  24. This was an amazing article. Thank you for puting all this together. Its a great piece to share with others who are not aware.

    This past weekend,my pastor spoke about the second coming of Christ. He does not speak on eschatological things ever. I've gone to this church for several years. This was unique and another sign for me. I'll add the link in case anyone is interested.


  25. 3 meteors a minute ?, Hate to be a wet blanket, but I just can't see this as the great dragon casting 1/3 of the stars to Earth.
    Here is an account of the 1933 Draconids from Rev.W.F.A.Ellison Director of Armagh observatory in Ireland :- Called indoors for the evening meal at 7-35, I was out again at 7-58. Then it was apparent that a
    really great meteoric storm was in progress. I counted 200 meteors in two minutes, and then
    counting became impossible. The fire-stars became as thick as the flakes of a snowstorm. Instead of
    twos and threes they came in flocks and gusts. The sky was thick with them wherever one looked.

    I know that the Rev.12 sign has happened, there was no doubt. If the next sign happens with even half of that clarity, we will all know.

    1. Turbofan67, I agree. This time's shower rate doesn't seem so spectacular to me either. But on the other hand, I'm not so much "fixed" on the constellations (pun intended LOL) as rather observing the true 'red dragon' system comprising not the regularly and annual smaller falling stars (meteors) but the unprecedented and irregular real BIG ONES (so called Planet X / Nibiru etc.) as they're definitely "standing in front of the woman (Israel)" in space, causing a lot of havoc on earth. Check out some videos e.g. on the EXPITALY YT channel some time back or listen to the physics explained by Dr Claudia Albers. Revelation 11:3-4 is definitely HERE. Look how it has already darkened the sun so that a simulator had to be put up (dark skies, pay attention to these "sunrise" images) https://youtu.be/CDnXbLoF5MI

      Jaco Prinsloo on the GODS ROADMAP TO THE END YT channel has had the idea of Jupiter being possibly somehow colliding with one of the rogue stars (brown dwarfs?) and thus creating a real big and threatening debris shower. Although this is speculation, I find this idea to fit into the range of possibility to fulfill the literal threat of the described cosmic impact desasters of the book of Revelation. Anyways, even if I would want to hasten the day (2 Peter 3:12) God is in control and His timing will be perfect! Blessings to you! :-)

    2. Sorry, I meant Revelation 12:3-4 of course.

    3. Turbofan67, here's another article that refers to verses 3-4 of Rev12 being clearly described as "ANOTHER" sign than verses 1-2 so again this is proof that the 'red dragon' system is NOT tied to any of the (regular, fixed) constellations like the first sign was:


    4. Thanks Annabel, I have been following Jaco for a while and his theory regarding Jupiter is plausible.
      I've also seen a couple of Claudia Alber's videos, but I personally think she may be holidaying in crazy town. The Sun hasn't "gone out" and been replaced by a man made simulator.

      I agree with you that we will see a GREAT sign regarding the dragon.

    5. ...holidaying in crazy town! that is so darn funny lolol

    6. Turbofan67, TY for replying. Well, may I assume your birth year is 1967 perhaps from your nickname? So possibly you may recall in your memory what the real sun looked like years ago and how it felt on your skin and in your eyes to be exposed to sunlight? Did we see multiple light sources around in different directions of the sky or some flash above hours before sunrise when we were younger? Well I don't recall any of today's "new normal" about that, I also don't recall "dark skies" like today if the LED flash light above is not working properly or too much chemtrails. My sun of the youth was yellow, not white also. You may as well check out Jeff P about the simulator system or watch Matt Rogers Skywatcher for how the skies looked like in the 80's when I would still spend hours outside without sunglasses or getting burned. Just saying.

    7. Hi Annabel, I don't know how to reply to you, as our experiences are obviously different. Yes, I was born in 67 and the state of Queensland where I live is known as The Sunshine State. As a kid in the 70's I would get my skin blistered by the sun every Summer, just as I would now if I went out without covering up.
      I don't think God would allow the Sun to go out and be replaced by evil men.

      P.S. Ozark, glad I could send a bit of laughter your way.

  26. Looks like Hurricane Michael will be over (Salem)Jerusalem SC Thursday. Feast of Trumpets!!!!!

  27. As soon as I heard the name of the hurricane, I thought of the Archangel Michael. No Hebrew word for coincidence !

  28. Gary, fine job, as always, Praise Him. Very much appreciate your Testimony and Witness to the Truth as, being in cloudy Rocky Mountain area its been fizzy skies and rain. Wonderful to be told of the True Parallel between this event, historically, by comparison, alongside the similar mechanics last year, oh my, Maranatha!

  29. Great breakdown! Thanks! Its been a wild ride, as these things have progressed, there is so much more going on behind the scenes, the beast system has been revealed more and more each and everyday. Those with eyes to see can see so much of Gods plans now, and on the other hand, those in darkness who mock, scoff and reject the free gift of salvation purchased for us by the Lord Jesus Christ have become even more blind. They have no idea. I pray some of them will wake up when the Lord shouts to us 'COME UP HERE!" They will no doubt blame it on some sort of alien scenario, its all setup for them now. God bless you all, catch you in the clouds.....SOON!


    Even so, come Lord Jesus!

    Grace and peace

  30. As was the days of Noah so shall be the coming of the Son of Man. There was a storm then too. Come Lord Jesus, come.

  31. Every Word of God will prove itself true.

  32. You guys do a great job but as I read this I can't help but feel a note of caution. I didn't want to write in cos I don't want to sound like the grump but it wouldn't go away.

    As believers looking for and desiring the Lord's return it is important that we don't move into sensationalism and start reading into anything and everything. The opening scripture used, Luke 21:25 speaks of the signs which happen in the last days which result in 'men fainting from fear from the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.' (Luke 21:26) It is likely a reference to the events of Rev 6:12-17 or something of that magnitude. It is not talking about Sep 23rd 2017 which 99.9% of the world knew nothing about and probably couldn't even see even if they did know where to look. Nor is it talking about the recent meteor shower that, as far as I can see, wasn't big on the news. Didn't get a mention where I live anyway and certainly didn't have people fainting from fear.

    In terms of current storms, there are currently a few storms in the Atlantic - Leslie, Michael, Nadine. Just because a meteorologist somewhere has called one of them Michael doesn't mean that it is anything to do with the archangel Michael and it definitely isn't the fulfillment of Dan 12:1 (which is most likely mid-trib) or Rev 12:7. The storm called Michael may be bad for parts of the US but that is all it is - a storm. It will come and go like others. It is not the archangel battling Satan and throwing him out of heaven.

    I realise this post comes across as the sourpuss amongst many excited believers. It is only posted because I care deeply for the Lord's return and His people as well. I certainly don't write to offend or take away from the hard work done. I just sense a note of caution... there are many signs of His near return that we can all justifiably point to without starting to make everything a sign or fulfillment of prophecy.

    God Bless.

    1. I don't think what you said sounded grumpy or sour puss, it was well spoken.
      The sign of the woman was clearly a historical event, but I fail to see that the constellation of Draco has anything to do with the next sign.
      3 Then another sign APPEARED (not there before) in heaven: an enormous RED(distinctive colour) dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and FLUNG THEM TO THE EARTH..

      I think we're looking for something much bigger than a yearly meteor shower.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ...one never knows turbo!, bless you!

    4. I would expect nothing less from a fellow New Zealander Elgordo!

      Im more sour that we couldn't see the Draconids here...

    5. I just don't agree I'm sorry folks. We are seriously over spiritualizing everything and as turbo fan says amongst another member on here I don't believe these are "signs". We should not be date setting. Plain and simple. I think since last year this site has tried to move forward after the September 23rd hype came and went to no avail with more speculation to newer dates etc. This is what makes people fall away. Quit trying to outsmart and figure God out. He and only he knows when that time will come. We should shift our attention to the lost. I just truly believe in my honest sincere opinion that the people on this site are just over with this world gone to mud but that shouldn't discourage us from still doing kingdom work. As that time approaches trust me we will know as it will be unbearable to live in. You'll be wishing we were living in these times now than what potentially lies ahead. Just saying all love God bless.

    6. Argh Ryan, you grumpy old Kiwi! Least you made me laugh! Smiles brother : )

      Turbo - thanks, glad to see I'm not the only one! Appreciate you taking the time to write.

      Unknown - thanks also, I've heard Bible prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati warn several times against reading into everything in an attempt to 'get the latest revelation'. It is a valid warning that ALL Christians into Bible Prophecy need to heed, but even more so the Bible teachers, whom the sheep rely on.

    7. Indeed, anything can be taken too far...I've been guilty of that. Even so, we are called to watch and to share (testify). No better way to do that than by keeping in the Word.

      Stay on the narrow path because if you don't, the ditch awaits you on either side! : )

    8. There is a ditch on either side of that narrow path. The trick is not to go off into either ditch - too much or too little. Blessings - Sherry

  33. This is Great, and I can’t wait to read again to fully absorb.
    I too was disappointed to not see any meteor shower myself, in NY, but could have been timing or weather I guess. But seems if meant to be the sign it would grab everyone’s attention like last year’s Rev 12 sign did.
    I find this interesting however, last Wednesday was the national presidential alert, and today, one week later, we have this going on here...

  34. I live in NY and I saw about 2 dozen meteorites from my back yard. They were clear as day from where I was watching, perhaps a different part of the state did not have as clear of a view.

    I don't believe multitudes of people are going to recognize any of these signs, only the people who are awake and are watching and looking. In my reading of the scripture, it is pretty clear that most people will be completely caught off guard when Christ comes as a thief-in-the night and therefore, I had little to no expectation that there would be any earth-shattering meteor storm that everyone would be in awe of before his return. Just my humble opinion and I respect others who think differently.

    This was a GREAT article, thank you. I am so excited that the time is drawing ever so near!

    1. I'm right there with you, Kelly.

      Regarding the Revelation 12:1-4 signs, we don't need the whole world watching, oohing and ahhing, to confirm their fulfillment. The magi were diligently watching the skies for years, and they were commended for recognizing the arrival of the King.

      The flash-in-the-pan, David Copperfield-type of signs that apparently some in this community are looking for are actually the false signs and wonders of Satan mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11.

      Gary, Brad, and others have done a great job of tracking and explaining "the rest of the story" of the Revelation 12 signs. Kudos, guys.

    2. Thanks Jeff, sincerely

    3. Hi Jeff,

      Thanks for the post. Do you mind a question?

      The article says:
      "With the depiction of the Church's rapture, judgment, and glorification complete, the dragon and his angels are cast down to the earth. That is exactly what the world witnessed last night as hundreds of "stars" appeared to fall from Heaven to the earth from Draco..."

      My question is simple - Do you, personally, truly believe that what the world witnessed the other night with the meteors was the dragon and his angels getting cast down to earth? Do you truly believe that Michael's war against Satan as depicted in Rev 12:7-10 has now been fulfilled and the evidence for this is a meteor shower at the same time as there was a hurricane called Michael brewing in the Atlantic?

      I'm genuinely curious if that is what you believe. Do you believe Rev 12:7-10 is now fulfilled? Thanks.

    4. Elgordo,

      No, I do not think that Satan and his angels on here on earth now, nor do I believe that Rev. 12:7-10 has been fulfilled. However, as Gary has shown, I really do believe the signage of Revelation 12:1-4 is complete, and we are now waiting for the main event of what these signs signify and portray: First, the resurrection/rapture of the Church, then Satan and his angels cast down, and then the start of the Tribulation.

      Hurricane Michael "standing up" in the Gulf of Mexico was icing on the cake and further confirmation that Gary is on the right track.

    5. I probably could have rephrased that bit - I definitely don't think satan and his angels were just cast down. I believe the actual event occurs AFTER the rapture. Church goes up -> devil comes down.

      What the world witnessed, I believe, was the sign described in Rev. 12:3-4.

    6. Honestly, I don't think an apology is necessary for telling the story of Revelation 12:1-4 using creative language and storytelling technique. Using the present tense is a way of arresting attention and communicating what the signs mean in a powerful, compelling way.

      Sure, we expect some people to misunderstand, nit-pick, and confuse what you're saying, but alternatively pandering to others would lead to an article that would have been clunky, robotic, and far less soul-stirring.

      Everyone who knows you, Gary, and has followed your work knows what you meant.

    7. good comment Jeff, wow!

    8. Great work Gary. I think Jesus is happy we are excited and looking at the signs for his gathering. He commands us to watch and you are doing just that. So keep doing your great work. God is pleased and I love to read it everyday!! He will come after us very soon. Praise to my Lord!!!

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Thanks for the clarification Gary - appreciate it. Especially given that I'm a nit-picker who is out to confuse what you are saying (apparently!) Very kind to reply to someone such as I : )

      I'm pleased that it isn't as it sounds. I just took it as it read on face value and it was the 'that is EXACTLY what the world witnessed last night' part that was confusing coming straight after saying 'the dragon and his angels are cast down.' Anyway, your clarification helps Gary, even if I was the only person confused by it.


      PS Jesus said I'd get a new name (Rev 2:17) but I didn't think it would come this early! But you know what, it's actually growing on me : )
      PPS And no, the 'N' doesn't stand for 'Nose' - its 'Nit' thank you very much!

    11. Ha, no worries Elgordo (: You're good.

      But I do appreciate you bringing it up, because I want the message to be as clear as possible. For that reason I went back a reworded that part just a bit.

      I also added in this section:

      "This is where it gets interesting. The outburst was large and unusual, but several years over the past century have exceeded it (1933, 1946, 1985, and 2011, being examples). Does that make this year's outburst less significant? To the contrary. Scripture is precise and perfect. Some of those other years' showers, for example, likely had a ZHR exceeding 1,000. That means that over the course of those outbursts, more shooting stars appeared to fall to earth than there are visible stars in the sky. That would not fit with the prophecy given in Revelation 12. The meteor shower this year seems to have been just significant enough to match the prophecy."

    12. interesting gary!, humm......:) interesting indeed! i like that

  35. I am not very fond of gazing at certain signs and constellations in the sky, in combination with Jewish Feast days when it is about trying to determine the exact timing of the Rapture. I think that it is no more than astrology and fortune telling. Don't dabble in these occult practises and be ready to meet Him, whether at the Rapture, or when you die! Even our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ doesn't know when He will take us home.

    1. you know Moin, just the fact that we are blessed w/ actual sight, [eyesight] you know good ole fashioned VISION, is OVERWHELMINGLY INCREDIBLE! i'm glad i can see enough to read these comments brother. i mean my baby lost her eyesight...and was unable to see w/ her beautiful eyes. Boy, thats when the Lord really started showing her and i some wonderful things, like never before! Shalom

    2. You are in essence calling Jesus a liar and an astrologer. Read Luke 21:25 once again

    3. be blessed Moin, Shalom*,...keep the faith n keep lookin' UP Brother****

    4. That is not what he said Isaiah. Shame on you!!God is love! Shame.

    5. I am not calling my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ a liar. He's talking about signs in the sun, moon and stars which can be seen with the naked eye, in stead of date setting by gazing to signs with computer programs, astrology, etc. We don't know the exact timing of the Rapture, but it is very near.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Moin, to be clear, many of us who were following the Rev 12 Sign did see it with the naked eye. You could see the crown of 12 stars in the morning and then the woman, moon under feet, and Jupiter in the evening.

      In any case, Rev. 12:1-2 gives a very, very specific description of an alignment and what happened last September fit that perfectly.

      Biblical astronomy and astrology are completely different things. Astronomy is the study of the stars, astrology is occultic practice. Astrology is worshiping or divining the stars. Astrology is trying to run your life by the stars. No Christians who are talking about these signs in the heavens are worshiping the stars or trying to cast hexes using constellations as Balaam did. Nor are they using the stars like a horoscope. Constellations are mentioned frequently in the Bible and it is God Himself who made them. Satan has only twisted what God has made. The astrology accusation has been debunked a thousand times now and is simply untrue.

      The Bible is absolutely crystal clear that there will be signs in the sky preceding Christ's return, so those in the Church who are coming out against these things are not doing their due diligence nor are they accepting what the Bible plainly says (Gen. 1:14, Ps. 19:1-6, Dan. 6:27, Matt. 24:30, Lk. 21:11, 25, Acts 2:19, Rev. 12:1-2).

      God made the constellations: Genesis 1:14, Job 38:33

      God brings out the constellations night after night: Job 38:32

      Constellations are frequently named and/or referred to in Scripture:

      Orion: Job 9:9, 38:31, Amos 5:8

      Pleiades: Job 9:9, 38:31, Amos 5:8

      The Bear and her cubs (Ursa Major): Job 9:9, 38:32

      Leo: Gen. 49:9-10, Num. 24:9, 17, Rev. 12:1

      Virgo: Is. 7:11, 14, Rev. 12:1

      Gemini: Acts 28:11

      Taurus: Num. 23:22, 24:8, Deut. 33:17

      Aquarius: Num. 24:7

      The constellations were created by God to serve as signs and to tell the story of His redemptive plan in history (see here, here, and here). Satan has twisted culture to worship the constellations and to use them for divination.

      Blessings to you!

    8. But don't predict the exact timing of the Rapture by studying and looking at these signs in combination with certain Jewish Feast days. Date setting is absolutely wrong.

    9. Interesting you said that^ Moin, in light of Rich Faulkners comment on 10/12 and the Torah Calendar link that goes w/ it which confirms your statement. However, humm...more thought is needed here...or does it????

    10. Hi Moin, Yes, I did draw a connection of dates, days and Torah readings into a day that may fit into the model given us in scripture. The model was rather striking but then again so have many others.

      I do try to make it clear that the information that I post here is for mature Christian consumption and not meant to predict our Lord's coming. My posts are meant to,

      1. Encourage
      2. Point out how short our time is
      3. How precious that time is
      4. The urgency that we love one another
      5. The urgency that we share our story (faith)
      6. The urgency that we live out that faith daily
      7. That we point others to G-d in Christ

      I feel blessed when given information that drives me back into the word. It is a wonderful thing to dig up new treasures that add pieces to the puzzle of our faith.

      We, as gentiles, are grafted of the wild, uncultivated, olive tree into the cultivated tree. My personal study from day one has been in the original languages. I am far from a Greek or Hebrew scholar, but I do appreciate the power of original languages and culture.

      All part of why I focus so much in ties to that culture as they provide context for understanding scripture and prophecy.

      My greatest effort has been trying to find fulfilment of prophetic signs in the heavens using all the tools I've been given by G-d to search for them. G-d gave me a love of astronomy and experience as an engineer thus it's a natural fit for me. I have no taste astrology and denounce it in every way.

      I know who put the stars in the sky. He put them there for a reason and a purpose and NOBODY is going to remove them.

      Last year my mother smelled smoke in her house. We searched all over and could not find a source. It was strong enough it could not be ignored. We saw no fire or flame and yet caught a strong smell of smoke.

      By the time the Fire Department arrived there was a cloud of smoke hanging in her one story townhome. A search by the firemen revealed NOTHING! Soon they were taking the plates off the wall outlets.


      Wires in the wall had shorted inside a dimmer pack and it was burning. Hidden and out of sight. A fire not where you would expect it; but hidden in such a way it took digging to find.

      It took methodical digging to find the fire.

      My posting on 10/12 was provided in hopes there was benefit to those who are watching as it appeared to hold multiple connections that were relevant. I am still pondering some of the information and looking for sharpen my skills as a communicator and a student and teacher of the Word. I would offer this, that though looking at those events did not find a *fire*; that doesn't mean the smoke *times and events* we see are a figment of our imagination.

      I for one am eager to see my coming King and I, like the midnight bride, am keeping a keen watch for His coming!

      He knows my heart. I wanted to share some of it with you too! Hopefully this makes sense.

      Thank you for your faithfulness and diligent care of the faith He has given you!


      Pastor Rich

  36. Oh How Great is our God!!! I'm in such awe! I am so excited with the summary of the events in this article, wonderfully written and laid out! Thank you I'm in Massachusetts and didn't get to see any of the meteoroids. We have had many days of rain and fog and no sun for a very long time, but today finally some sunshine. I hope someone has videos. Pray for all those who are affected by Michael and that they don't blame God but run to Him! God bless you Gary and all of the brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. :)

    1. me too Elizabeth, i'm in such awe! Jesus likes the heck out of us!!!

  37. sorry, just repeating myself from Rev12daily.

    ...While this was all happening (hurricane Michael), the dow dropped 831.83 points. 3rd worst day by points.

    831 - Ashkelon
    832 - inhabitant of Ashkelon.

    Ashkelon is besides Gaza and is a town/region of Israel right by the coast wouldn't you know.

    maybe a hint towards an attack from the coast off Israel or from Gaza towards Ashkelon. Hurricane strength but short and sharp. Something to (very gently and with lots of disclaimers) consider in the coming days/weeks.


    1. Indeed, that and the Dow dropped 3.15%. Hmmm, looks like "pi" to me!

      Or is my fertile imagination getting the best of me?


    2. Oh! I almost forgot,

      HELPS Lexicon,

      831 authentéō (from 846/autós, "self" and entea, "arms, armor") – properly, unilaterally take up arms, i.e. acting as an autocrat (literally, as "self-appointed"), i.e. acting without submission.

      EMPHASIS: "unilaterally take up arms"

      Didn't I read somewhere recently that 45 had given his okay to a two-state solution too? Now this? An expected *correction* of the Dow and a Cat 4 Hurricane on the same day?


      Written while listening to the patter of rain falling from Tropical Storm Michael.


    3. ahhh very good point Pastor Rich. Wonder if Dan Matson got the 'Pi' ref??

      I looked further into the authenteo meaning, and it included the term 'One who acts on his own authority' in line with your acting without submission comment. It is interesting to note that Jesus said "another will come in his own name, whom you will accept", which we know is in ref to the AC.


      Blessings to you too!

    4. Ryan, I thought about that aspect too. "One who acts on his own authority". Glad you picked up on it too and shared it here.

  38. I looked at the future names of storms. There is a Raphael coming up. I believe that’s the name of another angel and the name means “it is God who heals” it remains to be seen if there will be a significant storm Raphael!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Lisatwade here again. It won’t let me sign in to post a reply. And I think Raphael is associated with trumpets!!

    3. Interesting. Raphael is mentioned in Enoch. Two storms named after archangels in the same year...


    While we also discuss the Signs in the Heavens, we also collect some information about Nikki Haley...Just as the "comet" faded and passed us by, let us consider the "timing" of Nikki Haley's resignation. In this clip, tons of nuggets or breadcrumbs can be found. Listen on 2:00 onwards about Jared's Middle East Peace Plan. Haley said " It is so UNBELIEVABLY well done" " and they do a lot behind the scene"


    So, look up!!


  40. You know I had a thought recently.
    Why did Michael stand up to throw Satan and his demons out of Heaven? Why didn’t Jesus throw him out? Well I thought about it, and two answers came to me.

    Daniel 12:1 KJV
    “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation [even] to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.”

    #1 Jesus is a King in Heaven, it is not his job to do that.
    #2 Jesus would be busy at that exact time doing something else that is much more important!!

    But what would he be doing at that exact time that would be more important than hurling Satan out of Heaven? Here it is... He would be coming to meet his bride in the air and deliver us safely to his fathers house. It’s a nice thought when you think of it. Come Lord Jesus come! Your bride has prepared herself and cannot wait to see you.

  41. that should have been a small "s" for satan, not a big one..

  42. Just real quick, on the subject of Luke 21:25, I would encourage everyone to take a look at this article:


  43. Today is an interesting day as Jupiter departs Virgo once and for all this cycle. Venus is in the midst of its last retrograde loop through Libra and Virgo as it will return to Virgo one last time this season to meet Spica. After that Venus leaves Virgo to move across the sky with the sun.

    Virgo will be *alone* in space. She will literally be in a wilderness very fitting of the Biblical definition.

    Revelation 12:6

    Strong's Concordance G2048

    For those of you who do not have software to view the skies today, here are screen shots taken with Sky Guide of the skies over North America at 12pm Eastern today. They are taken in ultra-violet, x-ray and visible white light.

    Keeping in mind that UV is the highest form of light spoken into being by G-d in the beginning; it seemed only appropriate to share these wavelengths for your consideration. Consider them the *original* languages of light in their dialects,

    [image width="77%" height="77%" src="http://www.firstflightmedia.com/IMG_6986.jpg"/]
    UV study of Jupiter/Venus and New Moon in Libra. The areas ahead of Jupiter are massive sources of UV radiation in the constellation Scorpius. Our sun is top right in all of the following screen shots.

    [image width="77%" height="77%" src="http://www.firstflightmedia.com/IMG_6985.jpg"/]
    X-Ray study of Jupiter/Venus and New Moon in Libra.

    [image width="77%" height="77%" src="http://www.firstflightmedia.com/IMG_6987.jpg"/]
    Visible, white light study of Jupiter/Venus and New Moon in Libra.

    What does this all mean?

    I cannot say with certainty but I can share one more find. That after I get back from work.


    1. That is interesting Pastor Rich. It is crazy how all this is playing out before our eyes!

  44. Off topic slightly, but very relevant. Today, scientists announced mice being born from two mother, and being able to live and reproduce.

    This is additional "as in the days of noah." They are messing with genetics and trying to mix species. God created all the animals "after his kind." Genesis 1 mentions all the creatures being created "after his kind."
    Noah brought aboard all the animals and fowl "after his kind", onto the arc. The animals and fowl that were destroyed with the flood curiously have NOT that phrase "after his kind " mentioned. All flesh was polluted and was destroyed.

    Now we are again working on creating flesh which is NOT "after his kind." This is so "as in the days of Noah......and this is another line up of scriptures. I have been studying Genesis, Enoch, Jubilee,and Jasher...and it blows my mind what created the Nephilim, and how the giants returned after the flood.

    1. You raise a very good point! It's more evidence that we are living in that period "as in the days of Noah."

    2. Other features of the days of Noah were a population explosion and the rise of 'Men of renown' (aka: celebrities such as Nimrod)

      I think it no accident that there is over 7 billion people in the world now (and that the 'boom' has slowed down considerably since it passed the 7 billion mark...)

  45. Multiple earthquakes today:

    > Papa New Guinea
    > Russian Islands
    > Indonesia

    Maybe on the way out with the luminary Jupiter today.....boy o boy

    1. I saw that Charlie! And they were not small ones!

    2. Haiti had an EQ also. 5.9 I think.

  46. Dear sir I hope you'll try to understand how much we thank you for this reminder of what God has been showing us. Thanks for the time you put into this. O how we long to be with Him. Joel

  47. Dear sir I hope you'll try to understand how much we thank you for this reminder of what God has been showing us. Thanks for the time you put into this. O how we long to be with Him. Joel

  48. Thanks for this article Gary.

    For what it is worth, I am not absolutely convinced that the Draconids were the sign. They might be, but there are some things about it that make me unsure (in the original language, it is described as a "mega flame-colored dragon" whose tail "threw the stars to(ward) earth"). I do know the Lord has graciously given us another gift in the fact that the Draconids were more dramatic than the experts expected.

    At the same time, I feel it is a strong possibility that the places that saw the draconids most heavily, because of clear sky or whatever, should consider it as a warning for their area. (East coast, Idaho, Utah, France, Poland...). Repentance is the goal of warnings. And over the next several weeks we also have the Orionids, Leonids and Taurids, so that could get interesting.

    As followers of Christ and watchers, I do not think we need to be discouraged at all. He will come when it is time. It could be any time soon or later. Lord, give us this day our daily bread. Amen.

    1. Very nice way to put it. I agree.

    2. Miguel, You may very well be right!

      As I started looking at the constellation Draco I searched for symbolic parallels to scripture in the form and features of the stars.

      I found many binary stars (that are hard to tell from single stars). There are many RED giants which are dying stars. There are BLUE stars. Original languages allow that crowns can be *points* or *corners* for which counts aligned. Draco includes what used to be the pole star in the time of the Egyptians. The pyramids were built to align with it! Draco occupies 1/3 of the sky and wraps itself around the current pole star (Polaris).

      I can go on and on...but then again it can all be a misinterpretation.

      Time will tell, but with us on the eve of what may be the Sabbath of Return (Shabbat Shuba) on a date that has the significant day counts that potentially fit Rapture to Return in scripture -- I'm keeping an open mind to Draco.

      Quoting Micah above, "Very nice way to put it."

  49. Confirmed by Space Weather.com: DRACONID METEOR OUTBURST: European sky watchers got a big surprise on the night of Oct. 8-9 when a flurry of faint meteors filled the northern sky. "It was an outburst of the annual Draconid meteor shower," reports Jure Atanackov, a member of the International Meteor Organization who witnessed the display over Dolenja vas, Slovenia. The Draconid peak is normally weak, numbering no more than ~5 meteors per hour. During the outburst, rates were at least 20 times greater than normal--boosted perhaps by the recent close approach of parent comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. "All in all a rare and impressive event!" says Atanackov. Browse: Meteor Photo Gallery.


    Before I say another word I want to go on the record to congratulate Princess Eugenie and her husband Mr Jack Brooksbank on their joyous day. May G-d bless them, their family and their marriage!

    Here are some highlights from the BBC:

    Princess Eugenie: The best moments from a windswept wedding


    Adding more detail as THIS EVENING BEGINS, and tomorrow is the day Shabbat Shuba (Sabbath of Return) if for an adjusted Yom Teruah and Days of Awe. (It's already past sunset in Israel!)

    If we are interpreting the new moon properly and this is the first week of Month 7; then this Saturday (tonight/tomorrow) would be Shabbat Shuba.

    If so, here is the reading for the Sabbath. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT FOR EVERYONE!!

    (Genesis 6:9-11:32)
    (Isaiah 54:1-55:5)

    Source: Torah Calendar: Month 8, Day 3

    NOTE: The name associated with the Sabbath on the non-adjusted (stock) calendar.

    NOACH ("Noah")

    What is it that our Lord teaches us about the days of Noah?

    37 For as were the days of Noah, so
    will be the coming of the Son of Man.

    38 For as in those days before the
    flood they were eating and drinking,
    marrying and giving in marriage,
    until the day when Noah entered
    the ark,

    39 and they were unaware until
    the flood came and swept them
    all away, so will be the coming
    of the Son of Man.

    40 Then two men will be in the
    field; one will be taken and one

    41 Two women will be grinding at
    the mill; one will be taken and
    one left.

    RED LETTERS (Matthew 24:37-41)

    Hmmm, Hurricane Michael lays waste to the gulf coast and churns across the eastern US while the Queen's granddaughter is married in front of 850 guests at St George's Chapel in Windsor...complete with celebrities, the royal family arrive in windy (stormy) weather.

    Two storms and a wedding...

    Hmmm, indeed.

  51. Pastor Rich, This is so entirely Powerful. Yes, like i said, i'm already gone....the Kingdom is within! Lightening will come ans we shall be completed for an even Newer Beginning* As for now truly we have been set free! Do you see what i see?

    1. Yes, I do see,

      I see that we are citizens of a kingdom not of this earth. An eternal kingdom under the Lordship of Christ Jesus in a land where darkness never falls. A land lit not by a star but by Almighty G-D Himself.

      So close. Only a twinkling of an eye away.

      All of this has taught me many things. You know the mental exercise where you are asked if you would want to know the day of your death or not? Most people say, "no". I'm one of those who would answer, "yes".

      For so many years the LORD pursued me -- relentlessly so; and I didn't take notice. 30-years went by before the scales were removed from my eyes and my life and my heart became wholly His. Thus is the reason for my watching and waiting by the window like an eager bride longing for her champion to take her away.

      Watching and waiting while I continue working His fields. Looking for that blessed hope and praying that the work of my hands helps fill more seats on the Ark.

      תודה אמת אבא

    2. Amen,...He loved us first

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I believe revelation 12:3-4 refers to the planet abbadon coming and the fallen angels coming from abbadon to earth, a lot of the things happening in revelation would be easily explained by a planet getting close to earth in the complete jewish bible there are psalms david speaks of abbadon

  54. https://www.near-death.com/

    Isn't like... near death experiences evidence of a universalistic omnistic creator? How do you explain all the different faiths depicting in nde? Isn't nde depicting a god that is much more merciful than the christian bible alone depicts? Like, I have faith in jesus.... He rose from the dead and went to heaven, he's the son of god, he is purity personified and clean, the ultimate weapon against what could be described as "sin" and the "devil".

  55. Will I still go to hell for promoting a much more positive belief system?

  56. He's not the alone road to salvation in my opinion. Being righteous and spiritual are the true ways to heaven. Showing humility and justice, honor, and valor. Working for the betterment of humanity instead of murdering others and living for oneself.

    1. Unknown...Believing in Christ, accepting he died and rose again for our sins is the only way we will be with him. Murdering others and living for oneself are not Christian values. Knowing the correct timing of Christ coming back for us is not a requirement to be with Him, but simply believing in Him and accepting our free salvation is the most important thing any person great or small, rich or poor can do.

    2. @Unknown, you mention the word humility. in my understanding the true definition of Humility is bowing down to CHRIST JESUS with a humble clear realization of the CREATOR/creation distinction, as in "HE CREATED us". i say this,- in love for TRUTH kinda like the way the WORD of GOD says we are saved,- by grace thru FAITH. please try to understand what i have said here my brother*,....Shalom

  57. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiJq_6euoLeAhXPMd8KHaCgAtcQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoul-candy.info%2F2016%2F05%2Fthe-heresy-of-universalism-how-serious%2F&psig=AOvVaw3KQKc3X4Cx49jzxZ_EbbGX&ust=1539487020840396 Like... Isn't this what god is? Righteous, and this is the ultimate form of righteousness in my opinion. If god is righteous, why does he damn you to hell or annihilate you for simple disbelief or promoting a positive value on other religious beliefs...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Those are dangerous words, "my opinion".

      Unknown, the question you ask, to put it bluntly, is opinionated, flawed and often asked. We, who are the Church, are called to be ready to answer. It's not a bad question...it's essential.

      The answer, if accepted in your heart as truth, will set you free!

      G-d in Christ is the righteous judge and He alone will judge. What does He judge? Surely not our nature for if it were our sinful human nature we would all be destined to hell. Our works? Nope! Same result. Our heart?

      Now we're getting closer,

      11 Believe me that I am in the
      Father and the Father is in me,
      or else believe on account of the
      works themselves.

      12 Truly, truly, I say to you, who-
      ever believes in me will also do
      the works that I do; and greater
      works than these will he do,
      because I am going to the

      RED LETTERS (John 14:11-12 ESV)

      So, it's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of faith. Belief that the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father. This fact is witnessed by love that is demonstrated in action. Works are a product of love; not a means by which we attain it.

      These are a few of the standards by which we are judged.

      "Why does he damn you to hell or annihilate you for simple disbelief?"

      He doesn't. G-d set the standard out of His holiness. Our failure to accept this bears witness against us themselves. We condemn ourselves...not G-d.

      G-D came to earth in the image He created and lived among men. We know this man as Jesus of Nazareth, son of man, Son of G-d. Through the shed blood and sacrificial death of Christ on the cross, G-d perfectly redeemed mankind by paying in full the price and penalty of sin.

      We have never, can never, will never be able to pay that price ourselves. Only the blood of Christ Emmanuel, Messiah G-d with us, may the demand of holy righteousness be met.

      Perfection. We're talking ABSOLUTE perfection!

      There is no grey area here. It is, if for a modern term, a digital function. Our plea is "yes" or "no". There is no other answer because there is no other G-d. There are no others beside Him.

      Thus, "simple disbelief or promoting a positive value on other religious beliefs" is a denial of the holiness, righteousness and supremacy of Christ.

      What then are we to do about those steeped in other religions? Curse them? Kill them? Ignore them? Pray for them?

      Love them.

      Christ's command is to love. (John 15:12 ESV)


      Because we are ALL made in the image of the living G-D. He formed us in our mother's womb and created all of our days with a purpose. The fact we miss out on that fact is a product of our sin.

      Still...Jesus loves us anyway.

      When you boil it all down, mankind has been led astray by our wandering eyes and passions that are blown in the wind. Who is it that dangles that carrot before our eyes? Who is it that opens the door that we may wander into the tempest?

      The enemy.

      So when we fail to take G-D at His word...fail to accept the free gift of eternal life which is Christ Jesus our Lord...what comes next?

      G-D does not condemn us. We do.

      Christ died and descended into the earth for us. He has already set the captives free. Why sit in your cell in chains behind an open door with the keys in your hand and say that, "God has condemned me!"

      We condemn ourselves.

      So by what are we judged?


      16 For God so loved the world,
      that he gave his only Son, that
      whoever believes in him should
      not perish but have eternal life.

      17 For God did not sent his Son
      into the world to condemn the
      world, but in order that the
      world might be saved through

      18 Whoever believes in him is not
      condemned, but whoever does not
      believe is condemned already,
      because he has not believed in
      the name of the only Son of God.

      RED LETTERS (John 3:16-18 ESV)

    3. Pastor Rich, Amen! Well said. I concur.

    4. Man. I'm just confused. I don't condemn the son of god, I love him deeply. I pray to him and I rely on him for guidance. I'm just confused. Christ has shown me love in all forms to love of light, to love of love, and love of all things. It's just nde's, they show us something else. A god who saves us all and not just the christian, but the atheist and the buddhist. A god who's hell is not eternal but simply a reconciliation process. I will remain a christian universalist omnist. It just makes more sense to me. I used to doubt tremendously, but now I no longer doubt. I have no faith, I follow only facts, the fact is this. Jesus is god personified, god is love and light personified, all men will greet the lord some day...

    5. I actually believe the sing of september 23 2017 was exactly what you think it is. THE SIGN.

    6. Unknown, it sounds like you believe in a Jesus that you have created, rather than the one in the Bible. You must encounter Him. You cannot care about Him without the Father opening your heart to Him. So, the question is, are you willing to follow Him wherever He goes? Many followed Him, until He did things or went places they didnt agree with.

    7. i like the way you said that Pastor, for sure. Perfectly put!

  58. OK folks, continuing with the Rev 12 sign and using it to see the end......it was tied with Tabernacles this year, exactly. Now, we need to add 40 from 9/23.

    From God's Roadmap to the End (10/12)
    The Everlasting Covenant and the Revelation 12 Sign points to....

    27min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsavlt7pfR8

    BTW, there is a word in here from Ken Peters (from 2015 pointing to 2018), but he delivers something rather special, listen!!!!!!


    1. Hey Charlie, I just finished watching that one too. Very interesting! I can confirm his prophecy of, "I, the LORD, are raising your arms" as we have been "facing off with the adversaries" through the ministry that He set us into overdrive in January 2015. (Ken's video is from 2015)

      A confirming pin-point for us!


      Many of us consider 9/11/3 BC as the day of the birth/conception of Christ. On or about 9/11/2017 Jupiter left the *womb* of Virgo.

      Jews perform circumcision between 8 to 12 days after birth. That would put 9/23/17 twelve (12) days after the *birth* of Jupiter...potentially symbolic of circumcision as it fell on the Autumnal Equinox - the *division* or *separation* of spring/summer from fall/winter? (Many other potential symbols here)


      ...and studying Jupiter I have found this,

      1. 9/23/17 (Great Sign) to 11/27/18 (Jupiter caught up by Sun) = 430 days
      2. 9/11/17 (Birth of Jupiter) to 11/27/18 (Jupiter caught up by Sun) = 442 days

      Strong's G430
      elohim: God, god
      Original Word: אֱלהִים
      Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
      Transliteration: elohim
      Phonetic Spelling: (el-o-heem')
      Definition: God, god

      Strong's H430
      anechó: to hold up, bear with
      Original Word: ἀνέχομαι
      Part of Speech: Verb
      Transliteration: anechó
      Phonetic Spelling: (an-ekh'-om-ahee)
      Definition: to hold up, bear with
      Usage: I endure, bear with, have patience with, suffer, admit, persist.

      Strong's G442
      anthrópinos: human
      Original Word: ἀνθρώπινος, η, ον
      Part of Speech: Adjective
      Transliteration: anthrópinos
      Phonetic Spelling: (anth-ro'-pee-nos)
      Definition: human
      Usage: belonging to human beings (especially as contrasted with God), human (as contrasted with divine)

      Strong's H442
      Alush: a place in the wilderness
      Original Word: אָלוּשׁ
      Part of Speech: Proper Name Location
      Transliteration: Alush
      Phonetic Spelling: (aw-loosh')
      Definition: a place in the wilderness

      Assembled meanings:

      1. God, god; I endure, bear with, have patience with, suffer, admit, persist
      2. belonging to human beings, human; a place in the wilderness

      There are some variations on this depending on how date the departure of Jupiter from the *womb* of Virgo. 9/9/17 produces Strong's G444 and Strong's H444 which is very interesting as well!

      Continuing to review the sign...


    2. Any more videos Charlie? I always come back to see what you have posted!

  59. Unknown Does Jesus speak the truth or does He tell lies? This is what He says; John 14:6 6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

  60. https://phys.org/news/2018-10-rowthe-plan

    This article talks about how 5 planets are aligned again for the second time this year. In about a week, Venus,the Morning Star, which has shined bright for most of the year, will darken and be hidden by the sun.

  61. Sorry, last link doesn't work. Had to get on my laptop to copy and paste, sometimes I just can't do it on the cell phone!

  62. Not trying to throw a bucket of cold water on any brother or sister, but I think it is important for all to take a look at this page link regarding Strong's Concordance and see how it can affect your use of it.


    1. Janet, thanks. I am not sure how that article could throw cold water on anyone. Its example of how there are six different words which are translated as judgement is valuable. It would be better to translate these words more precisely as discern, or condemn or whatever is accurate. Strongs comes in handy for this very reason. As far as seeing a number and then finding that numbers equivalent meaning goes, which many of us like to do, caution is valuable, as it could be overemphasized and treated as just important as the Bible. That'd be wrong.

      As far as understanding the way languages work, again strongs is valuable. I think one of the things the article criticizes is that strongs may show a meaning for a word that is totally wrong for the verse it is being considered for. But that is very much obvious and in my opinion, moot. Anyone who willy nilly uses a meaning that is not intended is...well you get my point?

      Did I understand your point correctly? Thanks for the article.

  63. Query for all. While we are digging in the Word as we wait, I have been working on Revelation and going back through the prophets and their various accounts of end times. I found something which I've not seen anyone point specifically to before and it made me curious. When the Destruction of Babylon is prophesied Micah 4:13, Isaiah 34:2, Jeremiah 50:26 and others the word used is "charam". This is the same word decreed upon the Nephilim cities in The Promised Land. It causes me to wonder if there has been a re-occurrence of the Nephilim - as many of us anticipated in the end-times? Charam (H2763)is "devoted to destruction" "consecrate" as unto the Lord. First usage is Exodus 22:20 as penalty for sacrificing to any other gods, so it may be as simple as that and I'm reading too much into it. Just curious since I'd not seen it addressed anyplace. Thoughts? Blessings - Sherry

    1. Sherry...the sprits of the fallen angels are the nephilim or raphaem (sp) in old testament. They are the giants or mixed seed of eternal angels (they don't die) and man (man dies in the flesh). These spirits now are part of the spiritual realm who are identified and powers and principalities as cohorts of fallen watchers with Satan. They are considered to be demons and Jesus spent much of his ministry casting these demonic spirits out of people. These spirits desire to inhabit bodies and when they are allowed to do so, work through those humans. There is some speculation that some DNA has been taken from Iraq giants and modern day occultic practices occurring to clone this DNA and bring back giants. I haven't read in prophecies of end times of any giants, but we do get descriptions of some pretty weird beings in Revelation. Since we are told that the end times will be like the days of Noah, there is much speculation if that could also mean we will see actual half man/half fallen angel again. Something comes up out of the pit after it is opened and if one reads Book of Enoch, (Jude refers to it), then one realizes that these original fallen angels that mixed with women who caused the perversion of the bloodline from Adam to Noah, (thus the reason for the flood except for Noah whose bloodline was pure) could be released and cause havoc again on earth, including cloning or weird chamea beings.
      Relative to same word being used to destroy Babylon...when one really digs into Revelation as to the attributes of Babylon, it is actually a place where much trade, power and control over the world has occurred. The 10 kings hate Babylon's control over it appears give their consent to destroy it . In my opinion, since we are told that there are rulers and dominions in high places and Michael himself, was delayed since he was fighting the prince of the air over Israel's people, then perhaps these demonic spirits in conjunction with Satan and his minions, have inhabited humans in control of the Babylon of the last days. Hearing horrendous accounts of some of the demonic activity join on through those in power of the elite, not surprising. Just look at the occultic practices in Scull and Crossbones society, same that several of our presidents have belonged to as well as the sickening practices of those who follow 33 degree and above occultic practices of Masons who worship Lucifer, believing he is God....one wonders who or what demonic entity is really in control of today's Babylon...the one who had influence over all the world and made it drink from its abominations and the one whom all the ships of the world traded with. Hmmmmm....sounds like USA.....So, to answer your question, I think the spirits of the original Nephilim, who don't die, but seek bodies to inhabit, are here today and have been since Noah, but even ore so now, bringing their secrets and demonic activity to deceive, if possible, even the very elect!!!

    2. Susan....I just read all of Enoch today as I haven't read it for awhile. There are several scriptures that do not align with pretrib....but one tends to not see what is so plain sometimes when it goes against the popular teaching.

      When I started reading for myself instead of having it read for me, so many non fitting pieces started fitting.

  64. I have a problem with the dragon - another sign appearing in the sky - being tied to the rapture of the church at the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel. This dragon referred to as another sign, is also described in other parts of Revelation as Satan with the anti christ and the 10 nations. When he, the anti christ is revealed at the 3 1/2 year point when the abomination of desolation is set up, it is THEN, that the women flees into the wilderness. That would put the rapture (if we need the dragon sign in sky) at the mid point and not pre trib.
    "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
    4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

    And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days".
    If woman flees into wilderness after dragon attempts to devour her child (the church or body of Christ) then it appears to occur at the 3 1/2 year mid point where scripture says Israel will flee into wilderness after abomination of desolation, which reveals the true identity of anti-christ (dragon)....Any thoughts?

    1. @susan this has crossed my mind also....and then it got away from me! There is an ebb and flow going on in my understanding on all of this stuff - thats one thing i know for sure. There is more to it than meets the eye and lots of differing ways to connect the dots and come up w/ a picture. Blessings,...please stay around / thanks


  65. Daniel’s 70th week :

    2015 (FOT) — 2022 (FOT)

    Obama ratified (strengthened )the Iran Nuclear Deal in Congress 2 days before FOT 2015 and started the Daniel ‘s 70 th Week.

    The whole world is now backing Iran whereas US and Israel are sidelined.

    4th November sanctions on Iran and other countries buying oil from Iran will make the divide wider.

    Iran may retaliate with the help of Russia, China and others.

    It is time for the dragon to be revealed.

    The rapture will happen when the abomination stands in the Holy Place.

    1. @Unknown, that last sentence rather makes sense to me from where i now stand. This is interestingly good!/ thanks brother

    2. ozark....it seems to me, that looking at the signs in the sky that display the entire picture, there is some time lapse between signs within the 7 years. Not putting God into a box relative to when rapture occurs, if we look at the sign of the dragon waiting to devour the child who is "caught up to heaven," it sounds to me like there is a sequence of events - linear - that occur. 1st the woman Israel is brought back into the picture...then, the body of christ is raptured, then the dragon tries to devour it, then the woman, Israel is given refuge and a place/way of escape. As one reads both Daniel and Revelation, this "escape to the wilderness" occurs at the 3 1/2 mark of the 70th week of Daniel, the time when God once again turns his attention back to completing Israel's days of cleansing (sad to say, but in end good). So, I just don't see how dragon tries to devour child (body of christ) at beginning of 70th week, if immediately, Israel is given a way of escape. The 7 years is all about Israel; perfectly explained in Daniel whom was given to know what was going to happen to his people, not the church. Still hoping people stay on topic and try and explain rapture at beginning of 7 years instead of when dragon (Rev. clearly shows it is Satan and beast system) tries to go after the covenant people of Israel who keep the faith and the commandments - combination of faith and law if this happens in the middle of 70th week. Thanks for your above reply. I do love to read this site, study, and seek truth. Iron, sharpening iron. Be blessed!

  66. Susan....I have some thoughts. Read the last verse. The dragon was worth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which KEEP the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    That remnant is those of us that HAVE the testimony of Jesus Christ and have been KEEPING his commandments.
    We will all be raised up at the last day as John 6:39-40-44 and 54 declare.

    So yes, I believe in this Rev 12 sign very much so. :)

    1. Hi Stan, i thought the remnant were the jews who mourn for Him that they pierced.

    2. Stan...thank you for responding to this question of when the rapture occurs relative to Rev. 12 sign. I, too, believe that the entire story is wrapped up in the Revelation chapter and revealed in these signs. My question is to timeline relative to sequence of events. The sequence says that the dragon attempts to devour the child (body of Christ), but can't, and then turns wrath against Israel and immediately, I think, she is given a way of escape for 3 1/2 years. Every place in scripture refers to Israel being given a way of escape in last 3 1/2 years, not the church. We are not here. The 70th week of Daniel is all about the covenant people of God who must complete the time necessary for her transgressions. Sad, but true and in the end, the remnant will be blessed and saved. It is this last 3 1/2 years I ham referring to. How can the dragon try to snatch child and immediately Israel given a way of escape if this happens 3 1/2 years before abomination of desolation occurs. Satan is this dragon in Rev 12 sign and many places is Revelation that dragon is described in detail and we are told who it is relative to the beast system and Satan with anti-christ. Here's my question again, how can rapture occur at beginning of 7 years when dragon seeks to kill Israel at 3 1/2 years left right after child is caught up? This leads me to believe in a mid trib rapture, after ant christ is revealed in the temple. Thanks for your thoughts.

    3. Susan....I am totally convinced in posttrib. But, no amount of words are going to change any of our minds towards another view. As events unfold, so will the actual plan of God. :)


  67. Daniel speaks about 62 Weeks, 7 Weeks, 70th Week.

    Why are all in Weeks?

    Week stands for 7 years.

    In Leviticus 25,
    God commanded the Israelites to leave the ground fallow in the 7th year
    and cancel debts when it is 7 times 7 years.

    God’s calendar from the beginning has 7 year cycles.

    The 9/11 incident of 2001,
    the great economic depression of 2008,
    are pointers that they are the Shemita year or seventh year of a 7 year cycle.


    1994 (FOT)— 2001(FOT)
    2001 (FOT) — 2008 (FOT)
    2008 (FOT) — 2015(FOT)
    2015 — 2022
    2022 — 2029 etc...

    are the 7 year cycles.

    Daniel’s 70th Week may be one of these 7 years.

    The Blood Moon Tetrads , the Revelation 12 sign, the Great American Eclipse and many other signs point to 2015 — 2022 being the Daniel’s 70th Week.

    1. awesome, this is noteworthy foe sure.


    2. Thank you brother. Kindly refer to the Shemita years by Mark Blitz to know about these 7 year cycles.

    3. Ozark you'll find on REv12Blogspot I pointed you to a study on unhinging the 70th week from the 7 year Tribulation. The work is at Daniel11Truth.com. I find it persuasive, perhaps you will as well. It resolves a lot of the questions created when you insist upon Daniel's 70th week occurring simultaneously with The Tribulation. According to his charts and calculations we are already at the mid-point of Daniel's 70th week awaiting the AOD. The 7 year Tribulation would commence at some point after that occurs once the 7 year Covenant with Death and Hell is consummated. You'll have to spend some time with it and toss out some of the, "But we've always been told the Tribulation and Daniel's Seventh Week run concurrently with each other. What I have learned is we must hold our personal "interpretations" and those of others loosely (not sloppily) as the end approaches and more things are revealed. I did not say anything related to the Gospel or Salvation, I said prophecy and exactly how and when it will be fulfilled. They are two very different things. We must not insist we have God in a box or attempt to put Him there - He will not stay! Blessings - Sherry


    4. Daniel 11 Truth. com calculates the 7 year Tribulation Period as follows

      Daniel 8: 13,14
      How long will the vision be, concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot ? And he said to me, “For two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.

      From the above verses 2300 days are considered as the 7 year Tribulation Period.

      But the verses are to be read as 2300 evening mornings. ( literal meaning )

      So it means 2300 / 2 = 1150 days.

      Hence the Holy Place will be cleansed after 1150 days.

      Daniel’s 70th Week and the 7 year Tribulation Period are both the same. After the AOD there will be 3.5 years of Great Tribulation.

    5. There is no scripture which says Daniel's 70th Week and the 7 year Tribulation Period are one and the same and run concurrently. That is a futurist teaching from the 16th Century. It may be correct, however, there is no scripture which specifically says that. We should search IN SCRIPTURE for truth, not in man's dogma and doctrine.

    6. Sherry, one must read carefully all the scriptures relative to last days. It is quite a study! When Daniel was given explicit details, including days, those days are to complete the days of judgement for the covenant people of Daniel for transgressions. This is quite specific. Many places in Revelation say the "appointed time/s" set by God. Israel will, a remnant of her, will believe at the end of the 7 years, the day of wrath and day of Jacob's trouble. The abomination of desolation occurs in the middle of the 70th week, 3 1/2 years after the covenant is confirmed and then all hell breaks loose! This is when the anti-christ is truly revealed and the false prophet gives powers to this beast who demands worship as God. It is at this time, the woman, Israel, those marked for salvation are given a way of escape. All others must endure the last 3 1/2 years and the bowl/trumpet judgements culminating in the last trumpet/bowl which may only last for a couple of days, when Jesus himself comes back and fights the last battle. It is after this battle, after Israel sees the one whom they have pierced, that Satan, that old DRAGON of Rev. sign, is cast into prison and bound in chains for 1,000 years of Christ's rule on earth - the 7th day of rest) It is NOT hell yet - that occurs at end of 1,000 years. Please, read carefully Revelation, the prophets in OT that all say what will happen to Israel in last days (Daniel's 70th week) and Daniel. I've made charts that show the overlap of events sequentially. If we are 3 1/2 years into the 70th week, when was the covenant with Israel made? AoD occurs in the temple, so if we are ready for it to be revealed now (if as you say we are 3 1/2 years into 70th week), where is the temple in Jerusalem? Good discussion.

    7. I encouraged you all to look at Daniel11Truth.com and many of your questions will be answered. It's not my theory, I'm simply saying it should be given a serious look. Once you unhinge Daniel's 70th Week from a concurrent running with The Tribulation you no longer have these difficulties. In his explanation he gives details about when he believes the covenant was confirmed already. His point is the AOD occurs at the middle of Daniel's 70th Week as we've always been taught, but the Tribulation BEGINS at that point. I am not saying I am convinced his interpretation is correct and I have spent nothing but time researching Daniel, Revelation, Jeremiah, Micah and Isaiah looking at it from every angle. It is very hard to disengage yourself from what you've "always been told". Since Jesus completely fulfilled everything related to Daniel's 70th Week during his ministry, we are looking for a dual fulfillment of the 70th week by Antichrist, in his typical copycat attempt to deceive mode. I try very hard to forget what I've been told and just simply read what is said. Blessings - Sherry


  68. The Israeli President Rivlin has told on October 4th, regarding the support of Germany for the Iran Nuclear Deal, that the IRANIAN BEAST must be starved and not fed.

    Iran is the Beast which signed the Deal with Many Nations ( America, Britain, China, Germany, Russia, EU ) in 2015.



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